SUPERIORITY over a great man (exist) (see also conceit, error, fall, force)
631 An eye may be knocked out even by shit.
632 A stone may flatten gold, but, doing so, it doesn’t become more valuable.
633 A gem is more expensive thing than the glass even if it lays under the feet and the glass lays on the head.
634 Yes. “Great” clouds may cover the “small” sun.
635 Any great man may be outrun by his shadow.
636 Even a fallen tree is higher than the grass.
637 You are looking from your too low place. A hill seems higher than the mountain there.
638 An elephant is higher than a sheep even if an elephant was stroke down.
639 Even a blind man cheats one who can see.
640 Don’t weigh all things by the same scale.
641 Sometimes, an eagle falls lower than hens. But no hen could fly up to the clouds.
642 Well. A monument of Pushkin has not the right to stand in the middle of the square. Well-aimed shot belongs to Dantes (He killed Pushkin).
643 A person, who has been gifted with much, is contrary to the person, who has been gifted with very little.
644 He, who fell, would be trampled down even by a goat.
645 Once, one goalkeeper scored a goal to the great goalkeeper Yiashin. We didn’t remember his family. We remember Yiashin only.
646 One servant praised a small falcon, “He can hunt even to the great eagle”. An Arab sheikh answered, “Tear off its head. It would be a good punishment for the smallness, who encroaching on something great.”
647 If somebody wrote a verse in Russian then it is not means that he is excelled Shakespeare who couldn’t write in Russian.
648 Well, an ordinary man can excels a genius in thousand aspects. And the genius excel the ordinary man in only one or two. However, don’t forget that a genius excels milliards ordinary men in his one aspect.
SUPERIORITY over a great man (lack)
649 Even a big camel may be put on its knees and loaded.
650 In the dark a blind man see best of all.
mind’s SUPERIORITY (pos.)
651 I don’t value splendour of mind which was shown at the short heat.
652 The wish to be always cleverer than the others is foolish.
mind’s SUPERIORITY (exist)
653 N is not fool. He is a tactful man. A tactful man allows others think that they are smarter him.
654 If N would take priority of opening purse, then I have more respect him.
SUPERIORITY of an ordinary man (pos.)
655 A fall from a donkey is worse than the fall from a horse.
SUPERIORITY of the others (exist)
656 One always seems that there are long time to pour into a bowls of others.
permanent SUPERIORITY (pos.)
657 One constantly shows his superiority if he feels his inferiority.
permanent SUPERIORITY (exist)
658 One living man can’t outrun the other one only by age.
quantitative SUPERIORITY (pos.) (see also influence of quantity, many)
659 Well. A sea is poorer than a river. A sea has a single coast, but a river has the two riversides.
overwhelming quantitative SUPERIORITY (lack)
660 “Two against one” is so much, already.
SUPERIORITY of religion over socialism (exist)
661 There are many religions even irreconcilable ones. But all Christians, Moslems and Buddhists said and would say about the socialism.
SUPERIORITY of a rich man (exist) (see also advantage, backstairs, envy, equal rights, equality, fear, power)
662 An eagle is lowest bird in a hencoop by quantity and size of its eggs.
663 There is so much water in the world, but there are always bridges above it.
664 I understand you. The one must be sure in own superiority over one’s brothers and sisters for the sake of oppressing them.
spiritual SUPERIORITY (pos.)
665 It is interesting what is the difference between the spiritual superiority and self-conceit or self-satisfaction or self-advertisement?
SUPERMAN (neg.) (see also ability, exploit, heroism, leader, majesty, outstanding, star, superiority)
666 Love for somebody weak and lacking of love for the strong is the perversion.
667 The more free and powerful man is, the more demanding his love. And then man dreams of a superman, because nothing less fulfils the requirements of his love.
668 Existence of the God and many superstitions base on the same sensual confirmations alike a persuasion that firsts, elevens and twenty firsts days of months become Monday more often.
669 Everyone makes one’s choice in according with the level of one’s own masochism. Either he lives in the world where evil spirits come out from all holes, or an evil spirits never come to him.
670 Many people couldn’t catch the likeness between a coward in army and a superstitious person in society.
671 Superstition is a kind of uncertainty of self-rightness.
672 What kind of superstitions could influence Russian doctor Roshal when he going to terrorists for talking about hostages? There is no such superstition. Make sense for you to be like Roshal.
673 A fight against superstitions damages the fighter. There are well-founded distinctive marks and unfounded ones. Doing something in defiance of the firsts is danger and harmful action.
674 You are ready allow everyone to do sex with a girl of thirteen years in order fighting against superstitions.
675 A superstition is cleverly as any doubt.
676 A superstition is the attention to one’s own inward mood.
677 A superstition is the right sense that grave events may depend on an insignificant ones and it is the search of these dependences.
SUPERVISE (pos.) (see also OVERSEE)
678 A supervisor is riveted to a prison in the same manner as a prisoner.
679 He who engenders drunkards appoints supervisors for the pouring of wine.
an interlocutor SUPERVISES (pos.)
680 Do you like a vain effort? In any way a warder thinks about keys less than a prisoner thinks about an escape.
681 -Do you watch?
-It is my duty.
-Nobody became a supervisor without giving one’s consent. You have such inclination.
682 Look at your left eye oversees on your right one.
big SUPPER (neg.)
683 One is drowsy after the eating. He who advises, “Take the supper to your enemy” wishes to take your calm sleep to your enemy.
684 It is impossible to take any burden without bowing down.
a lack of God’s SUPPORT (neg.)
685 The more baby’s capacity to independent movement, the farther his mother’s hands.
moral SUPPORT of a rich man (pos.) (see also help, sympathy)
686 I can’t live worse than you, in order to give you my real moral support.
SURE (pos.)
687 Only the death is sure to everybody.
SURPLUS (pos.)
688 A surplus of firewood could put out fire.
689 Live a long time. You will see much more. Perhaps, you will not be dying in infancy.
690 If you could be surprised still, then it is interesting how old are you?
691 Even an expected old age becomes unexpectedly.
SURPRISE opposite case (pos.)
692 What to be surprised that now there is a descent at the place where was an ascent at the bygone time for?
SUSPECT (pos.)
693 A good man couldn’t suspects somebody with your lightness and easiness.
694 If someone drinking milk under a palm, they think that he drinks palm’s sap.
695 If someone wants to blame another man for lewdly sex, and if he doesn’t found strange hair on the dress, he will say, “you are not squeamish about bald partners”.
SUSPECT (neg.)
696 If a woman is non-smoking, and she has a savour of tobacco, then for all that it is better to abandon her.
697 Suspicion is one of the greatest sins because of a person suspects many people.
an enemy SUSPECTS (pos.)
698 A wicked dog sees a stick everywhere.
a male SUSPECTS (pos.)
699 I imagine your feelings. If you would be a woman then every times when somebody takes your hand for kissing, you would be afraid that he intends to wipe dry his nose.
an ordinary man SUSPECTS (pos.)
700 He who has often fault is more suspicious.
a rich man SUSPECTS (pos.)
701 He, who doesn’t consider one’s people thieves, will become the poor first and foremost.
702 Many wicked people detest the cross, too.
SWEAT (pos.) (see also effort, endeavor, free of charge, hard work)
703 I prefer to emit my humidity rather by using of urination than my forehead.
SWEAT (neg.)
704 It is pity that people are not dystrophic. Dystrophic never sweat.
SWEEP (pos.)
705 A place where nobody litters is cleaner than the one where they sweep.
SWEET (pos.) (see also abstention, enjoyment, pleasure)
706 Worms live into the sweet apples.
SWINDLE of Christian hierarchs (lack)
707 Christian hierarchs put a ban on the scientific research of such “miracle” as the spontaneous appearance of paschal fire. In the same way, a swindler who wants to become a relation of an aristocrat family (or doesn’t want to become the father) never agree to make genetic examination.
708 All people criticize swine, but they eat pork with pleasure.
709 One has right to be like a swine in order to kill a tiger.
710 I understand your dislike for swinishness and bestiality. Swine and bestial are your competitors.
711 A man who prepares for transformation into a swine in the next life helps farming. He is good. On contrary, you will produce a hunger by your transformation.
712 A malignant tumour comes into being during spreading of asymmetrical cells.
713 If doctors would have the same pain as their patients, they would die out.
714 A bored person who is at one-man prison cell wishes to help others with the greatest pleasure.
715 N is not a child, that he may be deceived with comfit.
716 They lose sympathy together with remembrances.
SYMPATHY of a great man (pos.)
717 A usual cause of sympathy is the wish to show one’s superiority.
718 A sympathetic person grows dull near fools.
my SYMPATHY (pos.)
719 I cannot to sympathize with you just as your shade.
720 A fear is the cause of sympathy. I am not a coward.
SYMPATHY with a poor man (pos.) (see also brotherhood, enmity, sense, support)
721 If one mingle tears with every weeping man then both his eyes would be exhausted.
722 I understand you. You wish to have more power by your alliance with a weak man.
priest’s SYMPATHY with a poor man (exist)
723 Yes, of course. This is a great sympathy. If a poor man is dead even a mullah will be ill.