338 If you are not a dependant, don’t try to look like him.
339 Some persons solve a problem of superiority with the help of requests, too. He who wishes submit to strange man hurries to discharge them.
REQUEST (neg.)
340 I see. There is not energy to listen somebody’s request. To imagine, how difficult it must be to ask something!
341 Some persons have easy mode rather for stealing than for asking.
342 Waiting of grace from a fate is a lot of weak men. Taking humiliation from requesting is a lot of strong ones.
343 I am not so great glutton as you. I may be satisfied even by the food, which was asked from a miser.
344 Are your ears disposed at your feet? Is it necessary to press oneself at your feet for the sake of to be heard?
345 It resembles the joke about a smoothing-iron. A male has a smoothing-iron. Once it was broken. He went to a house of a woman and think “I’ll ring and ask a smoothing-iron. Then I’ll iron and thank her by a cake. We shell drink tea and go to a bed. Then we shell marry and abuse each other. Then we shell divorce and she will not have smart-money”. So, she opened her door and he said, “Go to the devil together with your smoothing-iron!”
346 -What hour you will be especially benevolent to me today?
-At N o’clock.
-{Give the request at this time.}
REQUEST an enemy (pos.)
347 Don’t clutch at a ladder when you are falling off it in order it wouldn’t fall up on your head.
REQUEST of a poor man (pos.)
348 My boons have just high quality. A boon belated after a request is of low quality.
349 It is useless to request the person, which knows about your needs.
REQUEST of a poor man (neg.)
350 The poor wants the bread, the rich wants everything.
REQUEST of a rich man (pos.)
351 If you have full left hand, don’t ask to put something in your right one.
REQUEST of a scientist (neg.) (see also aid, help)
352 The greater scientist, the more quantity of requests he has right to give to other people.
to REQUEST of an interlocutor ten times a day (pos.)
353 I see. N has asked soup for ten times already, but cooking ten soups takes so much time.
to REQUEST an impossible thing (pos.)
354 They don’t ask a horse to give horns.
independent RESEACH (neg.)
355 He never sits on the horse by strange ass.
N RESEMBLES to his portrayal (exist)
356 Well, it is possible this likeness will be complete in hundred years.
RESENT me (pos.)
357 A fool speaks a truth and nobody resents him. Your resentment about me is proportionate to my mind.
RESERVE (pos.) (see also consumption, enough, excess, stock)
358 Is there any need to wear the belt and braces at the same time?
RESERVE (neg.)
359 If brook’s water is ankle-deep one must roll his trousers up to the knees.
360 Reserve is freedom. It gives resources to make smooth mistakes to be a fool, to have risk, to be at war or to stay for blockade.
361 The life without plan is foolish. He who makes plan makes reserve, also.
RESIST (pos.)
362 Tearing oneself from is tightening loop.
363 The less ability of attending, the more readiness for resistance.
364 A weir adds energy to river’s water.
365 They dive in order to get out from the whirlpool.
RESIST (neg.)
366 They get clean water when they go up the stream.
367 There are two reasons for complaints to about a resistance. It is the case when somebody pulls something to himself and the case when somebody pushes another man away from something.
368 A man could to lean upon only resisting thing.
369 There are no obstacles for a man, who doesn’t objects to laws of nature.
RESIST (exist)
370 Well, dunes have steep slopes. But they don’t stand up against the wind.
a child RESISTS (pos.)
371 A foolish lion’s whelp which wouldn’t become flabby in lion’s mouth will be bitten through.
a great man RESISTS (neg.)
372 Dead fish go down the stream. A roe fish go up the stream.
an ordinary man RESISTS (neg.)
373 A wormy apple falls even during the windless weather.
a subordinate RESISTS (pos.)
374 There is a need to say “I am yield” before the time when a butcher will kick out the stool.
375 They never give back a fish which battering net.
a subordinate RESISTS (neg.)
376 It is more worthy to fall as a ball but not as the cow’s manure.
a woman RESISTS a male (pos.)
377 A woman may resists some more if she want to be with a male longer.
378 He who has least of all apply to the solution has resoluteness most of all.
379 What to be resolute on the very brink for?
380 There are many troubles because of a thoughtless love. But it is only a small part of troubles because of prompt solutions.
381 During deciding resolute people are like fortune-tellers most of all.
382 A man, who has less ability to imbibe a new knowledge, has more resoluteness.
383 The most resolute uncompromising people are murderers. What hold such people up as an example for?
384 He who want to show benefit from only resoluteness let stand up on his hand in the middle of the room from the very first.
385 Indecision has effect upon a mind in the same way as the trial by ordeal upon a body.
386 He who undertakes the stinging-nettle with more tightly has less pain.
387 If a man wish to have an additional time for correcting of mistakes he will does with more resoluteness.
388 Don’t revolve on finger’s tip as lady-bird.
389 Think rightly! Thinking for no particular reason is an insufficient thinking.
390 Very often, resoluteness is like a bridge, but indecision is like a path along river’s banks and its tributaries.
391 We are not dare to do something not, because of, this thing is difficult. On contrary, the thing is difficult because of we don’t dare to do it.
392 One foot stays in the stirrup. And another one stays on the ground. This is the main posture of irresolute man.
393 -The resolved mind has less cares.
-Are you a lover of carelessness?
394 Consent with any kind of work or offer or condition is rather the property of irresolute person.
RESOLUTENESS for a buyer (pos.)
395 An increase of resoluteness coincides with the increase of error of cost.
RESOLUTENESS for a chief (neg.)
396 Only a resolute person belongs to oneself.
397 A life which has no resoluteness is likes a ship which has no rudder.
RESOLUTENESS for an interlocutor (pos.)
398 You offer such kind of resoluteness, that a person, that would have it, has winding firstly and looked round later on.
399 Well, resoluteness expiates even foolishness. Is it the cause of your resoluteness?
400 Do you wish to grow the sort of honest men who are ready to do anything?
401 I see, only an experience of many years of sorting out potatoes could bring up such indefatigability of taking the decision which you wish extend to everyone.
402 Praise the smoker of hashish! He does one’s thought immediately.
403 What your resoluteness! During his life a resolute man has time to attributes honesty to many miscreants and to refuses honesty from many honest persons because of a man can discerns honesty only by the long time.
RESOLUTENESS for an interlocutor (neg.)
404 You like to keep a thing behind your cheek. However it is better if a thing will be spited out or swallowed.
RESOLUTENESS of a male (pos.)
405 Well, women have resoluteness and inconsequence most of all. Therefore their activities are like jumps of fleas.
RESOLUTENESS of an ordinary man (pos.)
406 When someone feels own remoteness from the truth he begin to offer more drastic measures.
407 The most resolute people can’t think already.
408 As for modern time the will which excelled the mind is the wrong trait.
409 Fools make a decision where there is no necessity to make the decision, also.
410 It is easier to govern a little force. It is easier to govern a little mind.
RESOLUTENESS for an ordinary man (neg.)
411 Resoluteness expiates even the foolishness.
412 I agree with you. Indecision is not the worst virtue for mediocre person.
413 A shortage of resoluteness is the shortage of mind.
RESOLUTENESS of a scientist (pos.)
414 He who has no deep inquiring into the heart of the matter makes the quickest decision.
RESOLUTENESS of a subordinate (neg.)
415 If a trunk stands still then its branches are still, too.
RESOLUTENESS for a success (neg.)
416 Indecision of many people is the pledge of success for a few people.
417 An aim (object, end) may be achieved more quickly and easier because of resoluteness and sequence than by the “best way”.
RESPECT (pos.) (see also honor)
418 He, who stinks more than others, likes to be incense as the God.
419 I know. When good terms were spoiled finally then nothing remains except making arrangements about respect.
420 A man has a full life not because of people respect him.
421 I haven’t respect to a respect because the most respectable people are those who are dead.
422 Respect is not effective act. To a great degree it was born by noncompliance of "respected person". But very often there is a great quick benefit from pliability.
423 Ordinary man which has not talent need to be respected most of all.
424 -Respect is something unfinished. So, it is something imperfect.
-They feed a stomach not only for the sake of the stomach but for the sake of greater thing.
RESPECT (pos., neg.)
425 The one, who doesn’t will to see a banner, carries it highly.
426 -The one, who respects himself, respects other people, too.
-The next foolishness sounds: “The one, who loves oneself, loves other people, too”.
RESPECT (neg.)
427 Who will respects a man that has no respectfulness?
428 I understand you. You don’t like the respect because of it must be demonstrated permanently but not only once.
RESPECT for enrichment (neg.)
429 If one takes care of wellbeing, he takes care of the respect, too.
to RESPECT everybody (pos.)
430 Don’t give the name “my bow” for a curved tree. Don’t give the name “my uncle” for everybody.
to RESPECT the God (pos.)
431 A man who respects the God must stops any own activities. Or he must have the cheek to say that any his act is the act of the God.
to RESPECT great man (pos.) (see also gratitude, honor, self-respect)
432 Some people need no the respect itself, but the advantage which the respect gives.
433 It is not known, where is a part of worthy people more – among strangers or “respected” one’s?
434 They begin to speak about the necessity of the respect more often, when they wish to disturb somebody’s rights and restrict somebody’s freedom.
to RESPECT great man (neg.)
435 You glad for nothing. If a price of an elephant is some dollars, than the price of the donkey is some cents.
to RESPECT an interlocutor (pos.)
436 You would not be soliciting for respect, if you knew for sure that you are worthy to be respected.
to RESPECT me (pos.)
437 I always fear people who respect me. They are going to buy the cooperation with me.
Do you RESPECT me?
438 I’ll admire with you if you will ask this question during your creeping out dirty puddle.
RESPECT for an ordinary man (neg.)
439 Any bad professional wants to say that respect is for nothing.
RESPECT of seller (pos.)
440 I know this respect of seller. If a seller began “respect” you and he reduces the cost, then it means that five minutes ago he considered you and other people as a cow he wanted milks whom.
441 I prefer rather an unresponsive person. A responsive person has the least per cent of deeds which he carried through.
442 It is better to have not a sense of responsibility. A thought about that something would destroy happiness permanent darken a life of responsible man.
443 What virtues don’t include a responsibility into oneself?
444 A person works with the highest zeal when he takes upon himself the all responsibility.
445 A loss of the sense of responsibility resembles the loss of the sense of reality of events.
RESPONSIBILITY of the chief (exist)
446 The most heave responsibility strives for the low level.
447 On contrary, I am very responsible person. I bear the responsibility for any event.
RESPONSIBILITY of the subordinate (exist)
448 A slave has the sense of responsibility least of all.
REST (pos.) (see also act, inactivity, repose, work)
449 N is not Newton to do useful discoveries having a rest.
450 Throw an earth by your spade farther! So, you will have longer rest!
451 Street’s din and stench of exhaust were created for decrease of walking and for increase a rest.
REST (neg.)
452 A permanent work is suspicious. Envy hasn’t a rest, too.
REST for enrichment (pos.)
453 -A rest of a cow means that the cow won’t go to the pasture. What such a rest for?
-Is N a cow?
REST for enrichment (neg.)
454 Is N a cow, which go to pasture everyday without a rest?
REST for a great man (neg.)
455 The main Newton’s discoveries were made in the time of his compelled rest during the plague.
456 Only bolts do work permanently.
457 Well. A monkey became a man when it began to work. And a man became a Jew when he began celebrate the Saturday.
458 Our value is the value of our leisure.
REST for an interlocutor (neg.)
459 You don’t love your job. The more love to a job, the more love to the rest for the sake of it.
460 Lacking of hour for a rest would determine to be ill during a month. Lacking of day for a rest would determine a diminution of life by month. Do you worry for your life?
REST for me (neg.)
461 I am not a banana. I shouldn’t be spoiled by the rest and lying.
REST amidst nature (pos.)
462 A rest, which is spending amidst the nature, praised by gnats.
REST for an ordinary man (pos.)
463 Jude always thinks about a stall.
REST without a struggle (exist)
464 Well, a log has a rest while he raises and lowers an axe.
REST for a subordinate (pos.)
465 Lift can’t be dead even at the dinnertime.
REST of a subordinate (exist)
466 What the man! He brought enough water and sat down. He washed floors and sat down. He cooked dinner and sat down. He make sitting whole day!
summer’s REST (pos.)
467 He, who loves warm vodka and sweaty women, prefers summer’s rest.
REST for a tired man (neg.)
468 Fatigability is the property of mind. Indefatigability is the property of folly.
469 Miserable who lives in the dump thinks about the restoration more often than others.
RESTRAINT (pos.) (see also abstention, modesty)
470 Restraint means to listen to snake’s hissing instead of festal champagne pop.
471 He who didn’t sees correction of himself and own spiritual increase has a true humbleness and lacking of pride.
472 What one must hold his full urinary bladder for?
473 More stupid donkeys only those who want to cut themselves long ears and long tails.
474 One, who restrains oneself, is always unhappy because he is afraid of being unhappy from time to time.
475 Well, everyone becomes more restrained in one’s old age. Why we must precipitate this natural change?
476 An owner holds his horse by the bridle rein.
477 Humbleness may be reached only by strenuous work. I see, that you are the “great” toiler.
478 A safe coachman is that who holds back oneself. Another one hold on to the bridle reins only.
RESTRICTION (pos.) (see also abstention, enough, limit, moderation, self restriction)
479 A clenched snake is more dangerous.
480 Nothing can make train’ move easier, than rails which restricting it.
481 Mountains don’t restrict the beautiful view.
482 A river makes useful work when it restricted by the dam.
483 Your brain is an instigator. It’s restricted in a skull but it has never complained of it, as far as, I know.
484 There is an earth behind the horizon, too.
485 Just imagine your foolishness and it is clearly seen that there are no restrictions.
partial RESTRICTION (pos.) (see also part)
486 Nobody can catch a falcon by closing the gate.
partial RESTRICTION (neg.)
487 Be consistent! A restriction also must be restricted.
RESTRICTION for a rich man (exist)
488 A cat keeps fast but still it remains a cat.
RESULT (pos.)
489 Result is the most important thing only for a man who was conquered.
quick RESULT (pos.)
490 Go to wash dishes and you will see the result right away.
RESURRECTION of Christ (exist)
491 Even believers have no firm trust in Resurrection of Christ. They don’t say about it in ordinary time. Only at Eastertide they make burning hot each other by “Christ revived!” and “Truly Christ revived!”
492 Fight fire with fire.
RETREAT (pos.)
493 Hallow, dirty! Retreat! The shit flowing.
RETREAT (neg.)
494 A man must retreats in order to take a running jump.
495 Retreating helps to lead enemy.
496 If a barrel of shit has falling then it is better to do some step aside than to catch it.
497 A retreat is the possibility of break contact.
498 He who plants rice moves backward.
499 We have not an ascent. We may do one step back.
500 A pupil can pretends to be backward in order to become the excellent one in a previous class.
501 He, that fights and runs away, may live to fight another day. But he, who is in battle slain, will never rise to fight again.
RETREAT (exist)
502 Cavities of sack doesn’t lighten burden.
RETURN (neg.)
503 Quick returns make rich merchants.
RETURN (lack)
504 A fool who wishes tattoo oneself has not idea about return operation.
RETURN unpaid thing (pos.)
505 Nobody demands to return a baby to a midwife, because of lacking the pay for childbirth.
REVENGE (pos.)
506 To take revenge is often to sacrifice of oneself.
REVERSE (pos.)
507 Flowers never appear on fruits.
508 It is not sniffing.
REVERSE (neg.)
509 The reverse of medal pressed nearer to the heart.
510 Let all things will turn back. Then murderers will revitalize people.
REVERSE (lack)
511 One got down from the tree by the same branch where he got up.
wife's REVERT to rich parents from her poor husband (pos.)
512 A woman who dreams to revert to her rich parents and leave her poor husband have not womanlike virtues and feminine way.
REVOLUTION (OVERTURN) (pos.) (see also change, cruelty, enmity, equal, extremes, fear, class peace, power)
513 I understand you. It’s easier for the wolf to find food during the storm.
514 He, who is aground, dreams about a flood.
515 Any revolution is making by such fools, which can be quickly carried away by some new idea simultaneously.
516 One day hands, legs and head arose against stomach and have broken down themselves.
517 -When the slice of bread and batter falls on the buttered side down – is it not a revolution?
-However, it is a law of nature.
518 What turn over a tray for the sake of a replacement of dishes on it for?
519 To turn over a torch, to burn a hand.
520 Every revolution was engendered by abuses of rulers. But an abuses of gained a victory revolution are greater.
521 There is not that each prisoner will wish to adorn a prison by one’s meekness.
522 Revolution is not more than a language of those, who had refused to be listened.
523 A silent general plague is not better than a death penalty, which was declared against all scoundrels.
524 Overturn is a death for turtles. But we are not turtles.
525 An overturn is wonderful. We shall sin and so can get in the paradise.
526 The permanent improvement of arms leads to the world catastrophe. It permanently says that it is necessary to change company, which assumed the name “masters of life”.
REVOLUTION by all means (neg.)
527 There is no a clause for revolution, but there is a clause for an attempt of revolution.
REVOLUTION for a poor man (neg.)
528 A hungry man will not be sleeping even under the nine quilts.
529 One who had been bitten by a snake can fall asleep, but not a hungry man.
530 “Robbery! Revolt!” – are the rich men’s shouts about the acts of poor men. The rich do their business quietly.
531 Do you think that somebody would agree calmly die of starvation?
REVOLUTION for a young (old) man (neg. (pos.))
532 Twenty-year-old man, who didn’t aspire to the revolution, has not a heart. Forty-year-old man, who didn’t aspire to a keep of State system, has not a mind.
REVOLUTIONARY (neg.) (see also communist)
533 The revolutionaries are not worse than such solicitors of capitalism as traitors, drunkards and addicts, prostitutes and pederastes. During the capitalism the betrayal for the sake of money becomes the sign of intellect; vodka fall in price many times relatively other foods; inaccessible narcotics become accessible; prostitution and homosexuality become obvious.
REWARD (pos.) (see also decoration, exploit, gratitude, merit, modesty, past, success)
534 Virtues with rewards are as ridiculous looking as dogs with medals.
535 It is better to remain a hungry lion than become satisfied ram.
536 Fat terrier will stick into the burrow.
537 Fairytales fall apart after the applause.
REWARD (neg.)
538 N is not a terrier. Allow him to be fed up by someone. He will not stick to other burrow.
advanced REWARD (pos.)
539 It is better when a flower spreading into the formed footprints than into the future ones.
REWARD for assistant (pos.)
540 They don’t reward a hammer for completed work.
REWARD for a chief (pos.)
541 It is better to raise this question. People are directed rather a circumstance than the other men. So, let reward circumstances.
REWARD for a chief (neg.)
542 They pay a tamer to bear-dance. They don’t pay a bear to it.
543 If a horse is playful they praise horseman. If a saber cuts well, they praise warrior.
REWARD from the God (pos.)
544 It is better to receive a reward from people. It would help rewarding people to improve themselves.
REWARD for knowledge (pos.)
545 A great man pays for being a scientist with his life. A low man makes one’s life by science.
REWARD for oneself (neg.) (see also egoism, modesty)
546 Why can’t I go into debt to myself?
547 If a person can hurt himself why can’t he reward himself?
REWARD for repetition (pos.)
548 Once upon a time, a ruler asked an old man, “Why are you planting grapes? Probably you die before you are able to eat the fruit”. “For my children”, answered the old man. “If you gather any fruit, bring it to me”, said the ruler. Years went by, than the old man took the fruit to the ruler and received a generous reward. An old woman saw it and took some grapes to the ruler asking for the same reward. The ruler sent her away with these words, “Don’t imitate arrogantly, but comprehend the circumstances!” The woman doesn’t understand something, just becoming angry.
REWARD for a talent man (exist)
549 Nightingales were destined to peck the berries of the snowball tree, not to perch on the raspberry.
550 Having a talent is the ousting of the present life into the future. Only that man with out talent will have the whole of payment and reward before death.
RIBALDRY of a poor man (neg., exist)
551 He, that has no honey in his pot, has not it in his mouth.
RICH MAN (pos.) (see also merit, sin, virtue)
552 The richest feathers grow from ass.
553 A colorless lemonade is always served in luxurious wine’s glass.
554 Well, a rich man has everything except for the proofs of his innocence.
555 I congratulate on every rich man, who is able to dress on the fur coat, which is richer, than this rich man himself.
556 Luxurious and magnificent birds are bad singers.
557 The appearance of a rich man shows his choice between gain and clear conscience and it also shows frequency of this choice.
558 He who has more prevalence of robbery over sharing has more riches.
559 There is a good way, to tell the truth is somewhat expensive, to make any scoundrel to seem like honest man. It gives him a million of the annual income.
560 A rich man is enormous wet-nurse who breast-feeds herself when there’s a hungry baby close by.
561 A setting raises the cost of gem, but not gem’s greatness.
562 What is good in the rich men, if they need poor people? Will they agree to sweep the street and get yard-keeper’s salary?
563 What could be a price of rich men’s money, if there wouldn’t be the poor people around?
564 A little time and you are about to say that a man’s richness is equal to good services he has done to other people. If you think so, then you will be laughed at not only by the poor, but also by many rich people.
565 If you smell scorched somewhere, then you should know that only the rich stink like that.
566 I understand you. If a poor man eats a snake – they’ll say he is hungry. If a rich man eats a snake they’ll say that it is a medicine.
567 It is better to have the honor in full and an income half than inversely.
RICH MAN (neg.)
568 What is the reason to be angry at the neighbor’s cat, which becomes thicker tanks to your mouse?
569 Who can take care of high quality and cleanness more than a rich man?
570 All dogs are angry at somebody’s driving, when they running.
571 Even strangers recognize the rich. Even relatives don’t want to recognize the poor.
572 Social being determines one’s consciousness. It is better judge by primary source.
573 The devil dances in an empty pocket.
574 A good man will be in paradise. However, if a man is very good, let he get into paradise in this world.
old RICH MAN (pos.)
575 In old age when the time for foolishness becomes a rich man becomes foolish in two times more.
RICHES (pos.) (see also best, boon, consider, dear, power, superiority)
576 It is easy to understand what rich men have but only the wise ones know what they lack.
577 Rich feathers couldn’t be instead of the wings.
578 If a cockroach wishes to die it gets into a bottle of oil.
579 Cheap trunks lie in the sun. Sable coat goes in the frost.
580 He who is displeased by a life lives the bad one. He who seeks riches lives the bad life.
581 A splendid tail mars peacock’s walk.
582 There are more snakes in sandal forest.
583 Thoughts about riches are the best substitute for thoughts about one’s inglorious past.
584 An elephant is usually killed for its precious tusks.
585 To have a golden fish is to be in their service.
586 Longing for richness makes any person more foolish. Any person who longs for richness admires every thing in proportion to its price.
587 The one who knows that a good name is better than power and riches is always quiet.
588 They no need to die for pepper if they have salt.
589 Richness is immoral, because it can seem to be good even if it owes its existence to immorality.
590 Richness increases a speed of its owner. The greatest speed is before the tumble at the ground.
591 Is there any need for a golden basin if one would be obliged to vomit blood into it?
592 I don’t notice in increasing riches the appropriate growth of influence of spirit on matters – the only acceptable way to understand is there any progress or not.
593 The best life is the presence of conditions for creative work. A permanent supporting to own reaches is not the best conditions for creative work.
594 -A horse is the only teacher for the rich.
-Only a horse has the right to throw his student to gain respect.
595 Why to have something, that arouses greed?
596 I don’t understand those, who consider a sable coat nearer to their heart than a simple shirt.
597 It is impossible to be so rich for buying a quiet brain.
598 A true happiness is the happiness which can’t be deprived.
RICHES (neg.)
599 A friend is not a thing, but things are friends.
600 Riches are like a good wife, which burning eyes of another persons. [Hint: burning = envious]
601 Wise men scoff at richness only because it is badly used.
602 It’s better to be the object of envy, than the object of compassion.
603 Richness is good. Even if you have robbed somebody, they would have said that you have played pranks because of boredom. But if you were poor, they would ascribe it to outrageous self-interest.
604 I understand you. A coward can’t obtain anything when he is near a brave man.
605 There are wars where a conqueror is those, who bought the best traitors for themselves.
606 Swimming trunks do not save one from the cold of life, but the sable coat.
607 They put to bed a mouse, but it dreams about the burrow.
608 A rich man won’t be a sot, keeping an eye on his riches.
609 There are virtues, which only a rich man can afford (magnificence, temperance, tidiness, good management and generosity).
610 Luxury always includes durability, safety and longevity to oneself. Luxury little by little disposes a person to a long life.
611 Well, a rich man has a bad life. His own knees don’t warm up his body.
612 They see the rich man not off to let him fall and the poor – not to let him steal.
613 They would visit the rich even in the forest but won’t talk to the poor even at the market place.
614 -A rich man is justified in committing even some folly.
-Now, I understand your aspiration to the richness.
615 A rich man can survive even without money.
616 Why throw out tubes of paint and take chalk?
RICHES (exist)
617 Well. The rich are not bared. The rich are clothed by cord.
618 I see. N has plenty of cattle: three dogs and two cats.
619 The beach is rich. There are fat fleas on it.
RICHES (lack)
620 He who is standing on the lower (upper) step of a ladder couldn’t burrow in upper (lower) drawers.
RICHES of capitalist society (exist)
621 The capitalism is such society, which can’t earn for even some good non-commercial radio and TV lines.
dangerous RICHES (pos.)
622 Well, there are innumerable treasures on the ocean floor but if you want to be saved then at once all of them will be on the dry land.
double RICHES (neg.)
623 Two excesses are not bad. One, who over eats salty fish, must drink much beer.
RICHES of forefathers of a poor man (pos.)
624 If a father is bare, then his son is covered by loin-clothes. That is a fact for good family, where there is care of children.
RICHES for an interlocutor (pos.)
625 Do you thinks, that the highest percent of clever men belong to the people, who eager to use a golden toilet?
626 If you are dreaming of a crystal mountain, then imagine your shit running down it.
RICHES for an interlocutor (neg.)
627 I see. With an ugly face like yours you are condemned to eating acorns.
628 I understand the source of your opinion. Riches serve a wise man, but command a fool.
RICHES of a lawyer (lack)
629 Lawyers are richer doctors. Doctors obtain money from only living man but lawyers from dead man, too.
RICHES for a male (pos.)
630 Women who seek for rich eligible, assume own foul treason in future. Men who seek for riches are the same foul creatures.
RICHES for a male (neg.)
631 Richness for a male is like beauty for a woman. A young lady has admirers much less than a hospitable rich male.
RICHES of media worker (pos., lack)
632 He who trades in expensive things is rich. The truth is an expensive thing.
RICHES for me (pos.)
633 I prefer not to look at the sky through lacy curtains.
RICHES for me (neg.)
634 It is not true, that I stand in need of riches. It is true, that riches stand in need of such an owner as I.
my RICHES (lack)
635 “Richness” is more than money. As for you, richness is only money. As for me, richness is not only money. And you cannot know my richness.
RICHES of nouveau riche (pos.) (see also merit)
636 A fast satiation is an injury to the stomach.
637 Things, which were brought by the wind, will be taken away by the wind, too.
RICHES for an old man (pos.)
638 Why to thrust a foot into a stirrup with coming late?
RICHES for an old man (neg.)
639 It is better to have meal late than to be quite without eating.
RICHES of a paid debt man (exist)
640 Yes. Paying a debt is equal growing rich.
RICHES of a peasant (exist)
641 Well. Every peasant is rich. One sticks of a spade one time, so just he put one dollar into his pocket. So, he sticks of a spade another time once more and just he put one dollar into his pocket once more, because he has a hole there.
RICHES for a poor man (pos.)
642 If a poor man obtains a quilt, he will sleep until the afternoon.
643 One may anoint a peasant with butter but he will smell of tar in any case.
private RICHES (pos.)
644 If citizens begin take care of own well-being more than State’s one, then the State begin take tendency to diminution.
645 A common riches is the most reasonable and effective one. It doesn’t need the great waste for a wall fence, signaling apparatus and guard.
RICHES for a strange man (pos.)
646 A strange riches is the distortion. It distorts even a language. “Our multi-millionaires” are not just “our multi-millionaires”.
RICHES of a strange man (exist)
647 More often, an own mind and another’s richness are overrated many times.
RICHES for a subordinate (neg.)
648 I know. It is easier to govern a poor man than a rich one.
649 I have pride. I have subordinates who are richer than I.
RICHES for a temple (pos.)
650 People gild idols so as not to blush while worshiping them.
trade’s RICHES (neg.) (see also selling)
651 What can I say about a trade? A fisherman is not fat. An eater of fish is not satisfied. A seller of fish has a profit.
RICHES for a woman (pos.)
652 Gladness of rich woman because of a diamond necklace is not more than gladness of a poor one’s because of a cheap perfume.
RICHES for a writer (pos.)
653 Gold pen won’t write gold words.
male is RIFF-RAFF (exist)
654 Well, you are so good that any male who is near you show one’s worth as the riff-raff.
RIGHT (pos.)
655 A right is the foolish thing. A clever person “has no right” to call the rich fool by the word “the fool”.
RIGHT (exist)
656 Very often, the thought which has no proof assumed the name “the right”.
RIGHT away (pos.)
657 A man can ring right away only the small bell.
RIGHT of a chief (lack)
658 He who has more rights is right.
RIGHT of force (pos.)
659 A right has not force when the force has the right.
RIGHT of homosexual man (pos.)
660 Well, any homosexual man is the man, too. He (She) is the same like you.
human RIGHT (pos.)
661 He who wishes to destroy a State would to speak furiously for upholding human rights.
662 Everyone has the right to clasp in one’s arm a post. However, only a drunk man to use it.
663 There are only laws of nature. Human rights don’t appertain to them.
664 I am ready to celebrate the day of human rights if it will be combined with the day of human duties.
665 I see you are ready to shoot right away everyone who broke a human right.
RIGHT of a male (lack)
666 I understand you. You recognize only the right of shave for male.
RIGHT of State (pos.)
667 He who wants to annihilate the human rights would to speak furiously for upholding rights of State.
RIGHT of a poor man (pos.) (see also contract, demand, equal, justice, law, opinion, power, revolution, slavery, superiority)
668 Supported weakness conduct oneself haughty of all.
669 A weak man has possibility to achieve only those rights, which strengthen strong men.
670 Rights are very far from the reality. Nobody can achieve men’s equality in the reality. But every one can pack trousers by the rights to equality.
671 Usually, a right is only the tyranny of the powers, which is obligatory for execution.
human RIGHT for a rich man (pos.)
672 I understand your wish to defend the rights and laws. They beat rather weak men, you don’t belong whom.
673 Minority to tell about own rights most of all.
674 I see. Pederasts and lesbians stand in close order on guard of rights of any insignificant minority.
675 Reiterated violence may seems as a right.
RIGHT of a visitor (pos.)
676 In my bed a strange wife is my even if she affected that she is not mine.
RIGHTEOUSNESS of the debater (pos.)
677 During a debate it’s better to be clever than to be right.
RIGHTNESS of Christ (pos.)
678 Rightness is cruel virtue. It is doubtful whether Christ had fairness.
RISE (pos.)
679 Better sit still than rise and fall.
680 Risibility is the aggressor. It passes all bounds. The risible person may laugh at holy things.
RISK (pos.)
681 Well, a man, who runs no risk, will not to lie in the mahogany coffin.
RISK (neg.)
682 He that is down needs fear no fall.
683 Without danger a man cannot get beyond danger.
RITE (pos.)
684 A rite is the sign of a lack of assurance of success or a lack of credit of each other.
685 Rites and ceremonies are like a long harassment during an unfortunate love.
RITE for a great man (pos.) (see also outward appearance, freedom, law)
686 A courtier and sage are different because of their adherence to the rites at the palace.
RITE for an ordinary man (pos.)
687 Rites are necessary to a weak man, who can’t keep his steady good mood without them.
688 There are many people who wish wear a general’s full-dress coat even if they are not generals.
689 Well, rites help a man to have less thinking or have no thinking in general.
religious RITE (pos.)
690 The loud bombastic words of the prayer is not its essence.
691 Do you want to be busy by a light service? Is it easier to carry favour with the God than the people?
religious RITE for a Christian (pos.)
692 Is a man existing for rite’s good or is the rite existing for man’s good? Once, Christ solved this question for the man’s good.
693 Zeal to religious rites is rather the Moslem’s virtue than the Christian one.
RIVAL (neg.)
694 Well, a rival is the scoundrel, who wishes the same things that you wish.
multiplicity of a RIVALS on the path to the glory (neg.)
695 Lazy people have the most rivals at all.
wide ROAD (pos.)
696 From fame to infamy is a beaten road.
ROAMING from place to place (pos.)
697 He, who roams from place to place, has more opportunities for knavery.
ROB the rich man (neg.)
698 The competent people know that the robbery of bank is a mere nothing in comparison with its foundation.
ROB the rich man (neg., exist)
699 During increasing difference of incomes an unfairness person would speaks about robbery of the some rich but not about robbery of million poor men.
ROBBED person (pos.)
700 He who takes has one fault. A robbed person has many faults because of many causes.
ROCKET’S builder (pos.)
701 As to an impotent, a dream about powerful upsurge of rockets is best of all.
702 Well, the forefather who was the house-stealer gave Roсfellers a good heredity and breeding.
ROUGH (pos.)
703 The rough net is not the best catcher of birds.
ROUGH copy (neg.)
704 The Declaration of Independence of USA has two manuscript places. But there is no clean copy which has more importance than this paper.
male’s ROUGH (neg.)
705 Roughness is the sign of force. Women like a force.
ROUND off (pos.)
706 Why you don’t go mad thanks … Продолжение »