MODESTY for me (pos.)
676 I take care of the others. I don’t eclipse somebody’s modesty by my ones.
677 Why should I have a resigned appearance? Have I brought to be sold?
678 I am not a caterpillar. I don’t shrink myself in order to move forward.
679 I have no need to creep under the bad fence through the hole at the bottom.
MODESTY for an ordinary man (pos.)
680 Modesty is a consolation for wretched person.
681 Modesty is a virtue for those who have no other virtues.
682 An ass with cut off ears can never be a skipper.
MODESTY for an ordinary man (neg.)
683 Find your place among men then sit there in a way that no one could say “Move over”.
684 He who makes progress can change his opinion. Fools and immodest persons cannot change their opinions.
MODESTY of a priest (pos.)
685 Well, he that they kiss his hands is a very modest person.
MODESTY of a rich man (pos.)
686 Modesty is the good means against taxation.
687 Modesty beautifies a man, but not his life.
MODESTY of a rich man (neg.)
688 -A true rich man always has something to hide.
-But, N is not afraid of fate of his riches.
689 Modesty is a treasure that doesn’t decrease even if it goes unnoticed.
MODESTY of a Russian (lack)
690 Russians have more modesty. All foreign words which don’t mean modest behaviour, such as ambition, aplomb, courage, assume negative sense in Russian.
MODESTY for a subordinate (neg.)
691 Modesty enables one to slip away and, rulers don’t like to loose slaves.
692 It is better to lower oneself at first in order to raise oneself later than to raise oneself at first and fall later.
MODESTY for a woman (exist)
693 I don’t believe woman’s modesty. It is simple the woman who looks down tests male’s sincerity.
MODESTY for young man (pos.)
694 Putting the tail between the legs is a habit of old dogs.
695 Snow is good when it hides the scratches and rust of an old car, but bad when it hides the shine and the newness of a just-bought car.
MONARCHY (pos.) (see also cult, democracy)
696 An observation of the people through windows of king’s palace, which was began since the childhood, is one of the perversions.
697 A republic which is ruled by diverse men able adjust to diverse circumstances better than monarchy.
698 A king looks after State best of all. He will keep State for his son.
699 A monarch has discrepant wishes much less.
700 Only a monarch can keep a secret of decisions which are directed against enemies.
701 -During the deciding a sole man follows conscience more than the crowded gathering.
-He follows rather self-interest, too.
702 Every scoundrel wishes to derive benefit from his own temporary elective post.
703 Like king, like people. Manners of parliamentarians bring up people more worse.
MONEY (pos.) (see also account, consider, riches)
704 Yes, money! That is fine! What else can give significance to some of life’s trifles except money?
705 If you wish to know what God thinks about money, then just have a look at the persons to whom He gives it so much.
706 Well. Money means availability of friends and glory. But who needs all that bought for money?
707 If a silly mind can’t to distinguish oneself by anything, it wishes to be measured by the common for such mind yardstick – money.
708 It is possible for money to buy a bed, but not the sleep; to buy a food, but not the appetite; to buy a medicine, but not the health; to buy servants, but not the friends; to buy a woman, but not the love; to buy entertainment, but not the joy; to buy teachers, but not the intellect. I see, many things may be bought, because of money!
709 Some think that time is money. And others think that time is valued more than money.
710 One, who thinks that money can do any thing is ready to do any thing for money.
711 The one who is possessed by God is ridden with the fears before Him. The one who is possessed by money is ridden with the fears before it.
712 What to cross a purse as well as a forehead for?
713 Value of money is not in money, but in deeds.
714 The greatest value to belong deeds, but not money. Money is alike in promise.
715 “Where is more benefit?” is the main thought of traitors.
716 The phrase “The life is the play” is not so correct. The phrase “Worthy life is not play for money” is more correct.
717 The question “Is money a good thing or a bad one?” is not correct. The correct question is “Is money a good thing when it is govern by morals or when it has no government by morals?” In other words “Is the good thing socialism or capitalism?”
718 Calamity that may be calculated in terms of money is not true distress. So, a loss of money is not true distress.
719 -Money stifles shame. And It is bad. -The love do the same. And it is good.
720 Even a hero who serves for the sake of money seems not so great.
721 Invention of money is the substitution of two good things by a bad thing. There are two good natural and social phenomenons instead of money formerly - a force and good fame. Nobody can steal or misappropriate them.
MONEY (neg.)
722 No one has been hanged with a purse on his neck.
723 The presence of money spoils people less than the lack of money.
724 It is better to have money than to have the fear of its absence.
725 It is better to be a wretch and have money than to be a wretch and not have money.
726 A thing can’t be bad if its defect is a shortage of it.
727 A good man should always have money for an ark.
728 The shortage of money yields nothing but self-conceit.
729 A clever man likes a thing, which would give him the greatest advantage.
730 He who doesn’t think about money, rank and influential connections can’t know people well. It also means that he can’t know life too well.
731 Liberty has earned the right to be minted.
732 If one hasn’t money then he has a shame. If one has a shame then he hasn’t a luster. If one hasn’t a luster then he has humiliation. If one has humiliation then he has anguish. If one has anguish then his mind grows dim. When a mind grows dim, there is death.
733 He inquires with a purse more often than with his friend or whim.
734 To despise money means to despise everything good that life can give, including books.
735 Money has an antidote for every kind of poison.
736 To love money means not to know despondency.
737 Everyone must have money to keep the dear conscience.
738 Only a great quantity of money has safe defense for itself.
739 -Even a priest wants dance for money.
-It is bad indeed.
740 Money is the best hands. They do everything. Money is the best feet. They reach any place. Money is the best beauty, which attracts all people.
741 Money gives possibility to play again even the lost war. Germans gave 60 milliards dollars to Jews as if it is compensation for holyhost. After it Jews made grandiose work for disorganization of socialism and disintegration of USSR.
742 -Money is good if only for a stop of thinking about it.
-However I don’t see that you have this stop. And I see that I have this stop very often. So, your words are not the truth.
743 Money is the good thing. They give person a chance to limit his contact with losers.
744 Money is not evil. Evil never expires so quickly.
745 Money is a half of gentlemoney.
746 Health and money go far.
MONEY (exist)
747 Yes. N has nowhere to put his money, because N has no money to buy a big wallet with.
MONEY for a commander (pos.)
748 Money is a most cowardly way to a rule.
MONEY is the evil!
749 – Well, money is the evil. The evil must be clutched by one’s fist.
MONEY for a girl (neg.)
750 “A fate mistake” for a poor girl is a just “thoughtless step” for a rich one. It is important to provide yourself with money ahead of time.
ignoble MONEY (neg.)
751 Does money smell badly if it was got by public lavatory?
752 -Money hasn’t smell.
-Don’t lie! It has smelling. Rogues and swindlers always feel where they may obtain profit.
MONEY for an interlocutor (pos.)
753 It is not correct to wish just money. Analyze things, which you wish to receive. So, you will understand your insignificance and nonentity.
MONEY for an interlocutor (neg.)
754 If you exploit money as a messenger you’ll not complain of it.
755 I understand you. Money doesn’t cheer up a man who knows that it is not his own.
756 Would you know what money is, go borrow some.
MONEY for a male (woman) (pos.)
757 The less love one has, the more money he needs.
MONEY for me (pos.)
758 I am not too old to value time more than money.
759 The significance of money increases year by year. I am still young.
760 I am not from those who think that the loss of money means the loss of self-respect.
761 Do you wish to strike me from the list of the wise men, because of some quantity of money, which may come to me?
MONEY for me (neg.)
762 Money is like a faithful and beautiful wife (husband). It is better if such wife (husband) will belong to me, than my neighbor.
much MONEY (pos.)
763 Well, a person who doesn’t has much money often things about it. But a person who has much money is forced to think about it permanently.
How much MONEY you will give me?
764 -One million at month.
-Is it really?
-Yes, it is. Dreams shouldn’t be modest!
MONEY for a painter (pos.)
765 When a painter begin think about money, he lose feeling for the beautiful.
MONEY for a progress (pos.)
766 Money is not the main motor power of progress. Soviet sportsmen were excel American ones not because for the sake of money.
a male saves MONEY (pos.)
767 Save money – marry monkey.
MONEY for a subordinate (neg.)
768 Yes. Conviction about the insignificance of money will permit a man a happy life, especially if he can convince his subordinates of this concept.
MONK (pos.)
769 He, who loafs one’s time away, begins to dream about a buried treasure. He who dreams about a buried treasure will want to become a monk.
770 Are you a bird? Every bird like own sing as the main one.
771 Monotheism always was against domestic gods, which are defenders of personal and domestic needs of the man.
772 I don’t make economy by sacrifice.
773 He, who denies that the God is single, may lightly deny that the truth is single.
774 The diversity develops from the monotony. Eskimos distinguish twenty kinds of white colour.
MONUMENT for living person (pos.) (see also exploit, posthumous glory, gratitude, merit, remember)
775 Monument of living person is a doubt that a monument would be mount by descendants.
MOOD (pos.)
776 Someone has a wish to agree with a great quantity of mistakes only if he is in a good mood.
MORAL lecture (pos.)
777 Moral lecture is not good. If kind people reasoning about morals they provoke compassion and aversion. If the man of evil reasons about it, he provokes fear.
778 Conquerors read a moral lecture most of all.
MORALS (pos.) (see also breeding, conscience, honesty, justice, law, virtue)
779 He who is farther from an occupation has higher morals.
780 If you build a temple of morals, don’t forget that it would be comfortable.
781 Morals are immoral because it gives erroneous supposition about reality.
782 I know moral persons. Very often old prostitutes and ex-drunkards become the most moral persons.
783 Morals exit for the sake of a man, but not inversely.
784 Morals are the man’s airs and graces to the Nature.
785 Usually, he who unreservedly bent down before morals is a coward or good-for-nothing.
786 Usually, an opponent of morals is the person who discovers oneself.
787 Morals have the same effect as vodka. Vodka restrains doubts. Morals make the same deed. Firsts of all it declares that rejection of morals is immoral. Then it imposes one’s will without proofs.
788 The public morals are the enemy of personality. It never adapts oneself to the power of man. The personal morals are bad, too. It is changeable as a prostitute.
789 A true morals neglect ordinary morals.
MORALS (exist)
790 Power of man is not the cause of his resistance against his passion. He resists a passion because it is powerless.
791 Usually, if temptation avoiding a man then he begins to brag about his avoiding of temptations.
MORALS of Anglo-Saxon (pos.)
792 West culture eulogizes Beatles. The queen of G.B. rewarded them with the title “sir”. But in general they are servants of vices. West culture bred diskoteces which making prostitutes and drug addicts from our children.
MORALS of Anglo-Saxon or Latin (pos.)
793 Anglo-Saxons (Latines) know “prodigal son”. Russians know “the son who left his parents”. Even Anglo-Saxon Bible shows interest rather to money than morals.
MORALS for a believer (pos.)
794 You are ready become brutalized during your striving for you become an angel.
MORALS of a believer (pos.)
795 A believer hasn't reason to be ashamed of own wish of amoral situation or deed because of when such situation or deed would came to be he will consider it made as God's answer for his wish and request.
MORALS during capitalism (pos.) (see also breeding, capitalism, conscience, honesty, justice, law, virtue)
796 Morals of the winners have no common concept with morals of the defeated. There are no morals there, where there are no common morals. There are no morals during capitalism.
797 Capitalism encourages prostituted thirst of easy money. This thirst grasps the majority of a society. Capitalism can’t put a ban on prostitution. The ban on prostitution is a crime against capitalism, because, it is a ban on capitalism.
MORALS of a chief (pos.)
798 Being in the saddle means being at the lowest point.
MORALS for a chief (neg.)
799 Usually, he who neglects morals is not the good owner.
MORALS of a childless man (pos.)
800 He, who give birth many children, is more moral. He clearing the conscience of whole nation, because of, children has no duty to be responsible for parents’ sins.
MORALS of Christ’s enemy (neg.)
801 Morals of Christ’s enemies are not worse than morals of Christian priests. Pharisees, who was Christ’s enemies, rejected bloody 30 silver coins from Jud. But now Christian priest don’t arrange face control for income.
MORALS of a church (pos.)
802 Where is possible to buy a prayer for bless of any scoundrel?
MORALS of a clergy (pos.)
803 The permanence of morals of the clergy is only permanent licking asses of kings, Hitler, communists or mafia.
MORALS for different men (pos.)
804 Morals equalize people. It is not natural.
MORALS during enrichment (pos.)
805 They need not to skip over necessary and useful things to kindness and morals.
MORALS for a great man (pos.)
806 Morals are the shortcoming of mind which bans a search of another decision.
807 Morals, laws and habits are varieties of soporific for a mind.
MORALS for a great man (neg.)
808 Morals are not a bog. It is the place where everyone may be firmly established and even stands on the high station.
809 Even the great mind seems to be foolish if it has no morals.
MORALS of high born person (pos.) (see also high birth)
810 I know “high morals” of these “Gubsburges” which began interstate wars for the sake of reception of the inheritance in Spain and Austria.
MORALS for an interlocutor (pos.)
811 I understand you. Reasons of morals give a greatest chance to do evil.
812 I understand you. The future would belong those persons who can justify own wishes by morals and to find enough simpletons who would be ready to defend their wishes by laws.
MORALS of Arabic Moslems (pos.)
813 What may be said about Arabic Moslems? They pay tithe although they know that part of their money will be spent for murders of guiltless people by acts of terrorism.
national MORALS (neg.)
814 Each nation has its own set of moral ideas. A struggle against a set of national moral ideas is the struggle against own nation. It is the struggle for its dissociation.
MORALS for an ordinary man (pos.)
815 A powerless, downtrodden and vindictive people think about morals most of all.
MORALS for a poor man (pos.)
816 Morals are a variety of comfort. It exists for the people who are spoilt by any kinds of comfort.
MORALS of a rich man during the war (pos.)
817 An uncontact war is the war which was invented thanks to the rich men. It is the war against people as if they are cockroaches.
MORALS for a scientist (pos.)
818 If all scientists would have high morals then who will pull up the skirt of Nature?
MORALS of an unbeliever (neg.)
819 Well, morals of unbeliever differ from morals of orthodox believer. An unbeliever considers Optee as the murderer first of all. An orthodox believer considers him as the saint, the founder of the saint place – Optee’s hermitage.
MORALS for us (pos.)
820 Morals are too much resembles a strange shabby dress.
MORALS of a young man (neg.)
821 N (more young man) was not be born when they made lashing to M (more old man).
MORE than a life (pos.) (see also excited, exploit, incite, sacrifice)
822 What does invent an opinion that there is the thing which has more importance than the life itself?
MORE than a life (neg.)
823 To love something more than the life means to add more great importance to the life.
824 A meaning of life is there where there is the wish to lay down one’s life.
MORMON (pos.)
825 If some man is a pretender by his nature and he fears or is ashamed of to be a pretender in secular life then he easily imagines, “The Holy Spirit is into me”.
826 I see. There are believers who don’t wish to know new God’s words.
MOTHER-in-law (neg.)
827 On contrary, the source of evil is the son-in-law. Just he made mother-in-law from a woman.
in MOTION (pos.)
828 Do you attempt to defecate in motion?
829 Don’t nail a heel in motion.
in MOTION (neg.)
830 A caravan covers off in motion.
MOTLEY (pos.)
831 Motley is good for peacock’s feather.
832 Motley is good for clown’s dress.
833 Trembling in ears is not the music. Dazzling is not the beauty.
MOUNTAIN-skier (pos.)
834 A mountain skis are the best for a lazy man.
835 It is well know that there is difficult subtract even two from four at the great height. I don’t belong to those people who like to drive oneself to such happy condition.
836 I can’t get the greatest satisfaction by overcoming only the present difficulties as the mountaineer can it.
837 Mountains are my ladies-love. My feelings wish to be at their feet, but not climb up on them with the sharp boots and the rucksack.
838 I see. Everyone can go along sole board if it lay on the earth, but only rare man can do it on the mountain. It’s better become the mountaineer for those who hasn’t an imagination.
839 It is the perversion to decorate a face by sexual distinctive signs.
840 A male who attends that he is unlike male wears moustaches and beard.
841 Well, N wants to protect his oral cavity from the snivel.
842 I am not a child. A lack of sexual signs doesn’t add me charm.
843 I understand you. One doesn’t wish wear moustaches if he intends quick regale on else’s sour cream.
big MOUTH (neg.)
844 What to have the same little mouth as a money-box has?
MOVE (pos.)
845 All cats like to run before they would make foul at the corner of the room.
846 One hundred thousand of running horses couldn’t substitute for a firm fortress.
847 A grace is the least quantity of movements for an implementation of some action.
848 They that sow the wind shall reap the whirlwind.
MOVE (neg.)
849 A fair wind could helps only running horse.
850 A flowing water flows in the right direction.
851 A poison is in immovable animals.
852 Some people like stagnant water. Others like seething champagne.
MOVE for a chief (pos.)
853 The wolf’s dream is “How to move buffalo’s herd?”
MOVE amidst an enemies (neg.)
854 A movement is the invisible shield which defends against enemy’s arrows.
MOVE for an enrichment (pos.)
855 He that is afraid to shake the dice will never throw a six.
MOVE for an interlocutor (pos.)
856 I see. You prefer rather a running man than a happy one.
MOVE for an interlocutor (neg.)
857 Your constipation hampers your movement. Is it true?
next one’s own MOVE (pos.)
858 He who refuses to do a next one’s own move tires his opponent.
MOVE for an ordinary man (neg.)
859 A foolish oak prefers to dry up than to move to the water.
MOVE like a shit into an ice-hole (neg.)
860 Everyone, who moves between the past and the future there and back, moves like a shit into an ice-hole.
MULTI-party system (pos.)
861 It is interesting, what was the fore-runner of faith in multi-party system? Was it the polytheism?
MURDER (neg.) (see also kill)
862 One murder immediately turns ten thief to just men and thousands average men to saint in our eyes.
863 A quantity of men who was the undoing of themselves outnumbers a quantity of men who was the undoing by others.
MURDER an animal (neg.)
864 He who knows how sheep or kitten has death would know how to avoid such fate for himself.
MURDER an enemy (pos.)
865 To make resistance of your enemy out of sense is better than to kill him. It is better to render harmless an enemy thus that his children would can become your friends but not enemies.
MURDER an enemy (neg.)
866 It is impossible to straighten a snake till its death.
867 Wolfs pay in skins for their own sins.
868 A remainder of debt, fire or enemies will increase again.
869 The best victory is the victory when the victor excels projects of enemy, too. But it is impossible without annihilation of enemy.
870 It is better if an eaten brute will becomes a part of man than an eaten man will becomes a part of brute.
871 A man is not the scorpion. The scorpion gets nothing because of its stinging, but a man will get a trophy, glory and safeguard against future losses.
MURDER own husband (pos.)
872 I agree with you. He must be killed. If I would be your husband I would hold up my throat to you by with my own will.
MURDER me (pos.)
873 One moment! Don’t kill me. Do you love the melancholy funeral repast? Then allow me to order my relations to do gay funeral repast.
preventive MURDER of enemy (neg.)
874 If something crawls on a leg then it would get to the neck.
875 The earlier they murder a wolf, the less a damage of it.
876 If they wish to have a placid life, they murder all gnats but not only those which bit them.
scientist MURDERS (neg.)
877 It is not truth that a creative man is the ruin maker, destroyer or annihilator. A creative man just corrects mistakes. Who is an enemy of correction?
MURDER a thief (neg.)
878 You are free to murder thief. An earth wouldn’t be deserted because of it.
MURDER a traitress (neg.)
879 It is better to murder a traitress one time than to murder one man every week.
880 A murderer of one is the murderer. A murderer of thousand is the victor. A murderer of all is the God.
MUSIC (pos.)
881 He, who likes obtrusiveness, would like music, too.
MUSIC (neg.)
882 Music make a man feels that he cannot feels by himself, and help him understand that he cannot understand by himself, and help him to do that he cannot do by himself.
any MUSIC (pos.)
883 Well, music is the medicine. But a man must not take all medicines on end.
foreign MUSIC (pos.)
884 It’s enough to conquer an air over the earth in order to conquer an earth. It’s enough to satiate an air with foreign music.
MUSIC at the funeral (pos.)
885 Do you know the music which is please the deceased?
MUSIC for a great man (pos.)
886 Alas! The clever man likes smaller percent of music than the silly one.
887 Music doesn’t excite thoughts. Or disturbed thoughts wouldn’t allow listen the music until the end.
loud MUSIC (pos.)
888 I like loud music, too, especially when I am in the society of a bore or the guest who sited too long.
889 Louder music’s crash, louder toothache.
MUSIC lover (pos.)
890 I see. Many people have a great wish to be glad or sad without a reason.
891 A lover of music is good … in his childhood. He doesn’t peep at the hole of women’s lavatory. He overhears there.
popular MUSIC (neg.)
892 An expression “the popular music” has no one swear-word.
reiteration of MUSIC (pos.)
893 Every time when we reiterate a song until our perfect satisfaction, we become poor by one good song.
894 Unfortunately, I can’t lead the life of the musician, because I am not able to suffer dialogues with the drunk persons.
895 The best listener is the musician.
896 If a man cannot understands the origin of people from monkeys, but he easy understands the origin of woman from male’s rib then he is Mussulman or Christian.
wicked MUSSULMAN (pos.)
897 A wicked Mussulman is the good man. He considers that a good person must have more enemies than friends.
MUZZLE (neg.)
898 A muzzled dog looks as an intelligent person with spectacles.
MY (pos.)
899 All yours are in the lavatory pan.
900 A man, who got tired with looking for the truth, decides that it is in something mysterious. So, he begin considers any incomprehensible and mysterious gibberish as the truth.