INTERDICTION for enrichment (neg.)
388 There is great harvest of rice, if a field was dammed in time.
389 Treasure is behind closed door.
Why is an INTERDICTION for a girl?
390 Because, she is the daughter of the good father (parents).
INTERDICTION for a great man (pos.) (see also ban, freedom, law)
391 It is useless to cry “Stop!” for a flood.
392 I see. A hen can’t overstep a chalky line.
393 Even great mountains can’t overshadow the sun.
INTERDICTION for a great man (exist)
394 A summit of mind is the knowledge about what one may do of something forbidden and what be prohibited for doing of something permitted.
INTERDICTION of a great man (pos.)
395 Even great mountains can’t retain the clouds.
INTERDICTION of a great man (neg.)
396 A pig is angry when it is not allowed into the garden.
INTERDICTION for a subordinate (exist)
397 In any case a prisoner knows about escapes more than a warder knows about locks.
INTERDICTION for a subordinate (lack)
398 A dog must have a shame even if it is near the open copper.
399 A dog has no right to poke one’s nose even into an open cup.
tardy INTERDICTION (pos.)
400 What to lock a stall for, if horses were stolen?
INTERDICTION for a woman (exist)
401 If a widow wants marry somebody, it is impossible to stop her.
402 A trap is interesting, too.
INTEREST of an interlocutor (pos.)
403 As for your interest, you would get over all limits. Even a foreign yoke would to be interesting for you.
404 Probably you poked your phallus even in the gear-wheels.
INTEREST to a strange thing (pos.)
405 Knowledge about the point, where a strange saddle rubs sore the ass, is for nothing.
INTERFERENCE of the unbeliever (pos.)
406 I wish the God would bear the responsibility for every bad deed.
INTERFERENCE of the unbeliever (neg.)
407 I don’t wish the God would bear the responsibility for every bad deed.
408 Internationalism is a good thing for those who rule it in according with own interests. It helped Jews to overthrown Russian tsar for the sake of giving more freedom to Jews in the strange country. When Jews were expelled fascist Germany, internationalism helped them to punish Germany. Now, “internationalists” such as Jews, Chinese, Azerbaijan and some other concluded friendship against Russians. In general, internationalism directs one’s energies against the white race.
409 The trust in "internationalism" or "liberalism" is naive. Both conception were invented by dispersed Jews for improvement of their own pecuniary position into an inimical hostile surroundings. In Jew's midst (Zionism, Jew's domestic life) they practice contrary conceptions.
INTERPRETATION of a law (pos.)
410 A law becomes negligible when they begin interpret it.
to INTERRUPT the interlocutor (pos.)
411 It is not necessary to learn to interrupt somebody. It is necessary to have the great skill in order don’t to interrupt somebody.
412 The more dread of doubt as to own rightness, the quicker interrupt.
to INTERRUPT the interlocutor (neg.)
413 Write! Nobody will interrupt you.
414 Well, if somebody’ else joints in your speech’ then the talk becomes impossible for you.
to INTERRUPT me (pos.)
415 Excuse me that I am speaking when you interrupt me.
religious INTOLERANCE (pos.)
416 Usually, if somebody has advantage from erroneous division of people the clever men and fools, he divides them in according with their nation or religion.
417 An under-developed person, who has no firm convictions and fears to be deprived them, has greatest intolerance against strange convictions.
woman’s INTUITION (pos.)
418 The woman’s intuition is the result of natural selection after millions year of thoughtless life.
419 Is it a lot of true in invariability? Twenty degree in Arctic Region is it is hot. Twenty degree in tropics is it is cold.
420 What to invent a bicycle for?
421 If a standing sitting and lying is difficult then always there will be a man who will offers a hanging up.
an INVENTOR (pos.)
422 If people had not invented sugar they would eat honey and live in warm countries where the sweet fruits grow.
423 I don’t know what is better: the preservation of integrity of china’s tea-pot or the knowledge of degree of its brittleness.
424 I agree with you. Crawling on all fours is easier than testing wings.
INVESTIGATE with losses (pos.)
425 Nobody throws a child for the sake of sound the depth of a well.
INVESTIGATE a man (pos.)
426 A man is not a home-brew in order somebody could let pass him through a fire, water and copper pipes.
great INVESTITION (pos.)
427 Sowing by the spade is bad.
INVITE (pos.) (see also advice, listen, persuade, trust)
428 A wolf called a goat to its feast. But a foolish goat declined this invitation.
429 They call an ox not for the sake of drinking the honey, but for the sake of driving water.
430 -I will be at home from X o’clock.)
-I will be at home too.
431 It is easy to invite somebody. It is difficult to turn out him.
INVITE (neg.)
432 An invitation does guest credit. A guest’s refusal does master benefit.
INVITE to come with X for Y
433 -Come to my home with violin (verse) to drink a cup of tea.
-Thank you, violin (verse) never drinks tea.
woman’s INVULNERABILITY (lack)
434 A woman is more invulnerable person than a man. She can suddenly stop talking and hides her heel of Achilles.
435 Jews like get rid of oaths and promises. They have the holiday Iom Keepoor for such grand deliverance.
IRONY for lofty soul (pos.)
436 An irony is difficult action for lofty soul.
437 Even Christ said like an irreconcilable person, “He who is not together with me is against me”. {Gospel of Matpheus 12:30}
get IRRITATED in response somebody's irritation (pos.)
438 An irritated man have shortage of calmness. Give him calm. What to irritate oneself in response to?
ISLAM (pos.)
439 Usually, both Moslems and Christians lie that they observing all commandments. They don’t return somebody’s mockery in accordance with “an eye for an eye” or “a good for an evil” correspondingly.
440 An assumption of Islam is the best way to get paradise for criminals. Islam writes off all sins right away through unbelief’s fault if the Islam evidence about the God would be said.
441 I judge Islam from all sides, which include its harm against socialism. Islam praise trade and tradesmen. During socialism tradesmen make empty shop’s shelves and full warehouses. They did false impression that workers and peasants are the worst, because they done nothing, but tradesmen are the best, because they can receive any thing. The class of petty tradesmen made a fool of people and destroyed socialism.
ISLAM (neg.)
442 Moslems are more upright. They act like Mohammed. Where is Christian who has courage to act like Christ?
ISLAM for the blunder head (pos.)
443 -Is N a blunder head?
-Yes, he is.
-So, praying is dangerous for him because he may hurt his forehead.
444 A substance which begin to isolate oneself from an organism is named the tumour
or shit.
Is IT X or Y?
445 (-Is it coffee or slops?
-If you couldn’t distinguish them, then it has no meaning for you.
IT is not X (stable, …), that Y (spit, scold, …)
446 I don’t ask you about X.
IZRAEL (pos.)
447 Well, Jews are the Salt of the Earth. What the dish which was made from nothing but salt!