364 I see. N overfilled with conscience. He has even two.
CONSCIENCE (exist, lack)
365 There is even a hangman with conscience. There is even a judge without conscience.
366 N has a courteous conscience. It becomes silent, when N doesn’t wish to listen to it.
my CONSCIENCE (neg.)
367 I and my conscience are Christians. I never torment it. It never torments me.
my CONSCIENCE (neg.)
368 I have conscience, but you will never be able to rape it.
CONSCIENCE of an old man (pos.)
369 There is no keeping of clean dress up to the evening.
CONSCIENCE of a rich man (exist)
370 The less conscience, the more the rest, the more things of this rest.
CONSENT (pos.)
371 If two men have full consent then there is no necessity at one of them.
372 Well, if N would buy a rope then he may to receive a free soap from this seller.
CONSENT (exist)
373 Consent of person corresponds rather to circumstances than this person. He who doesn’t know about it is foolish.
CONSENT with everyone (pos.)
374 He, who under go a cure by many doctors is hopeless case. Nobody feels bearing the responsibility for him.
my CONSENT (pos.)
375 Have you a longing for to get milk from my bull?
quick CONSENT (pos.)
376 A room which can get warm quickly can get cold quickly, too.
quick CONSENT for sex (pos.)
377 Do not flatter oneself with a woman gave herself to you quickly. It is not your merit. It is the merit of your predecessors.
CONSEQUENCE of a sin (lack)
378 The devil always leaves a stink behind him.
379 Sometimes it is necessary have no consideration for anything in order to do the path to the victory more short.
CONSIDER a value of strange property (pos.) (see also account, greediness, lend, ownership, profit, riches, value)
380 Usually, a man who strives to consider strange money is the man who lost the hope to consider own money.
381 He who pasture own cattle doesn’t look at strange ones.
CONSIDER a value of strange property (neg.)
382 Usually, he, who forbids counting money into one’s pocket, knows contents of strange pockets best of all. This interdiction is the natural thief’s wish.
383 A man must has a knowledge about the others. Inspector, who asks about value of man’s property, has the best knowledge about the others.
384 If a talk is serious, than it should be like in a bank. Consideration of value of strange property is a permanent occupation with the bankers.
385 Everyone who is not a fool has the habit to count the missed good things of life.
386 Everyone has the right to account money of strange pockets, because they depreciate money of his own pocket.
387 Americans and Englishmen won’t let a man spend the night in their country without counting money in his pocket. They won’t give a visa for him.
388 A dishonest person shows own essence by two ways. The first is: he says that he likes a tax police more than people. So, he intends telling about his profit only with it. The second is: he says that he likes people more than a tax police, but he would not tell about his profit with people, because of some mysterious causes.
389 Do you fear that the control of property would stop thieving and robbery?
390 People are ashamed of riches if they live in the State which is the criminal system.
People are ashamed of poorness if they live in the State which has the good social order.
391 Well, many fear to bear humiliation and don’t wish that people have knowledge about quantity of their money which was gave less.
CONSIDER a value of property of a rich man (pos.)
392 It grieves me to look at a poor man, who tries to count value of treasure in the strange treasure house. He will ruin oneself by spending money for candles.
393 They stroke a girl under the guise of consolation.
394 It is the good consolation that a broken hand stays into a sleeve.
395 It is the good consolation that N will pipes only during people’s sleeping.
396 Well, a good musician uses only one note.
397 Happiness is not constant. Fear is more constant.
398 Any stagnation may be called the constancy.
CONSTANCY (pos. neg) Постоянство
399 Wisdom isn't in constancy or changeability. It is in the timely change from one to another.
CONSTITUTION of Russia (pos.)
400 The constitution of Russia has falsehood. According this constitution there is disestablish the church. However, all people are deprived work, studies, State service and lose their income during days of religious festive occasion.
CONSUMPTION (pos.) (see also abstention, economize, excess, expenditure, fast, life for the present, restraint, use, waste)
401 If people consumed everything with moderation, they would have still occupied warm Africa and have not need to put wood into the fire for half a year.
CONSUMPTION of dear goods (pos.) (see also best, cheap, dear, expensive, quality)
402 A cat, which eating a parrot, couldn’t get more costly.
403 He, who does not deserves contempt, never fears it.
404 Contempt will sooner kill an injury than revenge.
CONTENT (pos.) (see also achievement, conceit, merit, perfection, reward for oneself, self-respect)
405 An ignorant man has more content with himself than a learned one.
CONTENT (neg.)
406 It is a weakness to be too discontented with oneself.
407 Content is more than a kingdom.
CONTINUE after the end (pos.)
408 He who ended sew must breaks his thread.
409 A man must write very much in order to understand that he should not write much.
CONTINUE strange deed (pos.)
410 He who let out a pig from pigsty let chase it.
411 He who warms up the baths let soap oneself by own hand in it.
412 N made the broth. Now, sup it!
413 He who ate scoop of salt let drink a pailful of water himself.
414 It is better to work with unwrought block of marble than to continue the work which was began by another sculptor.
415 It is easy to rake chips to the burning bonfire.
CONTRACT (pos.) (see also honesty, law, lie, right)
416 If a cookie was drew, than it is simple to see it, but not to eat.
417 A contradiction is the variety of wealth.
418 Usually, contradictions and opposites are parts of the some single whole.
419 That is in the usual run of things that a black hen lays a white egg.
420 Well, he who falling head over heels has the luck. He sees the world by another way.
421 If a door doesn't open to some direction then it is worth attempt to do it in contrary direction.
422 World wars were not wars between White and Negro.
CONTROL of cows is the deed for you.
423 So, you must be my subordinate.
CONTROL of many objects (pos.)
424 Striving to control many objects lessen thoroughness of control of each object. In addition, the controller will be get into trouble of unforeseen combinations of joint behaviour of objects.
425 According to psychology a man could have an eye to not more than four things at the same time.
426 The less a man can act the more he values his own convictions.
427 Convictions, trust and belief are temporary stoppages of thinking. I don’t suffer from these defects.
428 A conviction becomes stronger by paranoia best of all.
429 The conviction of ability for rowing across sea gives courage but it helps to become drowned man.
430 I value suppositions of clever men much more than convictions of fools.
profound CONVICTION (neg.)
431 The person, who hasn’t respect for the profundity of convictions of another man, has no profound convictions for himself.
432 I see you are ready to give up somebody’s life for the sake of your conviction.
433 He who trusts in a power of his own truth never rams it into others.
434 If somebody is right he must can to convince another one. But if he cannot make it, let he doesn’t prevent to convince himself.
435 A wrong person is that who explains his rightness not enough.
CONVINCE me (pos.)
436 -Has your brain a discomfort in your head?
-I see you wish to fix your brain into others.
437 People cease even to believe God if they feel tiredness with His words. What I am tired of you!
438 Your conviction is weaker than my one. You are afraid give me a chance feel a doubt about my opinion by myself.
439 Do you wish to know, what is the love? If you are the natural, value the copulation of unnatural males or women. If you are the unnatural, value the copulation of ordinary people.
440 Copulation stands at the same rank with the smoking and drinking. A smoker and drinker have copulations twice as much.
441 I see, you look like a contraceptive.
A male is from below during COPULATION (neg.)
442 N is not the necrofil to be from above during copulation.
many COPULATION for a male (pos.)
443 Is it the well-deserved corporal punishment for me?
many COPULATION with an own wife (pos.)
444 Well, a cock may to fly up on thirty hens at one night, but they are different hens.
COPULATION for a woman (lack)
445 A narrow place is not without visitors.
446 A coquetry of donkey is greater. It can to scratch its ear by its hind leg.
CORN (pos.)
447 Yes, it’s clear that the man cannot work by his head.
448 I understand you. You don’t like wipe up your ass already. And bodies of another sex don’t attract your attention, too.
449 You will not eat even at the feast. Is not it? Because they may think that you come for the sake of such corporal need as eating.
450 A bad tree grows in excrescence. A bad man grows in belly.
451 A body cannot tear away each trash. What to carry full slop-pails for?
452 It is possible that there is shortcoming of brain for such big body.
453 Well, I didn’t waste away because of tears about my fortune.
454 Well, N is not a bad egg to be light.
455 Are you in a hurry to become bones?
456 A fat man earns rather by his mind than spade.
457 Suffering from leanness concerns animals. Suffering from stoutness concerns Homo Sapiens.
458 A circle is the sign of perfection.
459 The more the wide of our faces, the more cohesion of our rows.
460 Corpulence is good. It is the general’s trait.
461 Dirt sticks to round cheeks less.
462 You follow your weight as if it is the weight of milch-cow.
463 Development of brain depends from quantity cells which serve it. A corpulent man has more such cells.
464 What to have the outward appearance which is of use to only persuasion about the harm because of consumption for?
465 You are willing to search darling in a bed even by rake.
466 A man who fills a hand is better than one who sticks into a hand.
467 As for love, they are willing to feel rather flesh than bones. Are you an enemy of love?
468 Stout men always have a good mood. They can’t neither run away nor fight.
469 What to praise speed and don’t praise horse for? It is better to praise horse. What to praise mind and don’t praise stomach for? It is better to praise stomach.
470 It is better to be like a dolphin than to be like an emaciated pyrania (a kind of fish).
471 Well, N doesn’t like has leavings on his plates and dishes.
472 Don’t worry! Nobody made a cut of a table for N yet.
CORPULENCE of another man (pos.)
473 I am not in the desert island in order to like a fat man.
CORPULENCE of a girl (pos., neg.)
474 Corpulence of a girl makes the greatest impression on this girl in the first instance.
CORPULENCE for a love (neg.)
475 It is better to be with a corpulent person. In winter it will be warmer near him. In summer he will gives more shade.
male’s CORPULENCE (neg.)
476 Only a woman who loves a male truly could get to the distant heart of corpulent man.
477 In a door a corpulent man may make acquaintance of most inaccessible woman.
male’s CORPULENCE for another male (neg.)
478 I understand. You are trouble that it is difficult to scratch ovum over the stomach.
479 If a man has broken wish to admire large women’s bosoms he begins to pay his attention to corpulent males.
my CORPULENCE (neg.)
480 I carry my fat, but not your one.
481 I have my corpulence because of my bread, but not by your one.
482 I take pride in nobody weigh me in the small steelyard.
483 Nobody sawed off here. {Show the gesture of vertical sawing stomach and penis.}
CORPULENCE of a subordinate (neg.)
484 N doesn’t want to lose flesh. N doesn’t wish to be deathly-still reproach against his chief.
485 Correcting horns leads to breaking the neck.
486 He darns condom for nothing.
487 The garlic will not become honeyed even after its pilgrimage in Mecca.
488 Nobody would drinks spilt wine.
489 A glued together vessel is of great value and it lives the longest.
490 What would been lost if we would release from shortcomings?
491 He who writes a good hand is not the best clerk yet. The best one is the man who can to rub out better than others.
492 Keeping mistake creates a new one.
493 Cultivation of even ten virtues doesn’t annihilate one vice, but an annihilation of one vice produces ten virtues.
494 A hole condemns the patch. Is it correct?
495 It is not chinaware that they must dread to correct it.
496 To lose one’s way is not for shame. To be incapable of finding a road is for shame.
497 To fall into sin is human, to remain in sin is devilish.
498 A man crosses the slush. A swine lies there.
499 An imaginary mistake is not remediable.
500 Trees would grow even into burnt forest.
CORRECTION with angry (pos.)
501 They dredge a ditch during the serene day.
CORRECTION of bad man (pos.)
502 As for wolf nobody could exchange its skin for another one till its death.
503 A bad man is not the rainy day which may clear up afternoon.
cheap CORRECTION (pos.)
504 Don’t patch up the brocade by the bast mat.
CORRECTION of a coward (pos.)
505 If they made the eunuch from the male then it is impossible to make the male from him.
CORRECTION of a habit (pos.)
506 -Can you treat people for all illness already?
-Why you ask me?
-You say about correction of habits which are more grave than an illness.
immediate CORRECTION (pos.)
507 I understand you. If you would be in a church and you would see that your sock put on the wrong side, then you would take off your boots and put sock on the right side immediately.
immediate CORRECTION (neg.)
508 Everyone tries has no the fall after stumbling.
509 A bowed sprout must be straightened right away in order to have upright tree.
510 It is better to treat a fresh wound than the neglected one.
CORRECTION of the old man (pos.)
511 It is impossible that an old tree would be straightened.
CORRECTION from the very outset (neg.)
512 Scour a river from its beginning.
513 What to break only snake’s tail for?
514 He who doesn’t wish to snatch the fish snatches its tail.
CORRECTION of an own thing (neg.)
515 Everyone must wipes up own ass by own hand.
quick CORRECTION (neg.)
516 He, who falls into the dirt, then the longer he stays there, the fouler he is.
CORRECTION of a strange thing (pos.)
517 Beat only own child.
518 What shave a looking-glass for?
519 It is doubtful whether that he who takes care about strange sins feels discomfort from own ones.
520 If everyone would swept near own house then the whole street would be scoured.
521 The stone that lies not in your gate breaks not your toes.
tardy CORRECTION (pos.)
522 They never begin salting rotten flesh.
CORRECTION by the time (neg.)
523 A good doctor never takes offence the patient who treating his illness by the time.
political CORRECTNESS (pos.)
524 Usually, the political correctness is the ban of some kind of truth.
525 Usually, the political correctness means that some evident things couldn't be spoken officially, that some evident necessary deeds are forbiden, that some incontestable objective truths couldn't be named.
526 If they must call afroamerican to American Negro then they must call afroafrican to African Negro.
CORRECTNESS of chosen religion (exist)
527 I would respect a chosen religion unless the dirty pre-election technologies.
528 They sew up Negro by white thread at the surgical table.
socialist CORRUPTION (neg.)
529 There are the least ground for corruption when people have equal financial position. During capitalism a rich man always have more wish to use money in order to pass ahead of poor one. During capitalism corruption seems rather correctness or it satisfy the natural law.
COSMETICS (pos.) (see also appearance, decoration, riches, superfluous)
530 Why one must be decorated as the soup for a patient?
531 I see. Nothing could decorate a rat.
532 The more cosmetics on the eyes, the less tears.
COSMETICS for a wife (pos.)
533 Is it a really good wife who spends so much time for she will looks well for other males?
534 -What is the COST of it?
-One green lamb and two fox’s horns and three dog’s hoofs.
COSTUME (pos.)
535 Well, a good costume attracts foolish persons. In according to Chaldini’s research there are three times more people who followed good dressed man close to red light signal than they followed worker dressed man in the same situation.
COUGH (neg.)
536 He, who has cough, never becomes the thief.
COUNSEL (pos., neg.)
537 Like counselor, like counsel.
COUNT (pos.)
538 Play dominoes by a sausage.
COURAGE (pos.)
539 Who else is imprudent except the bold spirit?
540 Usually, super manhood and super womanhood go with the soul’s wretchedness because a narrow virtue can’t includes a wide range of feelings and knowledge.
COURAGE of great man (exist) (see also boldness)
541 The courageous Napoleon fired a cannon at the sphinx for fear.
male’s COURAGE (lack)
542 Assessing the man is the liked woman’s deed. Perhaps, you are a woman.
543 You have a courteous conscience also. It becomes silent when you don’t want to listen to it.
a long COURTING (neg.)
544 If a fire is near the straw then there is a time when it will be burn.
COURTING of the ordinary man (pos.) (see also availability)
545 The person of the admirer is more important factor, than duration and quality of courting. As to the clever woman, five minutes of attention the clever man should be more important, than many days of attention of the fool.
COVER (pos.)
546 An enjoyment is the change from a covered state to an opened one. Enjoy!
547 A shit exclaims, “You are the coward! You dread touch me!”
548 A cowardly warrior is the most dangerous enemy. His virtues are an elusiveness and invulnerability.
549 Well. He who chooses the least from two evils is the coward.
550 It is better to be a coward during five minutes than to be a dead man during the whole time for life.
551 It is bad to be afraid. However, nobody will grieve for the coward.
552 If cowards and egoists would be absent then nobody would has the good knowledge about value of life.
553 Cowardice makes man more dangerous. It is not so bad in front of the face of enemy.
554 Apostles didn’t stop to be apostles even after they took to flight.
555 A man who doesn’t fear a strange evil has less gladness of own boons.
556 A retreat in view of an inevitable defeat is the same difficult deed as the giving retaliatory nuclear bombing up.
557 If you think that cowardice bring misfortune to a coward then don’t meddle in the strange life. But if you are mercenary and form the intention to derive benefit then, of course, nobody can restrain you from this meddling.
558 Only cowardice may outwit the devil.
559 The coward who ran off 50 strides always mocks at a man who ran off 100 strides.
Трус, отбежавший на 50 метров, всегда смеётся над отбежавшим 100 метров.
560 A coward is the man who is afraid looks coward.
Трус тот, кто боится выглядеть трусом.
561 Yes, N is brave because he was afraid to run away.
562 Well, N takes the most dangerous place in a battle. N turning one’s back on one’s enemy.
COWARDICE of stepped back man (exist)
563 In according with your thought, all Russians were coward at 1941 year.
CRACK (neg.)
564 He, that will eat the kernel, must crack the nut.
CRAFTSMANSHIP at once (pos.)
565 Craftsmanship is like the path of a hundred miles where the first half could be reached only after ninety nine miles and the second - after the last one mile.
CRAFTSMANSHIP in the youth (pos.)
566 The "best expert" shouldn't be the "best young expert" in his past.
CRAM (pos.) (see also freedom, large)
567 Ships knock against each other in a cramped bay.
568 Spaciousness never to be demanded only for the coffin.
569 A wide dressing gown will never wear out.
CRAM (neg.)
570 In a crowded room people to sing songs and in the opened air wolves howl.
571 Any room is enough for the friends. Any square is not enough for the pugnacious fellows.
572 Hens lay eggs even in a smallest hencoop.
573 Spaciousness of the river means its end.
574 If you feel cram, then let you move aside.
575 There are cramped people only into that place where everyone wishes to be a competitor of the others.
CRAM (lack)
576 Fools and grand have scope high and low.
CRANK (pos.) (see also astonished, oddity, ordinary, strangeness)
577 Everybody wishes to drive the strange ambler.
CRANK (exist)
578 Yes. N was born head over heels in contrast to you.
579 One-humped camel seems to be the crank for the two-humped ones.
CRAWL (neg.)
580 He who crawls never falls.
581 The plough works by crawling.
face’s CREAM (pos.)
582 A greasy frying-pan is not clean. Any dirt sticks to it.
583 Creation is better than riches. A rich man would have a wish to exchange his riches for the sake of his youth. But creative man would never have a wish to exchange his creature for the sake of his youth.
584 Well. Creation differs from moral position of greedy man, who has a habit to take daily profit.
CREATOR (pos.)
585 The more creative man, the less his pity.
586 Usually, the success is such situation when poverty of creator’s ideas corresponds to poverty of majority’s ones.
CREATOR (neg.)
587 You look like a lackey-porter who fix the prices of the attires of invited guests but can’t find himself in the ball.
588 A good author must be worse than his poem.
CREEP (neg.)
589 First creep, and then go.
CRIME (pos.)
590 A strong and happy man doesn’t needs a crime.
CRIPPLE (neg.)
591 Very often a cripple has stronger striving for rightness than a righteous man.
CRISIS (neg.)
592 The Chinese language have single hieroglyph for both ideas: “crisis” and “chance”.
CRITIC (pos.)
593 Critic constantly forgets that he lives in the world of his own view of the situation but not in the common world. He is an aggressor. He attacks strange worlds.
594 Any critic deserves that they perceive him with criticism.
595 The pleasure of blame always prevents to take pleasure in beauty.
596 All criticasters are sadists or masohists. They subconsciously enjoy their destruction and following destructive return.
597 Fear of criticism is the doubt about own innocence.
598 A lack of criticism is the lack of the good aim for striving to it.
599 If a book is very bad and didn’t deserve even the blame then nobody blames it.
late CRITICISM (pos.)
600 Even wedding will be criticized after its end.
601 A walking on a hill-side spoils boots.
602 Timely crooks the tree, that will good cammock be.
603 A straight pine began from crooked roots.
604 There is no wood without crooked trees.
CROOKEDNESS for poor man (neg.) (see also conscience)
605 Curved cucumbers are not bad for a poor man.
the CROSS at the high place (pos.)
606 I cannot cry, “Long live masochistic enthusiasm, when people are ready to cover the sky by gallows!”
the CROSS on the neck (pos.)
607 A cross is an accessory of every pike’s head.
to CROSS oneself (pos.)
608 Well, many cannot have time to react by own knowledge or force against events.
to CROSS by three fingers (neg.)
609 -What to cross oneself by the same mode that Judas took salt for?
-Do you wish to abandon eating in order to have more differences from Judas?
610 As for a fool, there is no another way to feel oneself as partial smart person except to solve cross-words.
CROWD (pos.)
611 A crowd is an uninteresting society of artists where there is one part for all.
612 A crowd is not company.
CRUELTY (pos.)
613 I cannot be so cruel. I had not so much defeats from an external world.
614 Cowards are cruel.
CRUELTY (neg.)
615 A justice without cruelty will not be the justice.
CRUELTY of communists (neg.) (see also humanness)
616 Cruelty of communists proved to be correct by the great quantity of saved people from the criminality, narcotics and prostitution.
617 Let also they condemn Moishei that he led his nation in the waste during 40 years for the freedom.
618 Communists are unbelievers. An unbeliever wishes to eradicate crimes first of all. The church wishes to get repentance from the criminals and none criminals. Who is crueler and more self-interested?
CRUELTY against an exploiter (neg.) (see also Christianity, enmity, excess, extremes, insult, justice, kill, malice, class peace, punishment, rapacity, sin, slavery, stand injustice, terror)
619 A man who has fattened a ram has the right to kill it.
CRUELTY for improvement (neg.)
620 I imagine your hatred to the beauty of antique Greek civilization, where its inhabitants thrown ugly babies off the cliff.
male’s CRUELTY (neg.)
621 -Are you agree that women have less receptivity to a pain?
-Yes, it is.
-So, they are more intrepid. So, they are crueler.
CRUELTY of management (neg.)
622 A cruelty of management like as a hardness of cohesion between the wheel and road. Are you the lover of slippery roads?
623 Even the enlightened soviet people prove to be base because they exchanged moral for money thanks to its own free will.
CRUELTY of religions (lack)
624 Religions are too cruel and hard-hearted. Even if they ban human sacrifices, they only do commutation of death sacrifice of their believers to imprisonment for life. And they damn any shorter terms for their believers.
CRUELTY of revolution (neg.) (see also defense, extremes of revolution, turn out)
625 A cruelty against the rulers is not like the cruelty against the weak men. Many people don’t understand it.
626 Why one must be indignant at severe winter, which begin the springtime?
627 A king is cruel against those who are dangerous for his own wellbeing. Contrary, people are cruel against those who are dangerous for many.
CRUELTY of socialism (exist)
628 Well, socialism was cruel with fools. The fools cannot join universities thanks to their money.
CRUELTY of a State (neg.)
629 The State, which has not cruelty is like the horse which has no bridle.
CRUELTY during the war (neg.)
630 A war has own laws. He who goes to Moon must not be indignant at the cruelty of Moon which has not air.
CRUELTY of women (lack)
631 Who invented to pluck brow. Are they women or fascists?
CRY (pos.)
632 Someone begins to cry when he feels the lack of his proofs.
633 You try to cry for nothing. Any swine could to out-voice you.
634 If the cry could create anything then seven houses would be built by the donkey every day.
CRY (neg.)
635 They permit to speak to the man who cries lauder then the others.
636 He, who be born, cries. He who dies is silent.
male’s CRY (pos.)
637 Cock’s cry doesn’t create sunrise.
eating CULT of a poor man (neg., exist)
638 The true eating cult belong those, who consider that the meat must be on their table at the usual hour.
639 A satisfied man eats less. First of all everyone must become a satisfied man.
CULT of personality (neg.) (see also authoritative, idol, respect, superman)
640 A person, who was praised by one man, has the praise which equal one man. A person, who was praised by thousand men, has the praise which equal thousand men.
CULTURE (pos.)
641 Culture is dangerous. The path from culture to behaviour for show is shorter and easier than the path from the lack of culture to the same behaviour.
642 Inoffensive as they seem to be, the “cultural” people are the most aggressive ones. They are like religious fanatics, which consider any another culture as heresy or barbarism.
643 Culture and art lessen viability. A cultured person strives rather to be charmed and frozen with charm than to do something.
CULTURE (neg.)
644 Weeds want no sowing.
CULTURE of American (pos.)
645 A culture’s level is proportionate to readiness to laugh at oneself. Americans and Moslems are ready to laugh at themselves less than others.
CULTURE of a rich man (pos.)
646 The rich are cultured. The world is the theatre, and the rich are in a canteen.
strange CULTURE (pos.)
647 A necessity to have the whole is the great one. Don’t scorn it. Learning even a good lesson from a part of strange culture doesn’t produce the whole.
CUNNING (pos.)
648 A mind is separated from cunning by honesty.
649 An axe can open even the cunning lock.
650 They learn weak point of a sly one through his slyness.
CUNNING (neg.)
651 Every good man must can to use the cunning for his struggle against evil.
652 He who can to use the power of cunning has no need to swing his fists.
653 A fox takes offence dog’s cunning most of all.
654 A cunning man has a correct foresight about events which has no realization yet.
655 They open the bottle by the cunning corkscrew but not by the simple nail.
656 A life wouldn’t be full without critical situations and cunnings against them.
657 If the lion’s skin cannot come in, the fox’s shall.
CUNNING (exist)
658 They never say “he is sly” about a really sly one.
659 Well, the master was cunning. He can built house round the stove.
660 It is impossible pretend to be sleeping by standing.
CUNNING (lack)
661 Only that man has no need with cunning that has an inborn cunning.
CUNNING of a believer (lack)
662 A believer always feels that he is more cunning than the devil.
CUNNING against a mean man (neg.)
663 It is not correct to accuse a man who peeping overhearing one.
CUNNING against an old man (pos.)
664 No playing with a straw before an old cat.
CUNNING for a wife (neg.)
665 It is better to marry a shrew than a sheep.
woman’s CUNNING (neg.)
666 Slyness is the femininity of mind. The woman must has the feminine mind.
gilt CUPOLA (pos.)
667 I am enraptured with gilt cupola, too. It has the same exposed attractiveness as the short skirt.
668 A gold cupola is for the God would take more notice of believers. Is not it? Your God is the gold-lover. Is not it?
gilt CUPOLA (neg.)
669 What are cupolas that secular man is ready to gild them? It seems to me, he is ready to keep own gold only at bank’s basement.
670 Curious persons eat cats.
671 Curious persons were drawn out from Eden.
672 If they wish to convert some sinless thing into the sinful one quickly, then they give the velocity of curiosity for this conversion.
673 I pity a curious man who passes round the tail of unknown horse.
674 It is very bad when a mind couldn’t to prevail over curiosity.
675 Do you know the Pandora’s sin? Curious goddess Pandora let diseases, vices and offences out of closed box, when she opened it.
676 Well, curiosity is a good servant of vainglory. Very often, they will to know something only for saying about it.
677 Do you prefer persons who have not any interest?
678 Curiosity is the sign of youth.
679 When a man has no interest for all his condition assumes the name “the death”.
680 There is the balance. He who has much knowledge has great interest for it. Obviously you have not much knowledge.
CURIOSITY for family person (neg.)
681 I understand you. After their weddings a great number of married men and women became less curious.
male’s CURIOSITY (pos.)
682 Yes. Men are more curious than women. They sit close a bus’s windows and look at the street’s life with more interest than women.
CURIOSITY of traveler (pos.)
683 They speak laud about their curiosity and speak in a low voice about their tiredness although they rather tired with own place than they have great curiosity.
CURTAIN (pos.)
684 I don’t like to look through neither a curtain nor a dirty window.
685 It is better you wouldn’t lean upon the curved wall.
686 A camel carries heavy load but not curved one.
687 A curved road is better than the straight path through the forest.
688 Even a curved muzzle may be permitted in order to hit the aim exactly.
689 Follow every winding of the river or drag the boat straight.
690 A curved stick will never to betray its owner. It will not will floats far away from him.
691 Tipsy man’s eyes see that the straight street is curved.
CURVATURE for a chief (neg.)
692 A curved violin charms ear.
693 A curved camel gives much benefit.
my CURVATURE (neg.)
694 I don’t afraid of my “curvature”. I wouldn’t intend to stick my finger into the butter.
CURVATURE for an ordinary man (neg.) (see also lie)
695 A “bishop”, which has oblique going, stands near the king.
CUSTOM (pos.)
696 I know a Negro would answers that he eats locusts in according with a custom.
CUSTOM (neg.)
697 Usual things and customs are the rights of our forefathers.
698 Custom makes all things easy.
CUSTOM of a neighbour (neg.)
699 A madman is the man who harms himself. He who condemns somebody’s customs harms himself.
700 Cynic is the man who knows costs of any sausage but doesn’t take a joy from them.
701 Cynicism also conceals envy. It is a double evil.
CYNICISM (exist)
702 A bad man takes sincerity as cynicism.