HOLY Spirit install (exist)
405 Well, an installation of Holy Spirit is the same ordinary act for you as urinating of your fingers.
like at HOME (pos.) как дома
406 I’m not a thief in order to consider strange thing my thing.
stay-at-HOME (pos.)
407 He who wishes listen other people but not only himself go out from his house more often.
408 A window hinders breadth of views.
409 A swan is not in need of the nest.
stay-at-HOME (neg.)
410 Yes. I am not a spy who has important talks only outside the house.
411 The ship, which has not an anchor, is into trouble.
412 Stay-at-home is the man of great sensitiveness. Only stay-at-home may say both “It is hot in the sun” and “It is cold in the shade” at the same time.
413 A stray dog to get rather stick’s strokes than bones.
414 House flowers are more long-lived than field ones.
HOMO Sapiens (pos.)
415 Do you like the Homo Sapiens that is the fruit on monkey’s labour?
416 The great compositor Chaiykovsky was homosexual, too. However we estimate him not only for that fact.
417 The love between two males or two women has no such lie which exists between a male and woman.
HONESTY (pos.)
418 It is the danger deed be honest with men, who conceal own vices and exhibit only own virtues.
419 There is the mode of trade which consists in expectation for a rich buyer. Some people name honesty this mode.
420 Well, honesty and truthfulness are good tricks for obtaining of frankness from others.
421 Honest eyes are the best for deceiver.
422 Usually, honest man is the man that dishonest men use him with their own purposes by the dark way when he is the cheapest agent of their influence.
HONESTY (neg.)
423 The word of honour is enough in order to receive the best credit which bearing no interest.
424 Honesty is the sign of independent person.
HONESTY (exist)
425 If you would begin to have some occupation then you would immediately understand that you supposed wrong quantity of honest people.
426 When it thunders, the thief becomes honest.
HONESTY of believers (pos.)
427 If a honest man doesn’t know something in every details then he uses the turn of speech “They say that”. Believer never says “They say that the God made the world”. As a result we must suppose that every believer knows about this act in every detail.
HONESTY of men with blonde hair (neg.)
428 A man with blonde hair has fairest head.
HONESTY for a great man (pos.)
429 If there is no use for anybody from some man then this man is honest willy-nilly.
HONESTY for an interlocutor (exist)
430 Point me the honest man then I’ll at once point the man who leads you in error.
HONESTY of a male (pos.)
431 The name of honest woman is much worth.
my HONESTY (lack)
432 Well, I am not so honest person as you. I immediately feel that I am a base, when I see girls.
HONESTY of a poor man (neg.) (see also cruelty, elevated, incorruptibility, morals, open-hearted)
433 An impoverish rich man will run to rob before a poor man.
HONESTY of a poor man (exist)
434 Nobody would order “attention” to an empty sack.
HONESTY of Russian capitalist president (exist)
435 Stalin had said, ‘There is no important who vote for whom. There is important who poll the votes’. Russian capitalist presidents such as Eltzin, Putin and Medvedev cannot make bold to say Stalin’s words about their “democratic” elections. They have no possibility to be honest and they fear to be honest.
HONESTY for a rich life (pos.)
436 Honesty is not honey. It is impossible to dip bread in it.
437 Well, it is good to be manager of bath-house during fifteen years and never wash oneself in it without entrance fee.
438 Well, quantity of honest dead men is less than the quantity of honest men which were born. But it is not means that the honesty is advantageous.
HONESTY of a rich man (pos.) (see also backstairs, incorruptibility, morals, open-hearted, trust)
439 I am tired of those “honest” ones who raise their head from the plate with caviar.
HONESTY with a villain (pos.)
440 In order understanding that the villain brought himself to the kingdom of Unjurity he must feels unjurity around himself.
HONESTY of a weak man (neg.)
441 Honesty of a powerful man has just room that a weak one has the right to use only a force against him.
HONOR (pos.) (see also ambition, egoism, equality, fame, gratitude, high, merit, pride, self-love, self-respect, sin, stateliness, superiority)
442 Keeping honor is a variety of the fear of others’ opinion.
443 Gilt was invented because of the scanty quantity of the gold. Honor was invented because of the scanty quantity of the virtues.
444 What are honors for if they usually worsen ones character?
445 Wherefore to strive for honor if its payment is a thousand times less when they sell it in comparison with the time when they earn it?
446 What does reduce any good idea to superstition for?
447 The hot temper of a person, the greater his requirement of honors.
448 The self-conceit of gambler is the version of honor, too.
449 Honorable visitor can not see a whole panorama of life.
450 They give the greatest honor with the funeral. They carry honored person on their hands.
451 Where there is no honor, there is less grief.
HONOR (neg.)
452 Lacking respect is the path to losing attention.
453 Honor is the thing, which distinguishes a regard for a person from an attitude of a dog or a house.
454 Honor hangs by a thread but you can’t tie it even with the rope when lose it.
455 Any insult contains the breach of subordination and any breach of subordination contains an insult.
HONOR to an Englishman (pos.)
456 Englishman made a governor and “sir” from the pirate Morgan for the sake of money.
HONOR to Christ (pos.)
457 Christ is lucky. He deserved so much merit by his death, that some of them became undeserved.
HONOR for a great man (neg.)
458 All dogs get mad when someone is driving, but they themselves run.
HONOR from a great man (neg.)
459 Somebody’s honor does not expel the honor of others.
male's HONOR (pos.)
460 Well, courage and honour are two sign of intoxication.
HONOR from me (pos.)
461 Seek honor of that man who wishes to elicit an advantage from your benevolence.
462 I have not steady attachment to the honor. It’s better for you to look for the honor among those who have a habit to serve Gods or superstitions.
HONOR of nation (pos.)
463 If we want to say about honor of nation, we must know that the Order of “Honor of nation” was awarded to Shameele Basaev who was most bloody Chechen terrorist.
HONOR for an ordinary man (pos.)
464 Those who are not sure in their own value strive for honor.
465 Honor was created for those who doubt about their private success in life.
466 An oak is great, too. But nobody will take off his hat in front of it.
467 A denominator is a pedestal. The smaller the fraction, the bigger the pedestal must be for this fraction.
468 Is it better to receive honor without merits than deserve honor and not receive it?
469 Wiping up the anus is the first. Washing the hands is the second.
HONOR for an ordinary man (neg.)
470 Quality of bedding corresponds with the kind of beast on it.
471 The size of a candle relates to the kindness of God.
HONOR for an ordinary man (lack)
472 Complaint about lack of honor is a virtue of fool.
HONOR of a rich man (pos.)
473 It is better to have a complete honour and a half of riches than a half of honour and a complete of riches.
474 Well, honor and profit are grandiose things, but they can’t go in one and the same place.
HONOR for a superiority (pos.)
475 A day, when someone would wash the feet of a cock, will be the day of bad luck for this cock.
HONOR for a superiority (pos., lack)
476 Taking down a hat may be done in front of the household servant, too.
HOPE (pos.)
477 A real free man is never becomes very attached to a hope.
478 Hope is not reliable. Only the unexpected acts always happen.
479 It is possible that a hope is a good thing. But it is friends with connivance and gives rise to disappointment.
HOPE (pos., neg.)
480 He that lives in hope dances without music.
HOPE (neg.)
481 A hope is not the mistrustfulness, which help to be ill. It helps to convalesce.
482 He, who wishes to own a treasure before, he became its owner, dreams and hopes.
483 A hope and dream are suck pleasures that nobody could be satiated with them.
484 Better a good hope than a bad possession.
HOPE without deed (pos.)
485 If the sky falls we shell catch swans.
486 A motor without moving is only a burden.
HOPE without deed (neg.)
487 Once a hungry snake was closed into a basket. A mouse gnawed through the basket and fell in the snake’s mouth. So, the snake crept out and became free.
HOPE without deed (lack)
488 A hope is the sister of idleness.
HOPE for an enrichment (pos.)
489 Very often a hope is the variety of waste.
HOPE for a goof life (pos.)
490 Well, a hope helps to have a good life. Especially, it helps owners of casino, agents of advertisement and other deceivers.
HOPE for a great man (neg.)
491 Great hopes make great man.
492 He who believes in India discovers America.
493 Before his campaign against Persia Alexander Makedonsky gives out all his properties and said that he left only single thing. Do you know what was it? It was the hope.
long HOPE (pos.)
494 Hope is a good breakfast, but a bad supper.
HOPE for a man of the world (neg.) НАДЕЖДА для светского человека
495 He who never tasted the gifts of God has his doubts as to the hope too. They are due to feel sorry for such person.
HOPE for an ordinary man (pos.)
496 A blind man hopes to recover one’s sight till his death.
497 Each desert has own mirage. (Hint: A head is the desert.)
HOPE for an ordinary man (neg.)
498 A loss of hope is the share of weak man.
499 A fool hopes for his hopes.
HOPE for a poor man (pos.)
500 Hope is so cheap trinket that it belongs to even a man who has nothing.
HOPE for success (pos.)
501 He who only hopes would dies of starvation.
HOPE for success (neg.)
502 The traveler who goes to the light gets tired less.
503 He who hopes tries most of all.
HOSPITALITY (pos.) (see also boon, brotherhood, care, expenditure, friendship, gift, give, greediness, kindness, visitor)
504 To give a shelter to the strange person means to become the strange person into own house.
505 Hospitality is the best substitute of a mind for those who speak about value of attractiveness of something for the others.
506 Host couldn’t say even “Shoo!” in guest’s presence.
507 Hospitality is not the great virtue. It was cultivated by owing to the impossibility of safeguard against strange raid, when a man couldn’t say “My house is my fortress”.
508 I see. Only flies eat with you at the same table.
509 Is it real hospitality when a host cooks till the night in guest’s presence?
510 Welcome, dear visitors! Come in. Sit down. Don’t worry about the key. I’ll hold it in my hand.
HOSPITALITY of the wife (pos.)
511 A husband whose wife often looks at the door has not the happy life.
512 He is an ill guest that never drinks to his host.
513 N is not the bureaucrat. As well know, bureaucrates never wish to make competitors for themselves.
HOT-tempered (pos.)
514 A little pot is soon hot.
HOT-tempered (neg.)
515 To a boiling pot, flies come not.
HOUSE (pos., neg.)
516 A house is the fine house, when good folks are within.
little HOUSE (neg.)
517 God oft has a great share in a little house.
HOUSE for loved person (pos.)
518 Even a hut is good for loving couple.
HOUSE as a stronghold (pos.) (see also defense, fear, fortress)
519 A safe house may be built only in the earth.
HOW can you done it?
520 All the same you couldn’t understand it, because of you have another rank (breeding).
HOW did you get here?
521 A wind brought me.
HOW do it?
522 Without words.
HOW many old are you?
523 What to count years for? Nobody will steal them.
524 Humanness is sad and cheerless. It prefers to weep about defects of Nature instead of to admire its splendid creatures.
525 Philanthropic men may mar any festive occasion or victory. They could release criminals.
526 Well, cutting by a blunt knife is the humane deed.
HUMANENESS (exist, lack)
527 A philanthropic person feels that he is misanthrope and does philanthropic deeds. A misanthropic person feels that he is philanthrope and does misanthropic deeds.
HUMANENESS of believers (pos.)
528 I know their love of mankind. If you made one step aside, they immediately ready to drag your soul to be shot.
HUMANENESS during capitalism (pos.)
529 Well, the greatest humanity belong capitalism. If many people were reduced to bestial condition and status then humanity for justification and legalization of trade by bodies and belief increase.
HUMANENESS of a rich man (exist) (see also boon, care, conscience, kindness, sense, sympathy, virtue)
530 Monkey put on hat and spectacles at the abundant place, too.
531 Very often, the love to humanity is the love without requital. Such love humiliates man.
532 Very often, it is more difficult to love one man than whole humanity.
HUMBLENESS of a believer (pos.)
533 An unbeliever has more humbleness, because any believer cannot submits with his knowledge about death.
534 Humiliation is such exile, that nobody came back from it.
535 Usually, if someone wants to humiliate others, he suffers from the feeling of his proper inferiority.
536 One can creeps into a place where he cannot get by jumping.
537 Lions wallow in the strange shit in order a victim wouldn’t feels lion’s smell.
HUMILITY for success (neg.)
538 Even a lioness creeps up to its victim by her belly.
539 To sink a stone lower, to throw it higher.
HUMOUR (pos.)
540 It is interesting what statement is more truly: “The more humour, the more chaos” or “The more chaos, the more humour”?
541 The thing which clearing a soul is far from humour. This is compassion.
542 Humour is the goods for unlucky wretches. I don’t know big chiefs who would spend more time on humour than unlucky wretches.
543 Humour exists when the gladness is lack or there are shortcomings of gladness. An exploiter classes are its sponsors.
544 Humour came into being when the servile submission came into being. Humour is in use rather where slavery and submission are in use. Humour come into being during neutralization one's own agression and striving to improve the world around. Smiling is the quickest and trustworthy way to mask the grin.
545 Humour is the showing of man's weakness and impotence. If a man is removed from managing his own fortune and fate, then he substitutes his grin for smile, or some people try to do this substitution for him. Rulers don't like humour and they understand it badly.
strange HUMOUR (pos.)
546 He who has no wish to share money with somebody will share one’s humour with him. He, who shares money with somebody, is in no mood for laughter.
HUMOUR for a subordinate (pos.)
547 Well, humour is a good fellow-traveler on the road to the capital punishment. The foolish failure driven to an execution may prides oneself only upon his humour.
TV’s HUMOUR (pos.)
548 It is necessary to give a great doze of TV’s humour in order people don’t make revolution and the fools don’t complain that their lives are for nothing.
549 A thing which spoils reality to caricature assumes the name “The soul of humourist”.
550 When a man couldn’t shows the beauty of the world he becomes a humourist and shows the world as ugly.
HUMP (neg.)
551 I see. A silly hen never has a hump.
HUNGER (neg.)
552 Hunger is a king magician who makes hard beans sweet.
HUNTER (pos.)
553 It is not my business to be with a beast without equal might and brag about own victories.
a cruel HUNTER (neg.)
554 -Why nobody recall about thousands of cows, which were killed at the slaughter-houses and about millions of hen, which were cut at the poultry farms?
-People do many bad deeds in order to take money. But why accomplishes the cruel murder by the call of his soul?
HURRY (pos.)
555 A lazy man likes imitate the hurry. Also he has greater wish to take part in it than diligent one.
556 The man who is always in a hurry hasn’t enough time for anything.
557 They are in a hurry during the diarrhea.
HURRY (for enrichment) (pos.)
558 Don’t hurry! Then the eggs will become the hens.
HURT because of an enmity (lack)
559 One enemy can does more hurt against you, than ten friends can do goods.
HUSBAND (neg.)
560 The value of a woman takes shape by a value of the man, who she lives with.
561 Be glad! Just that my shortcoming blocks my liaisons with other women.
562 If a wife praises her husband they envy her. If she scolds him, they sympathize to her. The sincere envy is better than the false sympathy.
563 N endeavours not for himself. The wife gains many virtues when her husband is bad.
HUSBAND of a believer (neg.)
564 Don’t equate your husband with the God. You have a good knowledge that only the God may fulfill all your wishes. And even then He didn’t fulfill some your wishes yet.
crowing HUSBAND (neg.)
565 It is a sad house where the hen crows louder than the cock.
jealous HUSBAND (neg.)
566 Well, you are a lady. You blow one’s nose into that curtain which covers you for external world.
old HUSBAND (neg.)
567 It is good sheltering under an old hedge.
HUSTE (pos.)
568 Haste is the most many-headed enemy. It is the enemy of creation, health and enjoyment.
569 Many kiss the child for the nurse’s sake.