…s you are.

376     If your thought would be continued then the fraud to all people without exception could be related to the justice.

377     Do you stand for burying common grave?

378     I can imagine your love to old age, death and money. They make people equal.


EQUALITY for a male (pos.)

379     Do you look at girls they are keeping in step or no?

380     Are your regard for a woman is equal your regard for a man?


EQUALITY for me (pos.)

381     If I had been born by a she-ass I would have respected an asinine ability to belong the single breed.


EQUALITY for an ordinary man (exist)

382     He who doesn’t distinguish the left side from the right one appends easy a sign of equality.

383     A dog all the same on what corner to pour.


EQUALITY for people (pos.) (see also brotherhood)

384     Identity is good only for a brick.

385               -Inequality is the first proof of people’s freedom.

               -Freedom from morals.

386     Even with its snout a pig won’t reach a horse’s ass.

387     Water moves paddles if there is difference in height. Current appears if there is difference in potentials.

388     They usually speak about equality of people wishing not to raise up themselves to the level of others but to lower others to their own level.

389     For some reason everyone wishes to be equal only with those who are cleverer, stronger, more beautiful and have higher position. It means that this is a dream of those, who are stupid, weak, ugly one and have low position.

390     Very often equality is just equal impoliteness.

391     Shallow and light-minded selfishness equalizes persons best of all.

392     You should work in bathhouse and heat the same water both for the poor and the rich.

393     As to our intricate world, the word “equality” is obviously a simplified conception.

394               -Property inequality may be diminished only in accord with the simplification of productive forces.

               -Usually, it’s saying by a person who has not known socialism or who has not the wish to remember it.

395     Faeces are identical, and food is different.

396     A person begins to receive knowledge about own dignities only during realizing own peculiarities.

397     There is no a varieties only among the fools.

398     One likes another means having not a spark of talent. These who have some gifts are different.

399     Only tipsy voices are one and the same voice.

400     Seeing a mono coloured view everywhere is one way to stop thinking. Is this your wish?

401     Every ass thinks himself worthy to stand together with king’s horses.

402     If all were equal and rich, who would clean their shoes?


EQUALITY for people (neg.)

403     All downfalls in the world become with the loss of balance.


EQUALITY for people (exist)

404     If a forest seems equal that means you have looking from a distant.

405     Yes. All people are equal. A poor man and subordinate have shortage of wages. A rich man and chief have shortage of breathing for anger. Everybody has shortage of something. All people have the same station.

406     If I had been born of a bitch dog I would have rejoiced at that canine ability to have many breeds.

407     Really, people have much in common, especially inability to understand one another.

408     If there is a difference of an importance and results of activities then there is not an equality of persons.

409     Fresh and sour milk has the same color.

410     A healthy mind sees things differently.

411     All cats seem gray in the darkness of your mind.

412     A fly has a proboscis, too. But it is not an elephant.

413     A bee has stripy back, too. But it is not a tiger.

414     Yes. Bread likes ash-berry. Both have a crust.

415     Yes. These brothers are twins except they have different fathers.  

416     Yes. N and M dried their wet clothes under the same sun.

417     I see. He who is married in Berdichev city has great community with Balzack.

418     Time is the only thing that is the same, and it passes by differently for those who are healthy and those who are ill.

419     A visitor of butcher’s shop is not so resemble with the visitor of book’s shop.

420     There are angels. There are archangels.


EQUALITY of a people (lack)

421     There are motley weeds. But all of them are weeds however.

422     Yes. Cows don’t stand in the same row, but they stand in the same herd.


EQUALITY for the people after the Great October Socialist Revolution (exist)

423          -After the finishing of victorious battle for the equality and fraternity the social inequality against the late ruling classes was to legitimatize.

          -After the crime the right to punish criminals remained in force.


EQUALITY of punishment for the rich and the poor (pos.)

424     A clever man knows that if there are two equal sins, then the more disgusting one was made by the richer man.


quantitative EQUALITY (neg.)

425     It is impossible to grip three fish by two hands.


EQUALITY of subordinates (pos.)

426     I see. A trainer will be in safety when he works with bears of the same sex.


EQUALITY between a woman and male (pos.)

427     What can I say about the difference between women and men? The difference between quantity of men who wear spectacles and quantity of same women is equal the quantity of women who leave off reading.



428     He who has no a spade (trowel) has no a garden.

429     It is impossible to breach a wall by a forehead.


ERROR (neg.)

430     Don’t close a door in front of the possible error. Otherwise, how and where the truth comes in?

431     A realized error becomes the force of progress.

432     Everyone learns oneself by own and strange mistakes.

433     Usually, a person points out somebody’s errors in order to show own infallibility but not for its correction.

434     They discovered America thanks to an error.


ERROR (exist)

435     Of course, there are “right steps”, but they lead at the wrong direction.


great ERROR (exist)

436     The temperature of one or two degrees above zero is not the error in two times.


ERROR of a great man (pos.) (see also content, fall, foolishness, past, scolding, sin, thought, truth, understand)

437     Mistakes of great person lead away more further than mistakes of ordinary one.


ERROR of a great man (neg.)

438     Great oak is good in spite of its big hollow.

439     Only a police truncheon is always right.

440     Mickloohow-Mac’Lay remained a great traveler even with his paralyzed legs all the same.

441     One, who fells, is laughing at the stumbling of others.


ERROR of a great man (exist)

442     N is right, but it is not by your laws, which you use.

443     Well. N had an error, but it was only one time. Once N supposed that he had an error, but he erred with this supposition.


my ERROR (exist)

444     For all that you have a little power of imagination. You can’t imagine that somebody else could be right sometimes.

445     Well, I had an error, but only one times. Once, I thought that I have an error and I had the mistake in this supposition.

446     I am right, but it is not in accord the rule, which you use.


repeated ERROR (neg.)

447     Just repeated errors force people to continue the progress.


strange ERROR for interlocutor (neg.)

448     You are in error, too. You look for own thoughts in another’s head.

449     I understand you. You are angry. It means that someone errors.


ESCAPE (neg.)

450     Escaping is the good method. Let pursuers will be stretched as a long chain. Then pursued man could turn himself and overpower all one after another from strongest to weakest.


firmly ESTABLISHED woman (pos.)

451     She who moved apart his legs is firmly established.


ESTIMATE somebody by knowledge about his friends (pos.)

452     Well, they estimate a person by knowledge about his friends. However, it is not signifies that a bad man is good and that a good man is bad because of they are friends.


ESTIMATE without test (pos.)

453     What to discuss prices of different dishes for, if you didn’t tested them?


ESTIMATE smth. by words (pos.)

454     If somebody has an axe it is not means that he is the carpenter. If somebody said clever word, it is not means that he is clever.


ESTRANGEMENT of a priest (pos.)

455     Well, a clergy can imitate an imbecility very well. They are like daws, which pecking grain without interesting to its belonging.


smth. ETERNAL (pos.) (see also fuss, spiritual, temporary)

456     Death is the nearest friend of eternity. Who wishes to have such merry and gay friend?



457     A painter who paints a picture lives there. What is more interesting thing than the talk with ancient people?



458     They build walls of house evenly.


hardly probable EVENT (lack)

459     All events which may be happen.


EVENT for a short term (lack)

460     It chances in an hour that happens not in seven years.


EVERY (pos.)

461     That fish will soon be caught, that nibbles at every bait.

462     Is it really that every German is honest and hard-working?



463     He who has everything has haemorrhoids, too.



464     Straws show which way the wind blows.

465     No hair so small but has his shadow.


material EVIDENCE (pos.)     

466     As for your mind, only a belching may be the proof of existence of the soul.


EVIDENT (pos.)

467     Mistakes have evident display.


EVIL (pos.)

468     The harvest responds to seeds.

469     The echo responds to the call.

470     What punishment is worse than the lack of faith in good?


EVIL (neg.)

471     One learns by the evil at the same part as he learns by the good. Do you wish to give one-sided education for a man?

472     An evil is not so bad. It is the good training of self-command.

473     A little evil is the less dangerous deed than the excess good.

474     Who know the best deed? What is better? There is the evil which is of use. And there is a good which brings harm.

475     It is better to rely upon the wicked one. He helps without a fraud.


God’s EVIL (exist)

476     If a diversity of the world is bad then its creator is the sinner.


God’s EVIL (lack)

477     If the God never created an evil for the world then He didn’t created this world.


EVIL because of women (exist)

478     Well, women produced all evil including the males.



479     An attention to such trifle as is odd number or even number of hair on the head comes only with an old age.

480     What to know an exact number of cloud which giving the rain on us for?



481     Exactness is the mark of reliability.

482     A man who has an inclination to the justice has inclination to an exactness, too.


EXACTNESS for great man (pos.) (see also skill, standard, truth)

483     Incapable of exactness man would become Picasso.

484     A bad detective always demands an exact portrait if criminal. A good detective is content with a smell or other trifles.


EXACTNESS for an interlocutor (pos.)

485     -Do you know that it will be impossible to treat you for the impotence (woman’s frigidness)?


     -Lovers of exactness follow just this recommendation and they have no recovery.


EXACTNESS of a pay (pos.) (see also account, enough, superfluous)

486     I am not an experienced cocotte who gives as much as she has been paid for. (I am not an experienced playboy who pays as much as he is just got.)


EXACTNESS of a pay (neg.)

487    I am not a credulous girl who may give more than she was paid for. (I am not a credulous young man who may pay for more than he has received.)


EXACTNESS of mutual paying (neg.)

488     Persons whom can settle accounts with each other as Jews become as brothers.


EXACTNESS of speech (pos.)

489     Well, it is necessary to speak exactly. Don’t speak that the train getting in third way. Speak that it getting on fifth and sixth rails.

490     Sorry, a truth is more diverse and pithy than several words.

491     An exact speech always seems as a particular case that a man cannot adds own interest to it. So, only inexact or loose speech can produce the great influence and impression.


EXACTNESS for time (neg.)

492     Nobody prolongs one’s life more than an exact person.


EXAGGERATE (pos.) (see also excited, normal)

493     Is it necessary to make a horse from horse’s hair?


indirect EXAMINATION (pos.)

494     What the indirect examination! What the waving by hands! What the written swimming! What the swimming by verbally!


partial EXAMINATION (pos.)

495     Everyone can hold to a saddle when a horse is absent.


EXAMINATION of quality (pos.)

496     You wish unmask false pearls by dissolving when original ones will dissolve oneself into vinegar.


EXAMPLE (pos.)

497     I prefer to live by laws not by examples.


a woman EXCELS a male (exist)

498     Especially women excel males in standard thinking.



499     Don’t destroy the rule for the sake of exception.

500     Rulers of men’s fortunes neglect laws for the sake of a strumpet and a man of motley. They never do it for the sake of the honest man. Do you like the strumpet or the man of motley?

501     Only bad ruler has a spare law in addition to the basic one.

502     What to do different holes for different dogs for?

503     A zero praise itself for its own exception. 



504     I never eat a thing which was into somebody’s mouth except one pleasant exception. It is a beef tongue. Let the present exceptional case will be pleasant for you, too.

505     I am not a dog in order I must to use a common fence’s hole.

506     During the flood they perch even upon an altar.



507     A fire burns by all its sides.



508     There is no rule which hasn’t an exception.

509     Do you think that nobody works by a knife except the cook?


sole EXCEPTION (exist)

510     A superfluous wine-glass will not be the sole one.


EXCESS (pos.) (see also superfluous)

511     Excess of gratitude is solely good.


EXCITE me (pos.)

512     A good man is universal. He excites and calms. You have already excited me. Now calm me down.


EXCITED great man (pos.) (see also fuss, incite, normal, ordinary)

513      The conflagration to flare up rather into wooden house than into marble palace.


EXCUSE (pos.)

514     What man’s mew for?

515     He who trusts that a penance is salutary has comfort for sin in the future.

516     An excuse is the thing which is inseparable with lie.

517     A mouse which is on cat’s teeth excuses for nothing.

518     He who trod snake’s tail never says an excuse.

519     Talking pays no toll.


make EXCUSE (neg.)

520     A good salesman of chemist’s shop always has a bottle, which will be used for the case when a doctor made an illegible prescription.


EXCUSE of refusal (pos.) (see also demand)

521          -Glue up to your envelope!


          -Once, some person wrote his friend, “I wanted send 100 dollars to you, but an envelope was glued up already”.


short EXCUSE (pos.)

522     A good repentance is not the single act. It may last a whole life.


EXCUSE of a treason (pos.)

523     A prostitute has better excuse than your one. She affirms that she seeks better father for her children.


EXECUTIVE (pos.) (see also effort, norm)

524     Executioners were not my teachers.

525     An evil person likes an executive one. An executive person carry out the command "Die!" right away.


non-EXISTENCE (neg.)     

526     A fear of non-existence is the fear of the result of own life.


EXPANSION (pos.) (see also enough, extension, increase)

527     Pipette, don’t become enema!


EXPECTATION of danger (neg.)

528     A stone which was unexpected cleaves the head.


EXPENDITURE (pos.) (see also account, accumulate, diminution, economize, endow, generosity, give, greediness, pay, spend, thrift, waste)  

529     A woman who has more hysterical character is ready expends more money.

530     A skill to live is like the skill to make a good film. There is no dependence – the more your expenditure, the more you get.

531     Very often, the preoccupation follows the wastefulness and the humiliation follows the preoccupation.

532     If a mouth wants to eat more than a head and hands can earn for, it should be shut up.



533     Don’t worry about high expenses. Worry about low income.

534     You were not read books in order don’t spend your spit. 

535     If a clerk grudges sheets he’ll never earn enough.

536     To walk on tiptoe is not to take care of toes.

537     Grudging salt tradesman will spoil meat of whole cow.

538     Sterlet is tasty when it is eaten.

539     A candle that is not use itself sees no light.

540     Any medicine is good when it is applied.

541     Even manure should be spreads for the sake of the future profit.

542     A lamp shining if the electricity was paid.

Светильник горит, если в него налить масла.

543     Before this your expenditure you were a fool, but now you are cleverer. You have lost nothing.

544     It’s better to spend not counting than to count not spending.

545     If nobody milks a cow its milk perishes.



546     Yes. A loss is lack. A drowned man will be found in one or two days.


EXPENDITURE for dead man (pos.)

547     Tombstone needs not a warm blanket.


EXPENDITURE for a defense (neg.)

548     Better cut the shoe than pinch the foot.


EXPENDITURE for an experience (neg.)

549     Don’t be stingy. Experience must be bought.


great EXPENDITURE of a rich man (exist) (see also consider, waste)

550     Milliardaire spends for himself not more than a millionaire.


a little EXPENDITURE (pos.)

551     Sew up the pence’s hole, and the pound will not steal there.


loafer’s EXPENDITURE (neg.)

552     If you don’t have to work to earn money, why should you reduce your expenditures?


long EXPENDITURE (neg.)

553     A king must keep his army a thousand days to give hour-long battle.


EXPENDITURE for a murder (neg.)

554     A man, who wishes to has the least payment for one killed enemy wishes to apply nuclear bomb.


quick EXPENDITURE (neg.)

555     A river’s level doesn’t have subsidence because there is an increase of speed of its flow.


EXPENDITURE of riches (pos.)

556     They don’t shoot by gold arrows.

557     A goose is not feed with meat.

558     Even if you feed a pig with flowers its price won’t be higher.


EXPENDUTURE of riches (neg.)

559     It is better to eat pies. Bread doesn’t spoil during long time.

560     Even gold shoes must be on the feet, but not on the hands.


EXPENDITURE of a strange thing (pos.)

561     To marry with the help of father’s money – don’t know a price of the wife.


EXPENDITURE of a strange thing (neg.)

562     Being hungry no one will cut off his own flesh.

563     Well, I’m an ordinary fool. But if I spend my property I would be perfect fool.

564     If one doesn’t wish to love his wife because of own bride-money, then he marries with the help of father’s money.


EXPENDITURE for verification (pos.)

565     What to cut a camel for if one wishes to verify acuity of the knife?


EXPENDITURE for a visitor (exist)

566     Each visitor feeds other visitors. (Hint: Each visitor has the debt of honour to bring some eatable products.)


woman’s EXPENDITURE for the sake of herself (pos.)

567     What can I say to you? By all means you don’t spend your money on yourself in vain, especially, in the salon of beauty.


EXPENSIVE (pos.) (see also best, buy, cheap, dear, economize, foot-wear)

568     Ill ware is never cheap.

569     There are many things which are rather much more expensive than much better.



570     Only mouse’s trap has a cheese free of charge.

571     Expensive food seems more delicious.

572     A man must not fear the high cost of living. This fear substitute bad plans for good ones.


EXPENSIVE (exist) 

573     Only a thing that you need not seems dear.

574     It is not so expensive that the life would become disadvantageous.


EXPENSIVE ware of selling (pos.) 

575     Seller, give more high cost. Then people will economies much more.


EXPENSIVE ware of selling (neg.) 

576     It is no son to sell dear, but a sin to give ill measure.


What is more EXPENSIVE for you? Is it X or Y?

577     Your foolishness is the most expensive thing for me.



578     For many cases an inexperienced angel is worse than an experienced devil.


strange EXPERIENCE (pos.)

579     Well. It is useless to praise somebody’s experience for inexperienced person. Only experienced person attaches importance to it.

580     Russian and Chinese must not learn English language by the same manual.



581     Nevertheless only an experiment may be the proved proof.

582     Theories change their opinions. Experiments exist forever.

583     He who tries to arrive at the truth leads the more praiseworthy life than any person that is equal to him by other virtues.



584     All pederasts like to call themselves experimenters.



585     Everyone understands the cause of Prometeus’ theft of the fire till a subtle person began to explicate it.

586     They consider that a man, who leads a drunk man, as the drunk one, too. They consider a man who explains something to a fool the fool, too.

587     It is rather a simplification than the explanation.

588     A wise Jews never explain Cabbala in order to avoid neglect to it.

589     (What means X?) Here it is not necessary to supplement anything. The man understands it or itself or he doesn’t understand it always.



590     Only foolishness is inexplicable.


EXPLANATION of a bad thing (pos.)

591     Any muck has more good explanation than a good thing. A good thing stands in need of subsidiary proof, that it is good indeed.


EXPLANATION of incorrect prediction (pos.)

592     What, you are clever! You known an event till it will happen and after the event you known what way the cause of that this event didn’t happened.


EXPLOIT (pos.) (see also do, glory, heroism, honor, more than a life)

593     An “exploit” is a part of “exploitation”.

594     A lavishing praise on an exploit is a chief’s busy. He receives some medals in his lifetime for every posthumous order of his subordinates.

595     It is correct to name “an exploit” only by that deed which would never recommended for use by all people because of it’s harmfulness and danger.

596     An exploit is just the necessity. Any great deed will not be an exploit if the necessity lack. And if the necessity lack, there is no any great deed.

597     Jordan Bruno was burnt by Prometey’s fire.

598     Every tyranny must do some virtuous actions at the very first days of its existence for the sake of consolidation itself.


EXPLOIT (neg.)      

599     In any case the death will come to us when we are occupied with some deeds. Let it be a great deed!

600     Oil is useful only in burning lamp.

601     I understand your niggardliness. An exploit of single person gives some glory for many people.


EXPLOIT of Anglo-Saxon (pos.)    

602     Anglo-Saxon is ready to an exploit least of all. He understands an “exploit” as a part of “exploitation”.


EXPLOIT during capitalism (pos.)    

603     Let you will use more exact expressions. During the capitalism any labour, which has no a deserving payment, is called by “nonsense”, “folly”, “crankiness” or “extravagance”.


missioner’s EXPLOIT among “barbarians” (pos.)

604     Usually, missioner’s exploit to involve merchants to accompany diseases, hard drinking and firearms.


EXPLOIT of an ordinary man (pos.)

605     Yes. A diligent ant carry a load which heavier than its weight. But can it substitute for a “lazy” camel?


EXPLOITATION (pos.) (see also brotherhood, capitalism, equal, oppress, power, superiority, work)

606     Yes. The demand get nutrition from own blood for bloodsucker is the strange demand.

607     Well. Many people are glad to work hard for the sake of you. Sit down into the copper and they will put down firewood into your fire.

608     Circumstance to press not only a person, but a trigger, too.



609     Even the best fast horse has a need in a lash.

610     He, who doesn’t wish to ride on horseback, goes on foot.

611     He, who exploits bees, eats honey.

612     Nobody takes away a sweeping when they spare each other.

613     You wish that hardworking mouth to grow its fat as lazy stomach.

614     If an ox will take complete its pay then the world would be brought to ruin.

615     Dogs dream to get free from chains.

616     Rams are intended for shearing.

617     Trees grow also owing to its bending by winds.

618     Grapes must be pressed in order to receive a wine.

619     I know this reasoning. Yesterday they deprecated sitting on somebody’s neck. Today they deprecate sitting on a horse. Tomorrow they will deprecate sitting on a chair.

620     A hop is intended for twining round an oak. An oak is intended for holding a hop.

621     The best virtues are not the worst ones. The best virtues must be in exploitation.



622     One perch on a camel is not because of the sand could get into his boots.


EXPLOITATION of minority (neg.)

623     Minority always lament for their weakness and smallness until their victory over majority.


EXPOSING man (pos.)

624     -Do you know a thing which is hiding by every exposing man?

     -What is the thing?

     -Every exposing man hides that he is glad to speak nasty words.


EXPOSING man (neg.)

625     I see. A sunbeam is the great dirty creature. He is filled with a dust.


EXPROPRIATE riches of a rich man (neg.) (see also cruelty, damage, divide, take)

626     The slogan of communists “Take the things which were got by robbery” is only a negligible part of the slogan of advocates of capitalism “Enrich oneself by any available way”.

627     If a man made his riches with the help of his great brains then after one year he would has riches more than hundred ordinary citizens. But if he was swindling then it serves him right.


EXTENSION (pos.) (see also addition, enough, expansion, increase)

628     If a shovel will be made more flat then it could be more capacious, but not better.

629     A brook, which seeks alike a river will spill itself about the sand and be evaporated.

630     It is enough a hide of ram for roofing friendly persons. Even a hide of ox is not enough for roofing disunited persons.

631     There are emaciated bulls on an extensive pasture of a dry steppe.



632     A good seed has swelling.


cheap EXTENSION (exist) (see also free of charge)

633     Even baranka’s hole couldn’t be enlarged with free of charge.


EXTENSION at once (pos.)

634     They put a wedge into only thin end ahead.


EXTREME (pos.)  (see also little by little, moderation, restraint)

635     An extreme-lover is the man who knows that there is no reason of keeping himself. And he knows that he cannot be useful for others and they are not in need of him.

636     An extreme-lover drinks coffee without milk and sugar.

637     Don’t bang own head at any limit.

638     Don’t sleep at the top – you will be frozen. Don’t sleep at the low place – you will be carries away with the stream.

639     “To love extremes”, means, “to love a meat of worms and elephants”.

640     An extreme-lover stands near a brazier at the hot day and he fans himself at the frosty day.

641     Extremes are foolishness of serious attitude to the match and a danger of not serious attitude to it.

642     What to make such pleats in a trousers which can cut for?

643     I haven’t met a thought, which couldn’t be carried to an absurdity by some extreme.

644     A lacking of identification of oneself with extremes is one of the sign of true.

645     They say “foolish”, when a man moves so quickly. They say “blind”, when a man move so slow.

646     What goes with the stream for? What goes against the stream for? Go at the need direct!

647     An edge of the melon field is the place for broken worm-eaten melons.

648     A good foundation is not at the brink.

649     Poles are equal cold and bad for the life.

650     Too far east is west.

651     Let a wolf will be an extremist that is either too hungry or too overate.

652     A grand tree couldn’t be grown on the very brink of precipice.

653     He, who is driven in the corner, is like the person, who runs to extremes.    


EXTREME (pos., neg.)

654     No extreme will hold long.


EXTREME (neg.)

655     I see. A breadth of somebody’s soul is the extreme for mind of some persons.

656     Eldest and youngest sons have parents’ love most of all.


EXTREME (exist)

657     Don’t dread, Negro! It is only a green winter, but not the white one.


EXTREMES of revolution (neg.) (see also arms, Christianity, cruelty, kill, punishment, turn out) 

658     The more extremes of revolution, the more they felt their necessity.


an EYE for an eye (neg.)

659     Pay with the same dish you borrow.


big EYES (pos.)

660     Well, night birds of prey have big eyes.

661     Big eyes are always the nonsense except a defecating man has them.


expressive EYES (pos.)

662     The mad men and criminals have the most expressive eyes. Their eyes make the greatest impression on us.


restless EYES (neg.)

663     N’s eyes have not stupor because of madness.


EYES like stars (pos.)

664     Well, these eyes like the stars. One is higher, another is lower. One is brighter, another is dimmer.



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