941 A grand gentleman always wishes to drive on groveler only in the hope of boon but not the just boon.
PROMISE of drunk man (exist)
942 Take the vodka and understand with it. I was only the mediator.
PROMISE for an enrichment (pos.)
943 It is better to have one hare in hand than nine ones in plan.
944 The thing which was carried on the cart is better than the thing which was carried on the tongue.
945 An empty spoon scratches a mouth.
946 A copper will not begin to boil because of words.
947 I sell myself for cash but not for lottery tickets.
948 One “take” is better than two “I’ll give”.
949 Caviar is good not because of its label. It’s good during chewing.
great man’s PROMISE (pos.)
950 A worthy man speaks by own deeds.
PROMISE for an interlocutor (pos.)
951 Your ears are more capacious than your hands.
952 Well. They will give coffee in your bed in order you will mill it there.
PROMISE of interlocutor (pos.)
953 You waste your efforts. Shoot with golden bullets at. Then your shooting-marks will run after them by their own wish.
954 Why show circles of your fish to the ploughman?
955 You can have a good flight but haven’t landing.
956 You are as a swine. You give much squeal and give not wool.
PROMISE a male (pos.)
957 Persuade a naпve girl. Let she trust in happiness of married life.
PROMISE me (pos.)
958 I don’t get tipsy with unfinished home-brewed beer. I vomit by it.
959 My ass sits down on this gold lavatory pan.
my PROMISE (pos.)
960 I abstain from promises. However, I’ll do all that is in my power.
961 I’m generous. A remembrance about gifted words is indecent for the generous person, too.
962 Promising is the lord’s or chief’s employment. I have not this occupation.
963 If I don’t implement my promise, then you may return the same for me.
my PROMISE (exist)
964 Yesterday you gave a talk with me and cheered me. Then I promised something and cheered you also.
965 I’m the master over my words. I can give them and return them.
PROMISE an ordinary man (pos.)
966 Fools are glad for promises most of all.
967 Who is more foolish than the man who gives existing thing for non-existent one?
968 A donkey will not receive all things which were loaded on it.
strange PROMISE (pos.)
969 The least trust in practicability of wish by own forces corresponds with the greatest hope for strange promises.
strange PROMISE for an interlocutor (pos.)
970 -Do you wish to horrify somebody?
-He who wishes to horrify somebody begins to remind of somebody else’s promise.
PROMISE suicide (pos.)
971 I already saw a person who tried to push own head in the loop … for the button.
a PROMISE of accomplishment of “least wish” (pos.)
972 Let speak your indeed “least wish”.
PROMISE a woman (pos.)
973 The fraud is for the fraud. A woman deceives a man by a lipstick, powder and rouge. A man deceives her by promises.
974 A clever man becomes more clever thanks to the strange prompt. A fool becomes more foolish thanks to it.
PROOF (pos.)
975 It is impossible that X could be proved within limits of this talk.
976 Well, hares live without spectacles. So, carrot makes good eyes.
977 Longing for making a proof of something blinds person with respect to another thing.
978 What try to prove something for? Every word of proof will be call in question.
979 -Axioms don’t demand proofs.
-Well, they demand that all trust them. But if there is not that all trust them, they are not axioms.
980 There are cases when it is better to don’t try to show one’s pass (documents), because you will be shot during your hand moving.
981 A person may does any not proved deed with impunity. What to prove something for?
982 All proves are unimportant. You know, the unfounded axioms are the basis of all theorems.
PROOF (neg.)
983 The blindest person is that who doesn’t wish to see anything.
984 Well, if a bitter thing would be chewed over, then the wish of swallow will been worn off.
PROOF (exist)
985 Shit is not the proof of satiety.
986 It is not the proof. It’s a logomachination like that, the more drunk wine, the more hand’s trembling, the more spilt wine, the less drunk wine.
987 The whiteness of your saliva’s foam doesn’t prove the purity of your words.
988 Yes, of course! And the red beard is the one more proof.
989 He who has more knowledge knows also the mere verbiades which justify the contrary idea.
990 -N didn’t gave X (one dollar, …).
-Do you swear?
-Yes, it is.
-Do you swear on your head?
-Yes, it is.
-Look at him. He is dangerous person. He is ready to give his head for one dollar.
active PROOF (pos.)
991 They listen rather a quiet evidence than the stormy one.
PROOF by an analogy (pos.)
992 They don’t explain the love by pouring out water from the lavatory’s vessel.
993 A grown man can to eat baby’s food, but he couldn’t wear baby’s clothes.
994 There are many analogies but the truth is sole.
995 In such case, prove that this analogy is fit for the proof.
PROOF by the coincidence (pos.)
996 In accordance with this manner you could say that Christ and Buddha are the same persons, because both washed foot and there was more wonderful coincidence: both had a pair of foot.
997 Coincidence and truth are not one and the same things.
PROOF by example (pos.)
998 There is no more delusive case than the case when it is impossible to know all cases.
PROOF by the exclusion (pos.)
999 Excavations couldn’t to prove the lack of radio communication.
PROOF by feelings (pos.)
1000 Feelings always value a mind as the fool.
PROOF of somebody’s foolishness (pos.)
1001 What to prove to a midge that it is the midge for?
PROOF of God’s greatness (pos.)
1002 The God is so great that He never doing something for improvement of His own status.
PROOF of identity (pos.)
1003 A half empty cup is the same a half full one. However, it doesn’t prove an identity of emptiness and fullness. A half dead man is the same a half live one. And it doesn’t prove an identity of the death and the life.
PROOF of an interlocutor (pos.)
1004 Your proof has not important facts except efforts which you doing.
1005 -In according your manner, you could prove that a person who has not matches has impotence.
-How is it?
-Your reasoning is simplest. If a person has matches, he has cigars, too. Consequently, he has money. Consequently, he has mistress. So, he is not impotence.
PROOF by interrogatory (pos.)
1006 You may ask, “Who lost a hundred dollars?” too. Many will answer, “I lost it”.
PROOF of the lack (pos.)
1007 A load of proof of the lack lay on the person, who contends the existence, but not the lack.
long PROOF (pos.)
1008 There are many proofs which lead to an error. As to them, the more long proofs lead to the more improvident error.
PROOF for me (pos.)
1009 I know I may be made sure by any idea. Therefore there are no reasons and arguments which may convince me really.
PROOF by numbers (pos.)
1010 There are three kinds of the lie. They are an ordinary lie, malicious lie and statistician.
PROOF of opposed fact (pos.)
1011 The loved method of perverted mind is an explanation of the violence by the lack of girl’s force.
PROOF of good quality (neg.)
1012 All good things in contrast to beautiful ones demand proofs.
PROOF by quantity (pos.)
1013 They never take seriously folly even if there is much folly.
1014 Truth couldn’t be measured by a quantity.
PROOF with sacrifice (pos.)
1015 The truth wouldn’t have more true because of the sacrifice.
PROOF of superiority by deeds (pos.)
1016 N can to prove his superiority by the deed. But he is greater. He may already don’t to prove his superiority.
verbal PROOF (pos.)
1017 What words for if there is the possibility to prove it by the deed?
PROPERTY (exist)
1018 I saw these blondes who dye roots of one’s hair by black colour.
1019 He who conduct oneself in according to strange prophecy sitting down on a donkey in order to be crucified.
1020 Once one was on the bridge and had done prophecy of the future for passengers. The results turned out that passengers cannot go to the any side beyond the bridge and they can to make only dive.
1021 If you trust in the honesty of foreteller, then after the receipt of prophecies about your long successful life try to persuade him that he wouldn’t demands his fee immediately.
1022 He, who foretells events 24 hours before, is considered a fool during 24 hours.
incredible PROPHECY (pos.)
1023 If somebody convincing others that Paris will be disappeared in three days then they place him in the hospital for mental diseases without waiting the end of this term.
PROPHET (pos.)
1024 There are not many good virtues would be required for becoming a prophet. Pessimism is the sufficient virtue for it.
1025 Probably, Judea’s people can have better knowledge about the prophets than we have now. But the prophets were not popular for them.
PROPORTIONAL augmentation of the profit (exist)
1026 A straight convolution of the brain simplifies any dependence to the linear or proportional one.
1027 A small room may have a long-wave wireless.
1028 They use six noughts for million, but they don’t use three noughts for a half of it.
1029 They whistle when they pasture a flock and when they pasture only five sheep, too.
1030 What demand to defend two sectors of fortification also from a man who built two sectors instead one for?
1031 Firewood corresponds with a stove.
1032 They don’t beat a small drum by long drumsticks.
1033 Suppose a flight in accordance wings.
1034 What to have fingers which are longer than a hand for?
1035 What to have a navel which is more than the stomach for?
1036 Much vodka for drinking and few sausages for eating make dipsomaniac.
1037 Don’t judge age by nose’s length.
1038 If three hundred sins will be absolved for daily fasting then the fasting from breakfast to dinner doesn’t absolve hundred sins.
1039 Well, if a fate would to allow a sparrow to live hundred years then it will grow as well an ostrich.
1040 If a horse-power of airplane’s motor falling it is not means that this airplane will at distant flight more and more time.
1041 There is a big shadow from a big tree.
PROPORTIONALITY a quality to a quantity (exist)
1042 A great number of dressed skirts doesn’t indicate the chastity.
1043 An omelet of hundred eggs is not more delicious than one of one egg.
1044 Even four legs don’t protect a horse from stumbling.
1045 There is no religion which forfeits one’s influence and it has not own guilt which leads this fault.
our PROSELYTISM (neg.)
1046 I don’t fear a ravage of my God on account of His boons for the sake of new believers.
PROSPERITY (pos.) (see also abstention, boon, comfort, enjoyment, life, private, wealth)
1047 Prosperity for a man is like the ripeness of the fruit. Everything is predisposed to the rottenness in this fruit.
1048 What for to have a hard work for keeping boons, which becomes dull quickly, because of it has become a habit?
1049 If the life becomes too good there will appear a wish to brighten it with troubles and deliberately caused anguish.
1050 If a husband goes from his wife to a prostitute, then he will never leaves the wife.
1051 A prostitute is nobler than a wife. She stipulate for price before sex. On contrary, a wife brings an account after it.
Do you consider me a PROSTITUTE?
1052 On no account! I don’t told about money.
1053 The more prostitutes, the less pederasts.
1054 It’s not enough to know one’s own value when you are in solitude. Your value must be known for others, too.
1055 A joint lewdness of elite and plebeians is the guarantee against disintegration of humanity to two branches “supermen” and “degenerates”.
PROTECT (pos.)
1056 Well, N needs to have an additional protection. He (She) has no such sure protection as innocence.
PROTESTING person (neg.)
1057 Any protesting man may be always blamed for an insubordination, disobedience, quarrelsome disposition, unsociability, scorn and neglect. There are few people who wish to think deeper and profounder.
PROVERB (pos.)
1058 Sell your proverb on a market-place.
1059 Proverbs are like fools. There is no disputing a fool and proverb.
PROVERB of an ordinary man (pos.)
1060 He who has a mind follows it. He who has not a mind follows proverbs.
1061 I see, proverbs are of benefit to the mankind. Wise men make proverbs and fools repeat them.
PROVIDE for the worst (neg.)
1062 Provide for the worst; the best will save itself.
1063 -Very often a capacity for give birth to the future assumes the name “provocation”.
-Don’t give a premature birth.
PROXIMITY to the God (pos.)
1064 Very often, he who kicked others in the past is ready to kicks them by his own proximity to the God in the present.
1065 I doubt that people who seek to be in proximity to the God are just where He is, because the God must know a tremendous lot of fiddlesticks and filth, that is repulsive for a moral person.
1066 Under the gospel, a man who renounced his parents, children and native land has the closest proximity to the God. Sorry, I don’t like such ugliness and disgraceful things.
1067 Prudence wouldn’t turn over a boat.
PRY (pos.)
1068 He, who pries into every cloud, may be stricken with a thunderbolt.
Jew’s PSYCHICS (neg.)
1069 Well, Jews have the high percent of mentally diseased men. However, statistics doesn’t take into account the diligent Jew’s care of own health. It’s notorious that there are no healthy men, but bad examined.
1070 Foolishness is the mental disease, too. I doubt that Jews have more high percent of fools.
unstable PSYCHICS of a great man (neg.)
1071 Instability may be not only because of that a thing is not full, but the thing is great, but when the mast is very high.
PSYCHOLOGY during capitalism (pos.)
1072 A robber grinds a knife. A fisher digs up worms. A swindler learns psychology.
During socialism it was closed as arm’s depot. During capitalism it is available for any scoundrel.
give PUBLICITY (pos.)
1073 In conclusion I met the true champion of publicity, who approves placing overhearing equipment in each home.
give PUBLICITY (neg.)
1074 Only the bullet which whined is not dangerous.
1075 I guessed why I like ancient books. There are no greedy publishers at that time.
PUBLISHER of religious literature (pos.)
1076 He who prefers avoiding to pay author’s emoluments work at religious publishing house.
PULL (pos.)
1077 A break is in the place of pulling.
PULL down a monument (neg.)
1078 Don’t mention that some people destroy the past, because there are another people who destroy the future of the others and keep silence during this action.
PULL down an Orthodox Church’s luxury be communists (neg.)
1079 -Do you like natural things?
-Yes, I like.
-Pulling down a crying luxury of the rich and pulling down a crying luxury of Orthodox Church. What is more unnatural?
1080 The lack of punctuality is the sign of successful person.
1081 Punctuality is presents. N makes being late punctually.
1082 A snake thinks, “I bite for the sake of medical treatment”.
1083 He who cannot persuades praises punishments.
1084 A punishment which was made by strange man trains conscience of sinner to an inaction.
1085 A man makes discoveries when his head had been struck by an apple but not a cudgel.
1086 They begin are conscience-stricken just where an impunity is ended.
1087 If crimes will be released from punishment, then what a peace with crimes we will have?
1088 A hot shchi improves the stinging-nettle.
1089 The guiltless head past gallows calmly.
1090 A hatred for criminals is the defense against criminality.
1091 A virtue is the sharp implacability against evil. Is not it?
1092 The thief is sorry he is to be hanged, but not that he is a thief.
1093 One punishment in the present prevents twenty in the future.
1094 An axe wouldn’t be cracked because of they would burn an axe-handle.
1095 Well, punishment is lame, but it comes.
PUNISHMENT without a founded accusation (neg.)
1096 I know an opinion of Russian tsarina Ekaterina Second that it is better to acquit ten sinners than to prosecute one innocent. Any king would lightly to say her words. However it is not an opinion of victims.
PUNISHMENT for a believer (pos.)
1097 A nice how-d’ye-do! The God make deeds and a man answers for them.
PUNISHMENT of a believer (pos.)
1098 A paradise where there pitch is in use has the horned archangels.
PUNISHMENT of a believer (neg.)
1099 Everyone must give the devil his due, also.
1100 A good man never shifts dirty work at loved God.
PUNISHMENT against a benefactor (neg.)
1101 Did N was good to somebody for the sake of he would make evil with safety?
big PUNISHMENT according to the law (neg.)
1102 The big punishment according to the law doesn't directed against good person. Conscientious man keeps oneself from own crime by his good breeding and unscrupulous person - by his fear. Big punishment decrease quantity of crimes.
PUNISHMENT against the chief (exist)
1103 It is easy to see eating meat by a monk. It is more difficult to see a punishment for this monk.
1104 They begin to scale fish from its tail.
chief’s PUNISHMENT (pos.)
1105 Flexibility of management is not a lash.
1106 If a chief’s words have less value than the punishment then it is the bad chief.
class PUNISHMENT (neg.) (see also cruelty, enmity, power, sin)
1107 Don’t be a suspicious cow during a struggle against foot-and-mouth disease.
PUNISHMENT for consequences (neg.)
1108 He who builds a mill answers for growing water’s level.
PUNISHMENT for consequences of the consequence (pos.)
1109 They don’t punish somebody for the absence of his grand childes if he was punished for the absence of his children.
PUNISHMENT before a crime (neg.)
1110 While people don’t render harmless criminals before their crimes then each new crime will witnesses that a good people is not so good because they cannot struggle with criminality successfully.
cruel PUNISHMENT during socialism (neg.)
1111 People begin estimate own life and morals more than gold and crimes only when punishments are cruel. Gold jugs stayed free near every well in the kingdom of cruel Dracula. In the time of cruel Stalin, people gone to night factories without fear.
PUNISHMENT against long-standing debtor (pos.)
1112 Health and youth are the greatest boons for men. If an old creditor becomes as young buffalo, than a long-standing debtor must be thanked, but not be punished.
PUNISHMENT for double-faced man (neg.)
1113 A double-faced man has twice slap in the face as the norm.
PUNISHMENT for edification (pos.)
1114 I have one request. Chop off N’s head and hang up it in sight of him for his edification.
PUNISHMENT against an enemy (pos.)
1115 They punish those men who are loved by them. A punishment for unloved man is humiliation.
PUNISHMENT for an enrichment (pos.)
1116 Don’t throw stones at the earth in order increasing its crop capacity.
PUNISHMENT against an erred man (pos.)
1117 An erred man was punished already. He is blind.
1118 A man who brought water and a man who brooks a jug of water have the same worth.
PUNISHMENT for faithlessness (pos.)
1119 Nobody disqualified a mountaineer for his use of lift.
PUNISHMENT for a fool (neg.)
1120 A mind ends just before it begin makes an allowance for a fool.
God’s PUNISHMENT (pos.)
1121 You like shift all dirty work at the loved God.
1122 What was the cause that the God punished you by the bald spot (poorness, unmarried life)?
God’s PUNISHMENT (exist)
1123 Believers are alike a parable’s tree or crow. Once a lightning broke the tree, which had a crow’s nest. The tree began complains of God’s penalty for its own silence. And the crow began complains of God’s penalty for its own frequent croaking.
1124 Your conviction that God’s punishment exists is like the conviction of Gipsy when somebody doesn’t gave a coin for her.
God’s PUNISHMENT (lack)
1125 A person who doesn’t feel God’s punishment is depraved. This depravity is already the God’s punishment.
great PUNISHMENT (pos.)
1126 I understand you. Usually, a happy man has more good soul than an unhappy one has.
1127 They chop off only thief’s hand but not thief’s head.
1128 He who proclaims a high aim never hits at under the belt-buckle.
1129 Silent rains are more useful for a crop than a thunder downpour.
great PUNISHMENT (neg.)
1130 If punishment is not severe, then quantity of crimes increases to such degree, that it is impossible to punish them by any punishment at all.
1131 It is easy to accuse a man of hatred of mankind if he banishing thieves, oppressors, violators and other bad men.
1132 Do you wish to cut off only tiger’s clutches when it caught a man?
1133 A good horse has one lash. A bad one has hundred lashes.
1134 The more love, the stronger punishment.
1135 They beat a small snake by big sticks.
1136 Only fire could straighten a dry branch.
1137 A punishment must be great. It must to demonstrate the value of aversion to the evil deed.
great PUNISHMENT against a believer(neg.)
1138 The man who took the faith must to bear more severe penalty for his sins.
great PUNISHMENT for the enlightened man (neg.)
1139 An enlightened person must to bear more severe penalty for his sins.
PUNISHMENT against guiltless man (neg.)
1140 It is not known, what is worse. Is it a punishment against suspicious person or the persuasion of the society that a crime has no punishment?
immediate PUNISHMENT (pos.)
1141 I see. You did not follow God’s example. God’s punishment comes after many years.
immediate PUNISHMENT (neg.)
1142 The God turned his children out of the paradise because of their first fault right away.
PUNISHMENT for an innocent (pos.)
1143 What to beat sea by the whip for?
1144 Don’t beat water instead of crocodile!
PUNISHMENT for an innocent (neg.)
1145 Do you wish that punished man would do a crime in addition to his punishment?
PUNISHMENT of an interlocutor (pos.)
1146 You make cheap deed. There is another way for punishment for a bad man. Reward is a good one.
1147 A dog is clever when it bites. Now, you are clever alike the dog.
1148 Firstly stick a needle into yourself then stick an awl into another.
1149 -I pity you. You will not meet with your happiness.
-You will never sign mortal sentences.
1150 -Is it the good deed to punish somebody for his convictions?
-No, it is not.
-You doing just it because when N did his mistake he was convicted in X.
1151 -Would you listen to an acquittal?
-I never would do that you bring forward.
-It’s all right. Punish N.
1152 -I know you are generous. What punishment would be fixed by the judge that is not so generous, as you?
-It would be the same one.
-Is your generosity necessary thing if you would give the same punishment?
PUNISHMENT for a kind man (pos.)
1153 Punishment for a kind man is the double sin, because it is the reward for bad men.
Christian king’s PUNISHMENT (neg.)
1154 Believers are good if their enemies and friends are equal for them. The king is bad, if criminal and virtuous men are equal for him.
legitimate PUNISHMENT against a poor man (pos.) (see also law, power)
1155 I appreciate your sincerity: a law for the rich, a punishment for the poor.
my PUNISHMENT (neg.)
1156 A good man gives untidy work neither the others nor the God.
model PUNISHMENT (neg.)
1157 It is better that the model punishment made many understanding people than people would fear to pain the one.
parents’ PUNISHMENT (neg.)
1158 A chicken couldn’t limp because of brood-hen’s (cock’s) kick.
1159 Statistic shows decrease of parents' punishment and increase of juvenile's crimes.
PUNISHMENT for the persuasion (neg.)
1160 It is better if society punish men for their harmful opinions than for their harmful deeds which were raised because of the lack of punishments against harmful opinions.
PUNISHMENT for pilferage in Russia (pos.)
1161 Russia outlived many wars and inroad, but it wouldn’t outlives the theft of this X (tea-kettle, …).
PUNISHMENT against the priest (pos.)
1162 Remember, what many times the priest absolved your sins! So, absolve his sin one time.
PUNISHMENT against a relative (neg.)
1163 The kick of the dam hurts not the colt.
PUNISHMENT against a repenting man (neg.)
1164 Repentance must be total till the readiness to bear the punishment.
PUNISHMENT against a rich man (exist) (see also arms, cruelty, defense, extremes, fear, malice, obedience, power, sin)
1165 Devils are venal. Even in hell a rich man would eat ice cream thanks to them.
PUNISHMENT of a scientist for his immorality (neg.)
1166 An instinct of self-reservation recommends that morals must rise together with an increase of knowledge. At the same time a punishment for immorality must rise together with an increase of knowledge.
PUNISHMENT for a bad testimonial (pos.)
1167 Do you think you would became more thin (kind or cleverer) if you would punishing the man who testified you as fat (shrew or fool) man (woman)?
PUNISHMENT for a traitor (neg.)
1168 An existence of any society depends from the existence of the wish for a punishment for its traitors.
PUNISHMENT against a foolish woman (pos.)
1169 If all foolish women would be punished then we will be without women.
PUNISHMENT for words (pos.)
1170 Let a listener be clever even after any fool’s words.
1171 The greater suppression of search of the truth, the greater punishment for words.
PURIM (pos,)
1172 Jews love to remember that they killed 75 thousands noble Persians into the country which gave refuge to them.
PURITY (pos.)
1173 Even pure vodka makes sick and stench.
1174 An unpicked bone is dearer.
1175 It is impossible to breathe by oxygen bag for a long time.
1176 Distilled water has nasty taste. Even a fish is not able to live in it.
PURITY (neg.)
1177 A clear heaven never dread neither thunder nor light.
PURPOSE (pos.)
1178 A caught mouse always says that it looked for a hole but not bread.
PURPOSEFULNESS (pos.) (see also achievement, aspiration, availability)
1179 Purposefulness limits a purposeful man.
1180 Moving at the same direction is the property of caterpillar.
1181 A tethered horse of purposeful angler would have its death from the thirst.
1182 Usually, a strayed man decides to go at the same direction.
1183 Aimless man would achieve most far place.
1184 The one who lost direction also lost the full length of the path.
1185 Who like to throw a lance without an aim?
1186 Heroic deed is usual state of the man who aspires to the aim. Is it bad state?
1187 Head is nothing if it has no clever neck.
1188 Talent and success are a patience of thought that was concentrated at the same direction.
1189 Slowest man who has an aim would reach it quicker than that who rambles without aim.
1190 An aim of life is always striving for aim, even if reasoning in the opposite direction is not always the true.
1191 Even a fall of purposeful man would be done at the necessary direction.
1192 The one, who has an aim “Don’t have an aim”, at war with himself.
1193 A bolt is clever if it always hits the same place.
1194 A purpose gives the force.
unusual PURSUIT (neg.)
1195 If you wish to have that what you never had then do that what you never done.
PUSH (neg.)
1196 A flight begins from a push.
1197 Pushing helps a woman in childbirth.
PUT off (pos.)
1198 For the diligent the week has seven todays, for the slothful seven tomorrows.