long LIFE (pos.)
355 Yes. I am sorry that not everyone leaves 40 ton of shits after whole one’s life.
356 He that wishes to have old age long, must be old early.
LIFE on a native land (pos.)
357 Even a clever Jews become the fools when they strive for Israel from USA or Russia.
night LIFE (pos.)
358 -Night life is the life of the cockroaches.
-No it is not. Night life is the life of the lion.
LIFE for the present (pos.) (see also care for a future, care for a present, consumption, delight, enjoyment, festivity, think about the future, work for the present)
359 One begins to live for the sake of the present, when he feels that there is not the future for him.
360 Only those who have not an idea about tomorrow inclined to the life for the present.
361 Teachers save people from his superfluous passion of the present. Do you hate them?
362 Today’s weather has the greatest importance only for one-day butterfly.
363 One must go to the well with a bucket and a long cord. One must do everything with a care of the future.
364 A person who has a bad past has not need in it. A person who has a dread of a future has not need in it. Who will envy the present of such men?
365 Let elders enjoy in the present. Next days will be worse for them than today.
366 Really, only a child can use the present. Do you want to be in one’s second childhood?
LIFE for the present (neg.)
367 The present is the thing, which doesn’t lie.
368 Only that pain is acute which is now.
369 The best food is only that one which is ready now.
370 Freedom-lover prefers living during the most free time – during the present.
371 It is better to gather a harvest from a narrow bed than to sow the wide field.
372 One couldn’t make a fair copy of one’s life later.
373 Real bread is on sale now.
374 A neglect of the present is alike a work of mother in the garden, when she didn’t suckle her child.
375 A fish, which was caught just now, is the best.
376 Now a man who was not in the past and who will not be in the future has the best time for his life.
377 In the youth everyone must live for the sake of youth but not only for the sake of future life.
LIFE for the present (for me) (pos.)
378 As for me, my life is not the business list for today.
379 As to me, a life in calendar day is the life in close costume.
LIFE in a province (pos.) (see also life in a capital)
380 Only the capital has and gives the best condition for revolution.
LIFE in a province (neg.)
381 Metropolitans who tell about the province don’t know it. Sometimes, they tell that provinciality is looking back at the metropolitan yardstick. Sometimes, they tell that provinciality is the life in accordance with own yardstick.
382 There is no the provincial life for the person who occupied by creative work.
LIFE of a rich man (pos.)
383 Life of a rich man is alike life of the fool. Both may do all things, which they want.
384 The rich live a dull life. They never sing a song themselves on one’s own.
right LIFE (pos.) (see also conscience, honesty, justice, law, order, sin)
385 He, who to search for truth with greater frenzy makes greater mistakes.
short LIFE of a great man (neg.) (see also happiness)
386 Only a little flower has long life.
387 It is possible, that an underground lavatory is more long-lived thing than the lofty cathedral.
388 “Flashed” may be more appreciable act than “was during whole time”.
389 An underground lavatory may have more long life than a temple.
LIFE during socialism (neg.)
390 In the time of socialism a circulation and edition were ten times more. It means that people are getting less read i.e. they are getting spend more time for obtaining daily bread. So, the life became worse.
391 Just in the time of capitalism the dramatic genre is vanishing from theatre because of surroundings becomes as the drama, and nobody has wish to look at one more drame in the theatre.
LIFE in a steppe (pos.)
392 Did you take a detached view? Did you saw a fly on the dish?
LIFE in a steppe (neg.)
393 There are no cowards in the steppe. There are no covers there.
sweet LIFE for an old man (pos.) (see also sweet)
394 All strained claims about moral regard for old people is based on their immorality, light-minded lack of readiness to the death and their wish to have a good life in defiance of nature’s law and God’s will, at last. What is the great moral of ancient old people who get left society on one’s will!
LIFE of an unemployed (neg.)
395 A worker and an unemployed have almost identical life. The life is the struggle in any case. A worker fights with a hunger before the dinner and with sleeping after one. The unemployed man fights with sleeping before dinner and hunger after one.
quick LIFTING of a great man (pos.)
396 As for a quick lifting, an eagle have more difficulties than a sparrow.
LIGHT (pos.)
397 The light nut has no kernel.
398 He who holds on to the light thing couldn’t holds out.
399 A crumbling wall feels lightness of each its piece.
LIGHT (neg.)
400 They test the strength of a donkey by heavy weight.
LIGHT (exist)
401 There is the light feather, which couldn’t been threw on a roof.
402 Even the mitten pulls down the hand, if this hand carries a heavy beg.
LIGHT (lack)
403 A necessary stone is not heavy.
LIGHT for own thing (lack)
404 Wings are not the heavy load for a bird.
405 The fatty tail is not the heavy load for a sheep.
the LIGHT (pos.)
406 A light makes the dazzle.
electric LIGHT (pos.)
407 Have you a fresh surge of energy because of looking by the light which has urinary colour?
LIGHT-mindedness (neg.)
408 Well, the bore cannot be called the light-minded man.
409 As I know, he who is bored to death doesn’t feel well.
LIGHT-mindedness for a great man (neg.)
410 He, who never done a rash deed, is not so much wise as he supposes about himself.
411 Light-mindedness is a good thing. The sum total of the prolonged meditation and the common sense is less than the sum total of the light-mindedness and the common sense.
LIGHT-mindedness for a love (neg.)
412 I’m not such serious as you are. I cannot imagine the end of my love as you imagine the end of your love.
413 If somebody doesn’t absolve the multiplicity of losses he cannot be called the light-minded person. Is not it?
LIGHT-mindedness of a woman (neg.)
414 A pessimist thinks that all women are light-minded. An optimist hopes for this fact.
LIGHT-mindedness in the youth (neg.)
415 Youth is not just the search of means of subsistence for old ages.
LIKENESS (exist)
416 Well, a dried fish resembles a Pharaoh’s mummy most of all.
417 A tiger and goat drink water from the same river.
LIKENESS with a devil (exist)
418 Well, a great thing resembles another great thing thanks to their greatness.
LIKENESS with parents (lack)
419 Childs of butchers are never vegetarians.
LIMIT (pos.) (see also abstention, economize, freedom, guard, interdiction)
420 Even a beautiful open-worked curtain deteriorates a good view.
421 The more a man dislikes the world, the more his desire to limit it.
422 If it’s necessary, a clever person will agree to be fallen in abyss without bottom.
LIMIT (neg.)
423 Roadside poles to prevent fall into a precipice.
424 A pregnant stomach must not be blown out to the chin.
425 Only a fool will agree to climb a mountain without a top.
426 He who tried to limit a stick invented a wheel.
427 Warm-blooded creatures have a limit, too. This limit is the total unfitness after the cooling. What power this limit gives!
428 Collaboration is limited. Enmity is unlimited.
429 He who acts with understanding own scantiness is nearest to perfection.
LIMIT (exist)
430 They seek to look beyond any wall.
LIMIT (lack)
431 A bath couldn’t have water above its wall-level.
432 There is not a sail above the mast.
LIMIT animal (neg.)
433 -Rule put a ban on an animal. –But it is clean. –You have the right even to sleep with it, but rules put the ban on an animal to do it (to be there).
LIMIT enemy (neg.)
434 A foolish mouse gnaws a cord, which ties a cat.
LIMIT for a friend (neg.)
435 One doesn’t take wattle-fence from the posts even if he has friendship with his neighbor.
436 Even between two brothers – the eyes must stay a fence – the nose.
437 A dog is the man’s friend. But it never been admits to the rose’s water.
indirect LIMIT (neg.)
438 If the stomach aches, limit mouth. If eyes ache, limit hands.
LIMIT for interlocutor (pos.)
439 Are you the adherent of boundaries and customs?
LIMIT for interlocutor (neg.)
440 I feel your thoughts go out the limits of their applicability, too.
LIMIT me (pos.)
441 I was not brought up among fences.
LIMIT movement (pos.)
442 Don’t act against the nature. The cat, limited in movements, will strives to bit even the man who strokes it.
LIMIT an old man (pos.)
443 An old dog wouldn’t get accustomed to the collar.
LIMIT right away (neg.)
444 One must begin to hold back his horse from a top, but not from a half of hill.
LIMIT a subordinate (pos.)
445 There is always a tore carpet near the tied cat.
446 A horse detests even gold bridle.
LINCOLN (pos.)
447 Many who praise Lincoln try to be out of mention that he volunteered for murder American Indians on their motherland.
LINE of business (pos., neg.) (see also honor, profession, skill, work)
448 Composer Bach was deaf. Writer Ostrovsky was blind. Why N could not has this line of business?
LINE of business (neg.)
449 People have interest to condemn that which they have no ability to do.
450 A man, who wants know the correct value of jewels, must become the jeweler.
451 Only one, who can to cultivate an earth, knows its high price.
452 Dostoevsky said that one of the ways for humiliation of a person is to convince him of that nobody needs his line of business or pursuit.
hereditary LINE of business (neg.)
453 It is more sad case when somebody inherits only a good name.
shop’s LINE during socialism (neg.)
454 Deficit of good things which was created by high prices is worse than the deficit which was created by shop’s line.
455 One can call a saddle by nine languages, but he put down it on the cow.
456 A wicked man can’t be a linguist. If he would be linguist then he will be the worst linguist because of the lack of his wish to understand others.
like a LION (pos.)
457 I know those "noble lions" which hunt in the night.
458 I know those "noble lions" which pick up the carrion after hyenas.
459 I know how noble these “noble lions” can be after devouring many living people.
460 I know these “noble lions”, who kill all nephews and nieces after a seizure of power.
thick LIPS (pos.)
461 Well, best lips are that lips which are wider than brims of chamber-pot.
LISTEN (pos.)
462 Let donkey’s ears move thanks to this tale.
463 Any speech is not important because any man never speaks whole truth.
464 The really dangerous snake is under flowers. The really dangerous person covered himself by pleasant words.
465 The more take listening, the more buzzing in ears.
466 A psychiatrist would listen N with more interest.
467 -Sometimes the things which charming somebody’s ear averting eyes. A clever people know this fact.
-What is the fact?
-For example, they know about castrated singers.
LISTEN (neg.)
468 A most deaf man is the man who doesn’t wish to listen to.
469 A truth is missing at places where there is no listening.
470 Well, a warm has no need of ears.
LISTEN (lack)
471 He who has much knowledge doesn’t doubt that they to listen him.
LISTEN to an advice (neg.)
472 Who insists that you must act like a mullah? But it is necessary listen him.
believer LISTENS (neg.)
473 The God didn’t stinted quantity of ears.
LISTEN to a chief (pos.)
474 He, who want draws some head to own side, draws by its ear.
LISTEN for enrichment (pos.)
475 If a benefit for listening would be, then a donkey became the great scientist.
LISTEN for enrichment (neg.)
476 A speaking man sows. A listening man reaps.
LISTEN to a fool (pos.)
477 If dunderheads have speaking then let dunderheads listen them.
LISTEN to a fool (pos., neg.)
478 If you want to recognize a fool by the best way, don’t beat or scold a man, but listen.
LISTEN to a fool (neg.)
479 It is better to listen to a fool than tell him own thoughts.
interlocutor LISTENS to a fool (neg.)
480 I understand you. You don’t like a truth which often may be listened in words of child or foolish man.
I LISTEN (pos.)
481 My ears are too much short for it.
482 I cannot to listen it like an old ram listens a horn.
483 Well, I wish to listen the end of this important speech most of all.
484 Understand me rightly. I respect you and ceding area even to your voice.
485 Why not? I’ll have to enjoy you.
486 You are free to talk. I am free to walk.
487 I don’t wish entertain you by my listening of your tale.
488 You couldn’t find me as a grateful listener.
I LISTEN (neg.)
489 Well, sorry we are not frogs. Sorry we have ears.
I LISTEN the woman (pos.)
490 I put only my eye to the women’s bath-room, but not ear.
interlocutor LISTENS (neg.)
491 Have you ears only for your hat wouldn’t slips down over your eyes?
LISTEN to an interlocutor (pos.)
492 If you have a need to say your say – continue your saying.
493 Your speech would have better sound at the empty hall.
494 Oh, you are some kind of poet. Usually, poets consider that everyone must abandons own affairs and to be occupied with listening or reading verses.
LISTEN to a Jew (neg.)
495 Well, you are not Jew. You cannot to listen that is to receive.
male LISTENS (pos.)
496 N is not a woman. His ears will not have ear-rings thanks by hearing.
woman LISTEN to a male (pos.)
497 My ears don’t receive an ear-rings for the hearing your speech.
498 I doubt that there is woman, who is ready listen stories of thousand and one nights.
woman LISTENS to a male (neg.)
499 Woman’s ears receive an ear-rings thanks to they listened man’s speeches.
LISTEN to N (neg.)
500 N is not child or woman that they should be seen him, but not heard.
LISTEN to N in one’s own house (pos.)
501 One never sits in somebody else’s car with his own music.
old man LISTENS (pos.)
502 Only a young bird looks at the strange mouth.
an ordinary man LISTENS (neg.)
503 Listening is the politeness which a clever man often renders to the fool, but the fool never renders it to the clever man.
LISTEN to an ordinary man (pos.)
504 If you would know that words penetrate the same profundity which concocted them, then you would not be so importunate.
LISTEN to an ordinary man (neg.) (see also advice, incite, intercourse, knowledge, lie, trust)
505 Any thought may be called “food”. So, the better “stomach”, the more various “food” may be assimilated by it.
poor man LISTENS (pos.)
506 There is a need to pay for the role of thankful listener.
LISTEN repeated speech (pos.)
507 Even a gentleman has no duty to listen an old joke as a new one.
LISTEN to a rich man (pos.) (see also advice, argue, follow, intercourse, trust)
508 It is more difficult to say, “Eat!” It is easier to say, “Listen to me!”
509 To look at a rich man’s mouth means to keep own hungry.
subordinate LISTENS (pos.)
510 They catch a cow by its ear.
511 He, who not heard “Stop!” will hear “I shooting!”
512 That is not good language, that all understand not.
513 The writer Harms was shot by literate man.
LITERACY for a poor man (pos.)
514 Many scoundrels are ready come down with money for literacy of poor men for the sake of boring their brains by advertisements.
LITTER (pos.)
515 Is the rubbish heap better than the clean place? Do you neglect your living place?
a LITTLE (pos.) (see also abstention, big, economize, enough, few, part, small, use of little thing)
516 Hen’s reasoning is to consider one feet up flight as a flight.
517 You won’t get full picking your teeth.
518 Do you use a crumb, which was gathered even around breeches’ buttons?
519 You like to offer a weak soporific that one couldn’t fall asleep after taking it.
520 They never look at the sky through a straw.
521 You are lucky man. You have easy living. You pour your house’s cactus by spittle.
522 A dog couldn’t stop until it licked a plate.
523 It is impossible to fill a well with dew.
524 A barrel couldn’t be strengthened by cobweb.
525 I see. You got accustomed to wipe the dirt by spirit exhalation but not by spirit itself.
526 Who needs one dust of a diamond?
527 Nobody would cut one’s hand for using a drop of iodine.
528 A storm of fortress by a little assault groups, ruin them one after another.
a LITTLE (neg.)
529 A little fire is a friend. A big fire is an enemy.
530 He for whom a thin twig is enough may fly.
531 Even a straw would be needed for a man when he wishes to pick one’s teeth.
532 A bird builds a nest by a blade after a blade.
533 The better beer, the more its shortage into the mug.
534 An ocean has a greatness because of it doesn’t neglect even a small rivers.
535 Too much salt is worse than insufficient salting.
536 Too much scented man couldn’t distinguish subtle smells.
537 -A hen has her fill by pecking a grain after a grain.
-It wastes whole day for its eating.
538 One coin from each New-Yorker makes a millionaire.
539 He that has little is the less dirty.
540 Where nothing is, a little does ease.
541 Little strokes to fell great oaks.
542 A little wind kindles, much puts out the fire.
a LITTLE (exist)
543 A little thing is not so little when there is not another one.
544 “Three” is so much for a giving man. “Five” is so little for a taking man.
a LITTLE thing for a great man (neg.)
545 Brilliant shines more brightly with candles than the sun. Bottle’s
LITTLE by LITTLE (neg.) (see also concession, extreme)
546 It is better they have daily drizzle, than a great downpour one time in three month.
a LITTLE and often (pos., neg.)
547 Little and often fills the purse.
548 Hair and hair makes the Carl’s head bare.
How you would LIVE when I would be died?
549 There is more interesting question. How I will live if you don’t died?
LIVE peacefully!
550 For whom your words are? For thugs who can’t live in harmony? Or for people who come across with thugs and who wish to live in harmony thousand times greater than you?