…os.) (see also divide, expenditure, give, niggardliness, take)

368     Cutting of testicles is not facilitation.

369     It is impossible to see a fish more distinctly if one splash out water.



370     A fool never whitewashes his room, in order that it could get his room smaller.



371     A fire wouldn’t be diminished if one set fire to something from this one.

372     Don’t wonder! There were six brothers. The death took them one by one many times. But now there are still seven brothers!

373     Cut off a dog’s tail and he will be a dog still again.



374     Any heat gets cold.


DIMINUTION of army (pos.)

375     Well, it is possible to reduce own army in the case of lacking of enemies. They will reduce own territory only in the case of presence of enemies.


DIMINUTION of losses (pos.)

376     Diminution of shedding begins near the end of growing bald.


DIPLOMA man (pos.)

377     In order to have deepest confidence in a person, look at the man, but not at the diploma.



378     There is no thing which is more cynical than diplomacy.


correct DIRECTION (pos.)

379     Oh! Oh! They rub the soap to wrong direction.


own fixed DIRECTION (pos.)

380     What to squeeze one’s way through the unfortunate stripe keeping own direct for?

Amidst the unfortunate stripe it is better to turn direct to the fortunate stripe.

DIRTY (pos.)

381     A dirty home is the slave people's home.


DIRTY (neg.)

382     The dirty water can put out a fire, too.

383     Life can’t be without a slop-pail.

384     Any rusty and “dirty” metal plough better than the “clean” wood.

385     There is good land where there is foul way.

386     Better my hog dirty home than no hog at all.



387     Disappointment is a property of weak man.



388     It is better to verify rightness of own suppositions than to be angry with disappointment.

389     The life which hasn't disarrointments are not more attractive one. It's the life which hasn't faith in the beautiful.


DISCHARGE a subordinate (pos.)

390     A good act for an internal improvement could be rather the release of chief than the release of subordinate.

391     I see. They don’t change furniture in a house of prostitution. They change prostitutes.


DISCHARGE a subordinate (neg.)

392     They which spoil a life don’t belong to discharged people. They belong to retained people.

393     He, that would be well served, must know when to change his servants.



394     I see. The terrorists want to keep up discipline among hostages.


DISCIPLINE for a child (neg.)

395     Better children weep than old men.



396     It will be better if you would open your eyes than mouth.

397     You couldn’t understand that the double nasty feeling arises when a drunk man or fool begin to speaks clever discourses.

398     Your discourse is a pure enjoyment because of it doesn’t fecundate in.

399     -Did you say your discourse with an exclamation?

     -Yes. (No.)

     -They recognize the fool by his exclamation marks which he marks at the end of each his thought. (I wish to show care in this case, too.)

400          -Did you say these words as if I am a fool?

          -Yes. (No.)

          -Indeed, only fool could listens your words and agrees with them. (Then stop! I understand you. So, never speak these words me henceforth.)


DISCOURSE (pos., neg.)

401     Shortened thoughts have a good sounding.


DISCOURSE of a believer (pos.)

402     A discourse of believer is the least informative. Both believers and fools have the same control of informative quality for own discourse. Believers permanently praise the God even when they talk with one’s people.



403     It is better to use discrepancies than to avoid them.

404     Well. There are many contrasts. There are many girls but you are pederast.

405     Perceive the discrepancy with joy as if it is the rain by sun rays.

406     Discrepancies are the base of the life. Even if a love shortens life of its participants, it prolongs the life of mankind.

407     A next dimension arise spring up when something lays into different planes by “unnatural” mode and an observer doesn’t try to break one of them.

408     I am sorry that you have not ability to understand simple truths. For example, if a telephone serves for economy of time, then talking by it leads to contrary result.



409     It is not a discrepancy. Blowing at hands warms them. Blowing at the tea cools it.


DISCRETION of chatterer (lack)

410    On the contrary, all chatterers are restrained persons, because of their talk has no important or essential matter.


DISCRIMINATION for X (age, sex, race, reason of health) (neg.)

411     Complaints of the rich don’t agitate me. He who complains to of discrimination for age, sex, race, reasons of health but not complains to of discrimination for content of purse is rather the rich.


rich DISHES for a guest (pos.)

412     Usually, they destine rich dishes for the bad man, and they consider that common dishes are enough for the good one.


rich DISHES for a guest (lack)

413     If guests love us they wouldn’t pay attention to the lacking of rich dishes. And if they don’t love us they are not worth rich dishes while.


rich DISHES for parents (neg.)

414     Let worker bees and mules eat a few food. They never produced posterity.



415     Striving to obtain desired result without hard deeds thanks to only mind and words is not so bad.


DISTANT (pos.) (see also achievement, aspiration, availability, do, dream, nearness, purposefulness) 

416     The moon is beautiful for those who live on the earth.

417     Far water doesn’t slake a near thirst.

418     Far fields always seem to be greener.

419     A near straw is better than far hay.

420     They take pleasure in a rose in a vase, more than, in far gardens.

421     They don’t go to get water across a river.

422     It is better to carry water by a pail from near well than to drive ones from afar.                                  

423     A pasture is good if it is not placed over the river.

424     Something is the gold from a distance, but it is copper nearer. However, it is water side by side.                          

425     He, who looks from a distance, sees a beautiful cloud. He, who looks from within, sees a cold nasty mist.

426     At first, climber looks at the subjects, which are under his hands. Then he looks at far places.    


DISTANT (neg.)

427     A man takes notice of an eagle in the far sky at first and he takes notice of a sparrow into the nearest bushes later. There is the other order only for a cat.



428     The diffused sun is more useful than the distinct moon.


class DISTINCTION (lack)

429     Sir (Madam), you intermingled with two ovum. However, some of them remain left and the other remain right in spite of every your effort.


DISTRIBUTE a bad thing (pos.) (see also divide)

430     What do you try to spread a crushed fly over all fingers for?


DIVERSITY (pos.) (see also many, variety)

431     He who prefers diversity prefers the dissociation and estrangement.


DIVIDE (pos.)

432     A rotten tree gives rotten chips.

433     I understand you. If a bull had death, then a quantity of knifes multiplies.

434     It is impossible to cut water.

435     What to offer a hard work for? Easier bend than break.

436     It is sweet sleeping in a whole skin.

437     Make not a balk of good ground.


DIVIDE (neg.)

438     One may to build even a “Berlin’s wall” in some place for some time in order to avoid the worst.

439     Money is for drinking if they can’t divide it.


DIVIDE duties (pos.)

440     Ants and bees are sure too, that the division of duties promotes progress.


DIVIDE everything (pos.) (see also brotherhood, distribute, give, kindness, many, part, shallow, take, whole)

441     You are ready to divide even the baloon.

442     A necessity to divide a piece of bread is not the cause for dividing a house.


DIVIDE riches (pos.) (see also consider, generosity, give, kindness, part)

443     Nothing would grow up even from the great heap of crushed grains.

444     An intellectual faculties which are necessary for division, is alike to one, which is necessary for destruction. An intellectual faculties which are necessary for addition, is alike to one, which is necessary for construction.


DIVIDE riches (neg.)

445     Greediness is the thirst for the riches. The more riches, the more intenseness of the thirst for it. So, riches must be divided for the lessening of greediness.


DIVIDE wealth (pos.) (see also excess, part, superfluous, whole)

446     A river becomes the swamp being divided.

447     What is gone to be good of disassembling a poem for words?

448     Yes. Really one needs to have great intellect when not knowing how to multiply something to try to divide them at once.

449               -It is suspicious when somebody who has least of all demands a division.

               -What is the suspicious thing here? Quite the reverse, it proves that he has least of all, indeed.


DIVIDE wealth (neg.)

450     Division is the fourth numerical operation. Many people have mastered only three.


DIVIDE wealth (exist)

451     I see. There is a division. Someone gets a boublic, another one gets a hole of boublic.


DIVINE (pos.)

452     The divine things were in ancient times. The fire was divine. But now everyone warm up tea-kettle on it without ceremony.


DIVORCE (pos.)

453     If they would listen to you they may come to the conclusion that it is necessary to be getting divorce more often.

454     What to be as a foolish fish for? It longs to freedom from net and it longs to a net from free life.


DIVORCE (neg.)

455     The day which was devoted to divorce and division of property is more useful than previous days.

456     What to live like a dog with the bone for? The dog can’t eat it and sorry for abandon it.


DIVORCE of mother of many children (neg.)

457     The divorce is your happiness. Imagine, how many times you would bear in addition if your husband continued his love?


DO smth. alone (neg.)

458     He travels fastest who travels alone.

459     He, who carries a lantern, makes look for a road, too.


DO impossible thing (neg.) (see also availability, exploit, heroism, incite, inflexibility, influence of conditions, merit, reward)

460     Sometimes, it is easy to do something that they consider “impossible” than “difficult” ones.


DO smth. without learning (pos.)

461     Learn to say before you sing.


Who must to DO X?

462     If this deed would be made by more venomous person then it will be O.K.


What I must DO?

463     Imagine, that the question stand in front of me. Then you would immediately understand “What I must do?”


DO smth. in spring (neg.)

464     A tree will be fruitless in autumn if it will not get impregnate in spring.


What you will DO?

465     Everyone will do one’s affair.

466     I’ll never go ask foolish questions.


DOCTOR (pos.)

467     Well, doctors are good persons. They wish that poor men would never be ill, and that rich men would never be convalescent.

468     It is not true that everyone who long for stand high in rich men’s esteem is the doctor, but every doctor long for stand high in rich men’s esteem.

469     Well, any doctor is a good partner. One doctor makes work for another.

470     Well, leeches kill only with license.


many DOCTORS (pos.)

471     The great number of doctors could cure only the wish of undergo a cure.


DOCUMENT (pos.) (see also outward appearance, certificate)

472     I see. You would examine an honor by a certificate about the lack of previous convictions.

473     -Wipe up your ass by this paper!


     -Or a chief never wiping up his ass. Is not it?


as a DOG (CAT) (neg.)

474     A dog (A cat) hasn’t wrinkles in its old age.


DOG for a woman (man) (pos.)

475     I see. A dog helps the person who has thirst for new acquaintances.


What you DOING?

476     -Do you want to have the true knowledge?

     -Yes. (No.)

     -You will see the real result, when it came. (It is some sort of thing.)

477          -If I’ll tell you about my act, you wanted to do the same.

          -I’ll not wish to do the same.

          -In this case this knowledge will be of no use for you.



478     They feed wolf for nothing. It always dreams about its forest.


be obstinate like a DONKEY (neg.)

479     There are men who are more obstinate than the donkey in their wish to govern.



480     Give birth to more children. Then you will have the least belief on the end of the world.


DOUBLE-faced (neg.)

481     Double-facedness is the virtue of many-sided personality.


DOUBLE-faced atheist (neg.)

482     The God is double-faced, too. He gave commandments for people, but operates in according with another one.  


my DOUBLE-faced (exist)

483     You are pleasing me. Sometimes I have to turn my ass to you.


DOUBT (pos.)

484     A cultivating of doubt is the cultivating of constraint.

485     It is disgusting to hear the snotty opinion which running to and fro.

486     An unsteady tooth will be to pull out.

487     There are no oscillatory movements into a full vessel.

488     Doubts are traitors of our attempts to be happy.

489     If you are a true adherent of doubts then you must not be the permanent adherent of them.

490     The less skill, the more doubt.

491     A doubt is not the step towards wisdom because it is two steps away from action.

492     Don’t doubt. The devil appears there where world begin bifurcates for something good and something bad.


DOUBT (neg.)

493     Mental faculties may be measured by ability for doubt.

494     A doubt is the single way for arriving at the truth.

495     The more knowledge, the more area of contiguity with uncertainty, the more doubt.

496     He who has greater wish of success has more doubts.


chief’s DOUBT for subordinate (pos.)

497     Don’t shake a tree, if you ordered your subordinate to perch on it.


DOUBT for an old man (exist)

498     A weary ox treads surest.


DOUBT about religion (neg.)

499     Usually, Strength of conviction corresponds to the strength of foolishness.


DOZE (neg.)

500     N is not at a sale in order to keep his eyes open.


DREAD for believer (pos.)

501     The man, who has less obedience to the God, has more fear.


DREAD for clever man (pos.) (see also fear)

502     If the dread would attack a fool, I will not have any objections.


DREAD the God (pos.) 

503     Believing is comfortable. It is enough to say, “Be afraid of the God” and to look after an interlocutor. If he will intends to beat you on pay the own terrible future, you would may explain him that you spoke with him secretly because of your sympathy to him. But if he will not intends to beat you for your words, then you will may to pass on to more extensive threats right up to assault and battery by God’s will.  


DREAD the God (neg.) 

504     I understand you. They dread those, who didn’t dread the God. You are coward and have the wish that people wound dread you.


DREAD for a great man (neg.)

505     A lion has a dread of ant in its ear.       


DREAD for an ordinary man (pos.)

506     He who has a dread of a wolf won’t walk in a forest.

507     He who has a dread of a sparrow won’t sew on own field.


DREAD for an ordinary man (neg.)

508     A calf has not a dread of a tiger.


DREAD of the rich (lack)

509     In addition to the other dreads the rich dreads become less wealthy.


DREAD of stealing (pos.)

510     Nobody pinch a piece of iron from an anvil of hammer smith.


my DREAD of work (exist) (see also difficulty, work)

511     I don’t dread a work. I can lie near it.


DREAM (pos.)

512     A great number of dreams oust real deeds.

513     Your dreams resemble homosexualists. They can’t give birth but they reproduce in quantity.

514     In any case a going man must stands on the ground by one his foot.

515     What to sit down into the cart which will not drive you for?

516     What build the bridge between clouds for?

517     It is possible that a man who makes his harrow at home couldn’t take it onto the field.

518     Don’t dream about the palanquin or else your feet would refuse to go.

519     He who holds on to our world badly tries to hold on to the dream, too.

520     Dreaming man resembles the beggar, who looks at a shop window.

521     Doctors say that, the better health of the man, the better he gain an understanding of situation “Place-I-Now”.

522     Bliss is the life of the rich. A dream is the life of the poor.

523     My soul has not the crisis, when imaginativeness turns out more important things than the knowledge.

524     An aircraft constructing is first of all. The flight will be later.  


DREAM (neg.)

525     An inclination to suicide is the main antagonist of inclination to dreaming.

526     I understand you. You had the dream that there is the place where are unheard of depravity but bad people shattered the dream. And now, you never dream.

527     The conscious life is the time when he can and wishes to dream.


bad DREAM (neg.)

528     The worse dreams, the greater wish to have the good life.


DREAM without deeds (pos.)

529     A cat would eat fish and would not wet her feet.


DREAM of a fat man (pos., neg.)

530     Let a fat frog dreams about the bog.


DREAM about the glory (pos.) (see also aspiration, attention, availability, conceit, distant, glory, superiority) 

531     One dreams about carpeted roads while jumping from rock to rock on the crooked talus.

532     Dreamers about glory are miserable people. The source of these dreams is the insignificance of ones own life.

533     You fly beautifully, but you just can’t land.

534     Many people dream about the glory. Usually, they are a kind of people, who worries about what to do on a rainy Sunday’s evening.

535     Dreams are good if one doesn’t forget that it’s only a dream.

536     A turtle once thought of climbing a tree, too.

537     Some frogs dream about swimming in the ocean, too.

538     For a poor fellow, even a dream is as a treasure.

539     Your dream is not so great. You can’t imagine the best dream. You never dream to be a woman for a week and a half or to be a Jew for two years.


DREAM about the glory (neg.)

540     If a man has no capacity for great deeds, he will despise thoughts about great deeds, too.

541     If there are no goals then nothing is done. And if the goals were insignificant then nothing would be done great.

542     If you tear the wings off a butterfly then you get a hideous caterpillar. Do you wish to make everyone into caterpillars?


DREAM about marriage (pos.)

543     She, who is bored with to smart and dolling herself up, dreams about marriage more than others.


my DREAM (neg.)

544     I’m not jumping on bog’s hummocks as some person. I have opportunity for a dream.

545     You serve to a dream, too. But your dream is more vulgar. You’ve dreaming of X (money, next rank and so on.).


girl’s DREAM about a prince (pos.)

546     Everyone supports his own advantage. The girl’s dream about a prince is implanted by old rich lewd persons. Also, prostitutes support this idea as a good excuse.


woman DREAMS (pos.)

547     Dreaming is harmful for women. The woman, who dreams about a prince, eventually stays childless or single-mother.


DREAMER (pos.)

548     The fool, who buys a purse for the last money, looks like a dreamer.


DREAMER (neg.)

549     Dreamer is not niggard, who thinks about rainy day and provides against.

550     A dreamer doesn’t grow old age. The future predominates over the past in his life.


DRESS (pos.) (see also clothes)

551     He who is quite exhausted by lacking of one’s freshness dress himself best of all.

552     Modesty in a dress is the right ecological behavior.

553     Perfection of own eloquence is more noble and cheap deed.

554     The cowl does not make the monk.


DRESS (neg.)

555     Even a falcon can’t take a wing without feathers.

556     What to do a signal that you are not important and you are unworthy and you don’t deserve the good things of life for?


asymmetrical DRESS (pos.)

557     I see, this dress conforms to your distorted soul best of all.


dirty DRESS (neg.)

558     I am not a young man who went in for an examination. I am rather a traveler. I am rather a warrior in the battle.


garish DRESS (pos.)

559     If in the next day I can remember a man but couldn’t remember his dress, then it means that he was clever and had ideal dress.


maid’s DRESS (pos.)

560     I see. Debauchees always keep in mind a maid’s dress, but not a lady’s jewels.


white DRESS (pos.)

561     Well, nobody could see dandruff on the white dress.


wide DRESS (pos.)

562     What to make an impression that a man grew thin because of cancer for?


DRIFT (pos.)

563     Water can’t come to you by itself, but only a thirst.


DRIFT (neg.)

564     I know they don’t neglect bleeding at the nose. They tighten a plait around the neck.


DRINKING beer (pos.)

565     You feel low when you have not foam on your lips.


DRINKING beer (neg.)

566     I see, you have own foam on your lips.

567     To drink beer is to receive one pleasure in addition.


DRINKING down to the bottom (neg.)

568     A left wine testifies to the diffidence.


hard DRINKING (pos.)

569     He, who is a drunk man today, will be a lazy man tomorrow.

570     If somebody wishes has a vile thing in store for himself tomorrow, he drinks hard today.


hard DRINKING (neg.)

571     A drunk man could sleeps oneself sober. A fool never could do it.

572     Well, a drunk man is pitiful. He can’t whistles and spits through lips as a sober can do.

573     I understand you. Anybody has great difficulties, when he tries to suggest own thoughts to a drunk man.

574     Well, a hard drinking is the slow dying. However, I am not in a hurry.

575     Some people drink in order to fall down, others for exaltation. I see you know the first only.

576     It seems that you wait the time when I shell have drinking only medicine.

577     Excuse me. I often forgot that drug addicts are always against drinking-bout.

578     -However, it is the great event today.

     -What is the event?

     -I have the bottle of wine today.

579     Yesterday, you were happy that I was sober. Today, I’m happy.

580     I see, you fear to hear a truth. A drunk man cannot lies.


hard DRINKING (exist)

581     Well, a drunkard is the person who drinks wine more than you.


hard DRINKING in the aircraft (neg.)

582     Only a priest would be in danger during his drinking wine in the aircraft. His chief will be near.


hard DRINKING of a chief (neg.)

583     He who condemns his chief because of his drinking is the naive man. He had never meeting with an inaccessible chief.


hard DRINKING of Christian (neg.)

584     The God is kind. He sends an angel-keeper to the tipsy man who has the right faith. So, he, who wishes has angel nearly, never refuses a glass of wine.

585     A conversion of water to wine was the first wonder of Christ.


hard DRINKING of a husband (neg.)

586     I understand you. You afraid, a donkey will spend in drink its saddle.


hard DRINKING of a husband with his friends (neg.)

587     Well, I and my friends drink this muck in order you wouldn’t say that I spend the time with pleasure.


hard DRINKING instead indoor games (exist)

588     -You intended to play chess. However, now you smell of vodka.

     -There is nothing out of the ordinary in it. I have not the duty to smell of chess.


hard DRINKING together with N (pos.)

589     I couldn’t drink spirits in you presence. It is equivalent to play the violin in Paganini presence.


DRINKING for a poor man (neg.)

590     Wine’s intoxication will be over. Riches’ intoxication will not!

591     Yes. If I don’t drink, I become richer. But when I am drank then I feel myself the Bill Geitz.


DRINKING spirits (pos.)

592     Spirit is helpful for a coward. However, N is not a coward.


DRINKING wine (neg.)

593     Wine is the mirror of the mind. Not all like to look at it.

594          -A spur in the head is worth two in the heel.

          -Well, a stupid mind stands in need of the spur.


young man DRINKING wine (pos.)

595     A wine harms young person because it make him look younger.


DRINKING vodka (pos.)

596     Hitler took care of vodka and tobacco for Slaves, too.


DRINKING vodka (neg.)

597     Is a psycho-analyst cheaper? Or is the period of his validity longer?

598     Even a four hours slept fish comes to life when it placed into the diluted vodka.

599     If the first small glasses of vodka don’t give somebody pleasure, he must go to a doctor.

600     A good master always wishes to hide his own culinary misses.


DRINKING water (pos.)

601     Even a great water-mill may be broken by water.


DRINKING wine (pos.)

602     Well, wine is better than hundred medicines, but it is the cause of thousand diseases.


DRINKING wine (neg.)

603     Where do those clever people live who pour out wine to the earth?

604     Drinking wine is the easiest way to get into the habit of brushing teeth in the morning.

605     Well, a wine is an enemy. But I don’t fear my enemies.

606     A misuse of wine helps to recognize the good breeding. Many people don’t love wine because of it.

607     Giving wine up is the great shock for a body that not every body could stand this test.

608     Drinking is profitable. A glass of wine gives two ones of courage.

609     A wine-scooper will never complain to of his life. Before own death he will says, “It is a pity that nobody could substitute my properly”.


DRINKING wine by glass (neg.) 

610     The person, who drinking wine by so small glass, has no just opinion.


DRIVING on (pos.)

611     If they cause ripe apples to fall, the green ones fall, too.

612     They get tired rather with a cameleer than a load.


DRIVING on (neg.)

613     A horse wouldn’t get tired because of only the driving on.

614     N is not a stutter. Driving on is allowed.

615     They drive on a horse, when a donkey begins to leave behind it.


DRUID (pos.)

616     I am not so tipsy in order to receive energy from trees.


DUALITY (pos.)

617     There are twice as many bullets between enemies.

618     What to drive along the road by zigzag like a drunkard for?

619     What benefit is to be a man who looks at the earth by one eye and looks at the sky by another one for?

620     A father of a potter and market-gardener always hears complaints that the rain is bad and the hot sun is bad.

621     One man had two mistresses. An old one was shamed that he is younger and pulled out his black hair. A young one pulled out his grey hair. As a result he became bald-headed.

622     The clear conscience has better sensitiveness to the good and an evil, the more its resoluteness to take the good and reject an evil.  


DUALITY (neg.)

623     The method of a knout and cake is better than method of only knout or only cake.

624     Duality is pleasant and useful like an intercourse between a man and woman.

625     Both boards of a good boat are intact.

626     A boar-spear is the best arm against any snake.

627     The right hand is my, and the left one is my, too.

628     What to be one-sided like a swollen cheek for?

629     If you didn’t reach to the recognition of both truths which contradict one another, then you didn’t begin to think till now.

630     A combination of apprehending new things with keeping himself is the virtue of clever man.

631     A sane man likes a sweet food and salt one. He doesn’t exclude something from the pair.

632     I see. You don’t know that genetic molecules of a man have double spirals, too.


DUALITY (lack)

633     Any thing has duality. A fire can to warm one’s hands and to burn them.


gun’s DUEL between a great man and a fool (pos.)

634     This duel doesn’t give an equal condition for them. If a bullet would hits only in the hand of great man he couldn’t write. However, even if a bullet would hits in N’s head he would continue his delirium.


DULLNESS (pos.) (see also fame, glory, greatness, modesty, notable, ostentatious, outstanding, pawnman, shining)

635     Even for a soap bubble, it is better to be gold colored than dull.   



636     The night criticizes the twilight: “What is the dullness!”   

637     A fool condemns the pearl for its dullness.

638     They absolve a dull wine.


DUMBFOUND Christian (neg.)

639     Both, poor kind of the son of the God and his friendship with sinners, which are enemies of his Father, dumbfound people some more.


DUPON (pos.)

640     I also know the successful producer of powder for annihilation of American Indians.


DUST (neg.)

641     Does the dust strike your head?


DUTY (pos.)

642     Is it a good boon, if one has dressed trousers and couldn’t take it off, when he wants. 

643     The greatest duty which is underestimated is the duty to be happy.

644     I am not a perverted man. I couldn’t come to love an unpleasant thing for the sake of duty.          

645     A thing which deprives a man of right to be his own master couldn’t be glorified.

DUTY (neg.)

646     He who doesn’t love anybody or anything feels that he is not indebted to somebody or something.  

647     A duty is the wonderful opportunity come to love an unpleasant thing.

648     If N became a priest, let he serves the office for the dead.

649     Well, you are not fitted for science or art. Only severe duties are there.

650     A man has a great gladness if he understands that he borrowed great means and possibilities from the God or Nature. 

651     I suspect you of you are so dull and cowardly person that you even never played cards for money because of your negation to duties.


DUTY (exist)

652     I never borrowed something from N.


DUTY to do something after the sign (pos.)

653     -When I’ll wave my hand to you, you must begin X.

     -I understand you. So, when I’ll shake my head, it will means, that I will not begin X.


DUTY for a family man (pos.)

654     Say something which would be more in its place. Family man always damps one’s ardour by the word “the duty”.


male’s or woman’s DUTY (lack)

655     Quarrels and malice are where people have no knowledge about one’s own predestination.















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