375 Don’t worry. Children wouldn’t be born because of the wedding of dolls.
PLAY cards (neg.)
376 I understand you. A person discloses own soul during play cards. Nothing is gained by it for some person.
PLAY for a chief (neg.)
377 Players have the best skill for making self-dependent decisions.
PLAY for a subordinate (pos.)
378 There are people who miss self-dependent decisions for their real life that they seek them in playing.
PLAYER (pos.)
379 Do you like enjoyment with a vibromasseur?
to be PLEASE all people (pos.)
380 A wish to be please all people is the shortest way to the failure.
381 Beginners wish to be please all people. Men of ripe age wish to be please the God. A sage wants to be please only himself.
to be PLEASE a person (pos.)
382 Insert hen’s (turkey-cock’s) brain in your head just you would be tasty.
383 Your wish to be pleased different persons exceed the same one that bustles woman has.
384 N is not a woman (male) that she (he) to please you.
PLEASURE (pos.) (see also abstention, boon, comfort, delight, enjoyment, sweet)
385 Babies and gluttons require in warm broth.
386 Repeated yearning to a pleasure is the best evidence of impossibility of pleasure.
387 Scratching oneself against fleas is the pleasure, too.
388 What virtue can do without pleasure?
389 Each person must leave this world having no wishes. Pleasures must be wasted.
390 Disdain for pleasure is a pleasure as well.
free PLEASURE (exist)
391 They that dance must pay the fiddler.
392 An oak will breaks itself when it begin bends itself.
393 A supple long switch may binds and takes away an armful of firewood.
394 N has many plans for the future. It is natural, they are versatile ones.
395 He, who can roll himself up into a ball, feels warm.
396 The more pliability, the less breaking.
397 When two coaches have clash then he who has greater aim moves backward in the first instance.
398 I understand your preference. A stump has less pliability than a tree.
PLIABILITY for a great man (neg.) (see also frankness, freedom, inflexibility)
399 Do you know what a tiger falls down to the earth for?
400 What the pederasts! Now they are as males, now they are as women. They are pluralists in short.
POCK-market (neg.)
401 They sow wheat on ploughed field and they lay manure on the smooth place.
POET (pos.)
402 Only a poet may be the most skilful liar.
403 Well. N is alike Homer. It’s necessary to put out his eyes, only.
404 I know. Any poet may stink of as Pegasus.
POINT of view (pos.)
405 A narrow mind can diminish itself till the point of view.
406 The most immovable point of view is near the back-sight.
407 He who sees a moon in a puddle sees that it vibrating.
another POINT of view (neg.)
408 A man may to see many new cherries on the “empty” cherry-tree if he would see at this tree from another point of view.
POINT OUT vices (pos.)
409 How many cases of eradication of vices after the time when they were pointed out by strange men you know?
410 A possibility of politician to change one’s mind is equal the same possibility of sanctimonious person. Workers and capitalists are more quick-witted.
411 There is not everyone who can shake hand of such scoundrels as Hitler, Pinochett or Eltzin with a smile.
412 Usually, those who wish to solve own problems for nothing wish to be occupied by world problems.
413 Usually, those who didn’t solve own problems wish to be engaged in State problems.
414 Yes, how to take from everyone, to give everybody? It is a hard care of politicians.
415 Political figure is alike a prisoner. Both permanently think of the termination of the term.
416 Yes, almost all politicians are good boys. Almost all politicians vote for the privileges and vote against income tax.
417 Well, political figures are the greatest one. They made themselves higher a matter of principle.
418 Politicians have knowledge that thier own business is bad because they often clame "Don't politicize the situation".
419 A prostitute who makes PR for oneself is worse than an ordinary one.
420 He who can use State’s help to the sake of conciliation different public interests is the great man.
capitalistic POLITICIAN (pos.)
421 Now, people never meet and greet capitalistic politicians along streets. It’s right. Capitalistic politicians merit it. They fear people more.
422 A fight between an ignorance and injustice doesn’t agitate me.
423 I don’t prefer State rag to private one.
424 I understand you. They pay for dishes which were made by politics before meal of these dishes.
425 Discussion about politics resembles the discussion of hens about cock’s cry.
be engaged in POLITICS (neg.)
426 We are neither left nor right. We are bast sandals and valenki.
POLITICS for a scientist (neg.)
427 Well, many scientists have such an opinion. But it’s embarrassing that such opinion have all 100 per cent of flunkeys being on state service that they are not scientists.
428 Polygamy is advantageous. A husband of two wives has no need a dog.
429 Persons who support unisexual matrimony rather support polygamy, too.
430 The more wives, the less free women, the less libertines, the more children live in families which has fathers.
431 Always males of marriage age are less than women ones. What to leave women without marriage for? Inevitably lonely women will destroy else’s luck for the sake of own share.
432 He, who want to becomes embittered with other men, to become embittered with polytheism.
POOR (neg.)
433 Make the vine poor, and it will make you rich.
POOR MAN (pos.) (see also sin, virtue)
434 There’s no such poverty that can overpower industry.
435 A mane doesn’t grow, if a horse is bad. Superfluous things don’t appear, if a man is bad.
436 Even one finger is rare if a man has leprosy.
POOR MAN (neg.)
437 Although pedestrians do not run drivers over, drivers are dissatisfied with pedestrians.
438 A poor man is better than a lying one.
POOR wife (neg.)
439 All people envy a poor wife because of obviously that she married in according with her love.
POORNESS (pos.) (see also boon, fate, poverty)
440 Where there’s a lack of mind there’s a lack of everything.
441 All dogs rush at torn gowns.
442 I don’t wish to have such a cruel chief, which is Hunger.
443 Even when a poor becomes a rich he will live for forty years like the poor. Even when a rich becomes poor man he will live for forty years like the rich.
444 A poor man has no means to show his insult.
445 Why inflame envy? A poor man has more things to envy.
446 Well, poverty is good wish gout.
447 Yes. All dog barks at old gowns. You bark, too.
448 Empty pockets will prevent sinking.
449 A poor man has a garret and looks down at Paris.
450 The poor would be cured sooner, than the rich.
451 One who can’t be poor can’t be free.
452 A poor person isn’t afraid of losses.
453 A hole in one’s pocket is better than in one’s head.
454 One can play football in the room of a poor man.
POORNESS (exist)
455 Well, N is poor. His driver is poor too. His housemaid is poor. And both of his cooks are poor. And three of his gardeners are poor.
POORNESS for a creator (neg.)
456 It is easier to plough wearing bast sandals than high boot.
POORNESS of an earth (neg.)
457 Poor land doesn’t produce lazy bones.
POORNESS of a festive occasion (neg.)
458 A famine christening party is better than a splendid funeral.
POORNESS at a native land (neg.)
459 A bride feels well in her father’s house even barefoot.
POPULARITY (pos.) (see also attention, merit, praise)
460 -Usually, cheap things (mass consumption) are popular.
-And bread, too.
461 Spreding involves the loss of level.
PORNO (lack)
462 Well, as for your body it is not even erotic.
PORTRAIT of a leader for Russian (pos.)
463 Icons are distinguishing feature of Russia.
464 Every aggressor have positivism.
465 A man who has overstated self-conceit estimates his own thoughts and deeds with the highest positivism.
POSSIBILITY of enriching for a poor man (exist) (see also conditions for enrichment, equal rights, fate, freedom for enrichment, gain)
466 It’s easy to make great fortune when one has money in one’s pockets than to make little fortune when one hasn’t money in one’s pockets.
POSSIBILITY for a great man (neg.) (see also do, luck, opportunity)
467 The more creative part of a person, the more often he asks, “may be”.
POSSIBILITY of a little mistake (neg.)
468 Possibility of a little mistake must not avert great deeds.
POSSIBILITY of peace (exist)
469 Eagles don’t breed doves.
POSSIBILITY for repetition (lack)
470 What has been, may be.
POSSIBILITY of the sin (lack)
471 Who may contends that N’s dog never bites and N’s horse never kicks?
POSSIBILITY of taking (exist) (and take)
472 Nobody can melt grease from a frying pan.
473 A wind would take nothing from the stone.
POVERTY (pos.) (see also poorness)
474 One who didn’t live a good life wouldn’t feel the death. Do you praise poverty for it?
475 He, who is in poverty, is still in suspicion.
POVERTY (neg.)
476 Poverty is a magic hat, which can turn its owner to an invisible man.
477 A poor man can’t seem to be really disinterested.
478 Poverty is not a crime. Otherwise, a stupid majority would look forward to it.
479 Poverty is not a trouble. You needn’t drink sour milk.
480 Poverty is not frightful. The Kolizey would be more ancient when we’ll attend it.
481 Are you against invention? Do you think that poverty doesn’t prompt invention?
482 Poverty is hard only near richness.
POVERTY in middle age (pos.)
483 Poverty in middle age is hopelessness: nothing is ahead and the death-savior is still far.
POVERTY of a wise man (pos.)
484 Nobody condemned wisdom to poverty.
POWDER oneself (pos.)
485 Why everyone has not the right to powder oneself? A mangy horse fans itself with its tail very often.
486 Do you like to be powdered as baby’s ass?
POWER (pos.)
487 The world is under feet. You are under the dominion of supernatural force, which pull you up the garret once again.
POWER (neg.)
488 A skunk doesn’t need power. It’s respected anyway.
Да, скунсу сила не нужна. Его и так уважают.
POWER of communists (neg.) (see also socialism)
489 I detest communists’ rule, too. Even a Jews worked for common weal at that time.
490 A man who takes care of one’s mind and minds of own children prefer an influence of high moral communists to them than an influence of people who were bribed by money.
POWER of a creator (neg.)
491 Potter to attach a handle to the pot in that place where he wants.
POWER of the God (pos.)
492 A yard-keeper will lives in the dirty court during his work at clean rich courts till the world power belongs the God. This topsy-turvy world order may be changed only when people take power in their own hands.
493 Even believers when they notice that an enema produce better effect than prayers quickly substitutes enema for the God. And it doesn’t make somebody’s flesh creep.
POWER of the God (exist)
494 The God is not almighty. He cannot guard even one good man from His own fanatics.
495 Any atheist has more influence than the God. He doesn’t give a chance for the God to show Himself in full measure.
496 A lazy person is the first who agrees that God’s power affects to all and all man’s endeavours are vain attempts.
497 Every time, when a scientist banishing next ignorance from his science, he banishing the God from it.
498 The time of discovery of pocket’s hole rather depends on God most of all.
POWER of a great man (pos.) (see also majesty)
499 Increasing power over the others leads decreasing power over oneself.
POWER of a great man (neg.)
500 The best man makes the best decision.
501 A large leaf is always higher.
502 Artillery has the best using if it stays on the top.
POWER of a great man (exist)
503 If you have so much power then order a gnat to fly away.
Jew’s POWER (lack)
504 Well, the Jew woman who sucked the penis had no enough power to do impeachment American president (Monica Levinsky, Bill Clinton).
my POWER-loving (neg.)
505 I understand I am so far from the God. I wish to be nearer to Him. The God gives power. A love of power is the love for the God.
priest’s POWER-loving (lack)
506 All religion are double-faced. All of them have no special liking for temporal power but long for taking it.
male’s POWER (exist)
507 Well, a man is the head, but a woman turns it.
POWER of money (exist)
508 Well, money has a mystic power. It can convert an artistic creation into industrial trade.
money has POWER over a capitalist (exist)
509 A capitalist is not the slave of money. Money is his slave. He forces it to work.
my POWER (neg.)
510 Well, a power is the heavy cross. But I don’t wish to bear the light one.
POWER of an ordinary man (pos.) (see also force, superiority)
511 One wants to rule over others when he has a disgust of ruling over himself.
512 He who measures own happiness by the power was brought up in servitude.
POWER during a peace (exist)
513 In a calm sea, every man is a pilot.
POWER of religion (pos.)
514 Well, religions are invincible. Their impassable fortress is yurodivies. To argue with them is the disreputable act. To lift one’s hand against them is the disreputable act. The same words may be said about the second defensive barrage such as old men and old women. Islam is defended in addition by a kind of murderers such as fighters for faith.
removable POWER (pos.)
515 A rich buyer praises rather a removable power.
POWER of rich men (neg.) (see also capitalism, exploitation, morals, opinion, oppress, revolution, superiority)
516 It is better to have a power of riches than the power of force.
517 Butter must be spread from above, but not from below.
POWER of the Satan (exist)
518 Why you know that from? Do you set up an acquaintance with Satan?
strong POWER (neg.)
519 People have more faith to each other at the time of strong rulers. Then people’s freedom increases. On contrary, anarchy shakes people’s faith to each other. Then there is no freedom for actions.
POWER of a subordinate (exist)
520 Trust not a great weight to a sewn thread.
POWER of over a young man (neg.)
521 Any case has positive and negative points. An elder nothing could be said that he will be dead first. What is more important think for a young man? Is it rule or life?