367 It rains when we reap or mow down, but not in time when we ask it now.
368 A winter is good only during the winter.
369 Nobody shakes out a table-cloth at night.
370 Plough one time at autumn or you will plough anew, plough again and plough over at spring.
371 One timely stitch prevents ten tardy ones.
372 A man who cuts a rose-branch at inopportune time finds only thorns on it.
373 A fool says “It is time” in any time.
374 Your mind can condemns even the sun, as it warms very much in summer and it gives out very little warmth in winter.
TIMELINESS for a believer (pos.)
375 The God will not has a shortage of time even if hundred years would be ended for nothing.
TIMELINESS for a believer (neg.)
376 An egg is dear at Easter.
TIMELINESS for enrichment (neg.)
377 One watering in the dry time is better than hundred ones in other times.
378 Provision in season makes a rich house.
TIMELINESS for a friend (lack)
379 The notion of friendship exist the clock round.
TIMELINESS for a great man (neg.)
380 In most cases a deed becomes great rather because of its timeliness than other virtues.
381 Even a clever man is not clever if he show his mind untimely.
TIMELINESS for an interlocutor (pos.)
382 You must be imprisoned. Everyone watches closely own term there.
TIMELINESS for a subordinate (neg.)
383 If a cock doesn’t crow timely then his head will be chopped off.
TIMELINESS for truth (pos.)
384 Only lie comes at convenient moment.
TIMELINESS for a woman (pos.)
385 It is easy to come back at home in time and look as honest woman if you would jump in male’s bed straight away.
386 A right way gives less tiredness than an erroneous one.
TITLE (pos.)
387 Making seven lords from seven commoners is easier operation than making a poet (painter, sculptor, composer) from seven lords.
civil TITLE (RANK) for a believer (pos.)
388 One may says “apostle Paul” or “Paul”, but it is ridiculous to say “Mister Paul”.
TITLE of a rich man (pos.) (see also appearance, cosmetics, merit)
389 They named “father” in order to get money.
390 Well. It is very important to have knowledge that somebody received his title just thanks to money, but not thanks to another kindness.
TITTLE-tattle (neg.)
391 A tittle-tattling which is far from one another is better than kicking near by.
392 He who preaches tolerance has no right to condemn intolerant men.
393 A thief tolerates another one.
394 If a tolerance took power, then they wouldn’t correct mistakes and expiate sins.
395 Any kindness includes tolerance.
a believer TOLERATES (exist)
396 It is better separate two words “religious intolerance” in practice.
an interlocutor TOLERATES (pos.)
397 Well, only tolerant man could tolerate such ugly mug, as your one.
398 Tomorrow never comes. I never see tomorrow.
What TOOK this thing for?
399 I had a cramp. (There is a convulsion.)
TOTALITARIAN system (neg.) (see also democracy)
400 I don’t believe you. You have total imputation of totalitarian system.
TOUCH (pos.)
401 What to touch a goose for in order to test that milk is white likes a goose?
TOWN (pos.)
402 Towns are not so good because of too much doctors and lawyers are required for them.
403 An earth is like a beautiful woman, but her facial pimples are like towns.
a harmful TOY of a child (neg.)
404 A harmful toys appear near the child when grown men have harmful toys (such as TV, clubs, wine) for themselves.
TRACK (lack)
405 Even a sly snake leaves a track.
406 If an author objects to removal of some words then a censor removes the whole song.
TRADE (pos.)
407 Everywhere a slave doesn’t feel freedom, but the trade.
408 They esteem professions in according with the quality of men who want to be occupied with them. So, you consider merchants as most noble, honest and moral persons.
TRADE (neg.)
409 Even a slave feels own freedom when he is occupied with the trade.
410 Trade produces a wholesome effect. Even a coward may be like a brave man in the middle of bazaar.
411 The honest trade is like the science. It enriches people without its own impoverishment.
412 Selection of rules of conduct always resembles a trade. So, all life is the trade.
413 Trade is useful. It may make friends from enemies.
TRADE for a male (woman) (pos.)
414 A love doesn’t troubles about profit. The good trader doesn’t understand love in general.
profitable TRADE (exist) (see also account, profit, selling, speculation)
415 Well. There is a profit from this trade. One may buy nuts and sell them and whole its sound takes for nothing.
TRADER (pos.)
416 Well, there is a great common weal from traders. Road’s robbery came into being from being of traders.
417 Well, a trade is better occupation for a trader than ordinary thieving.
418 Foolishness has most ancient traditions.
419 A seeker of easy road of life always chooses the road of traditions.
420 The life that has no traditions has no fullness.
421 He who keeps information with care keeps traditions.
TRANSLATED text (pos.)
422 A translated text is as the back side of embroidered pattern. It is piping of violin’s composition.
TRANSLATOR of verses (pos.)
423 Poetry is something that may not be translated from one language into another. The glory of translator of verses is the glory of a liar.
424 Transposition of items doesn’t changes the sum.
TRAVEL (pos.)
425 Better rue sit than rue flit.
TRAVEL (neg.)
426 He who sits at one and the same place will be forced to eat oneself.
TRAVEL with own car (pos.) (see also car)
427 It is wonderful to drive thousand miles for the sake of to be photographed against a background of own car.
TRAVEL with a child (pos.)
428 He who wishes to travel with a child wishes to hear laughter when a burden would fall.
429 What to give the name “treachery” for keeping of one’s own interests for?
430 I am not the supporter of the method of “excommunication from the Church”, which is in use to heretics.
TREACHERY of a high-born person (lack)
431 British monarchic family refused to receive their relatives, such as the overthrown Russian tsar with his family. As a result, all family of Russian tsar was doomed to the death penalty.
TREASON (neg.)
432 There are not all that is wanted in one person. Where’s the harm if yesterday a man wanted a sweet thing, today he wants a salt one, tomorrow he will wants a square thing and after that he will wants a green one?
433 Indignation against the treason is rather untruthful. There is no a male who never concealed somebody’s male treason. And there is no a woman who never concealed somebody’s female treason.
my TREASON (pos.)
434 My great love to you prevents me to make this offence together with you.
TREASURE of a poor man (lack) (see also gain, spiritual treasure)
435 Even a poor man has a treasure, if he has his health.
436 Treatment releases the man from the some moral duties. Many persons like to have treatment.
doctor’s TREATMENT for himself (pos.)
437 N couldn’t to treat himself because he asks the high doctor’s fee.
TREATMENT with money (pos.) (see also economize, free of charge, medicine)
438 Can a doctor give a wise advice while pressing his stethoscope to the patient’s pocket?
TREATMENT with money (neg.)
439 I know. Recovery is bad. It is necessary to pay it.
new TREATMENT (pos.)
440 Inventors of numerous methods of treatments increase the sole effect that is the fear of death.
standard TREATMENT for anybody (pos.)
441 They don’t offer the same weight to any weight-lifter in order to improve somebody’s health.
TREATMENT by the time (pos.)
442 A toad wouldn’t become sleek even after the long rain.
443 There are just both. Time treats a man during it killing him.
TREATMENT by the time (neg.)
444 Time makes sweet grapes even from the sour one.
vain TREATMENT (pos.)
445 What to treat the barrenness of the woman if she was fated to be died through forty days for?
genealogical TREE (pos.)
446 It is a poor kin that has neither whore nor thief in it. So, where are whores and thieves on your genealogical tree?
TRIAL (pos.)
447 Men who can see own deeds in proper perspective and condemn them never reduce their relation to the trial.
448 What is the benefit to choose the most expensive way of resolve differences for?
449 Who knows beforehand the degree of waste, which will accompany his judicial gain?
TRIAL (neg.)
450 He, who has thirst for to see the righteous trial, let go to the heaven.
different TRIBES (pos.)
451 The criminality is in the countries where there are different tribes. Practically, it is equal to zero in the isolated counties such as Iceland or New Zealand.
TROUBLE (neg.) (see also complain, difficulty, fear, free of charge) БЕДА
452 The higher water, the higher a ship.
453 Don’t fear the winter. There is the spring after it. Fear the autumn. There is the winter after it.
454 Water doesn’t stream through the hole of injured ship when it is at the bottom.
455 A wise man considers a lone trouble as a boon.
456 Trouble brings experience and experience brings wisdom.
TROUBLE of a rich man (neg.)
457 The rich have troubles, too. There is not large place enough for their car near the shop.
somebody’s TROUBLE for an interlocutor (lack)
458 Well, there is no an accident out of your presence.
TROUSERS for a woman (pos.)
459 Well, trousers secrets crooked legs.
TRUMPET (neg.)
460 The man who fears to frighten donkeys doesn’t want to trumpet.
TRUST (pos.)
461 Trust makes way for treachery.
462 Boasters have the greatest predisposition to give on trust or to take on trust any thing.
463 The presence of believers doesn’t prove the presence of the God.
464 Every swindler calls upon to the trust.
TRUST (neg.)
465 Idleness increases because of unbelief.
466 There are much more situation when a man suffers damage because of his distrust.
467 The less capacity for trust leads to the less capacity for love.
TRUST blue eyes (neg.)
468 Eyes are blue, eyes are true.
TRUST an enemy (pos.)
469 The bad spring, the bad stream. Don’t drink!
TRUST the God (pos.)
470 What good will religion does? In any case it is necessary to tie camel to a pole first of all and only after it to entrust the camel with God.
TRUST of the great man (pos.) (see also follow, knowledge, sincerity, truth)
471 Do not be under a delusion. The king prefers to trust his crown to a nail more often than to his minister.
TRUST to a great man (pos.) (see also lie, open-hearted)
472 He who has less knowledge uses a word “trust” more often.
TRUST to a great man (neg.)
473 I understand you. Distrustfulness is the wisdom for a fool.
TRUST a law (pos.)
474 It is more safely to look at moving transport than at a light signal.
TRUST a love (pos.)
475 Love deceives even experienced deceivers.
TRUST a male (woman) (neg.)
476 Ask me, who trusts you?
TRUST to an ordinary man (pos.) (see also curvature, lie, open-hearted)
477 A rider, which was threw down, had so much trust to his horse.
478 They enslave some one by a faith, too. And I don’t seek to exploit anyone.
TRUST to an ordinary man (neg.)
479 He who trusts cooks eats at the restaurant.
TRUST a rich man (pos.) (see also contract, honesty, invite, knowledge, lie, listen, open-hearted)
480 I understand you. Everyone who wishes to bring up a subordinate for oneself must bring up his faith in himself first of all.
481 A rich has less strange man’s trust in his offer to have share in his business than a poor one, who gave the same offer.
482 A trusted man wants to receive the good things of life. But I am not so greedy.
483 I imagine your great attention to the seller’s talk about a buying with an installment plan.
TRUST a rich man (neg.)
484 -A rich man has greater credit. He has lowest percentage for receipt of loan.
-This percentage was founded only on opinion of the same rich men. Poor man will not loan even one penny to a rich man. And he will give a last dollar to the poor one.
TRUTH (pos.)
485 What to say the earth is round? Somebody would force you to level off the earth.
486 What to throw facts as if they are stones for? It is better to build beauty houses for happiness by them.
487 A truth is not so beautiful because numerous ways of thinking which use it give rather harm.
488 A truth is the light-minded strumpet. It hasn’t long life together somebody.
489 Only the truth is truly abusive and insulting.
490 A truth is the source of depression. The truth about forthcoming death, the old age of the sol, the black holes, the increase of entropy doesn’t inspire somebody. A main producer of inspiration is the lie.
491 Well, the truth is the son. It is bad to look at the son so long.
492 There is sun's (daughter's) love to foolish mother. Also there is sun's (daughter's) love to a mother which is the prostitute. So, any speech about the love to truth or influence of truth or its necessity is not serious.
TRUTH (neg.)
493 Sometimes, everyone must say truth just for keeping variety.
494 He who doesn't love the truth loves an inadequate behaviour.
TRUTH (exist)
495 Sorry, everyone looks for only confirmation for things which may be easier understanding by him and which may gives more benefit for him.
496 Only meanness is veritable thing because a man can’t distort it.
497 In any case, all truth was not to be told.
498 Nobody bought the truth to full ownership.
TRUTH (lack)
499 Very often an opposition of a truth is not the lie. It is another truth.
500 A thug who is likes the thug is the petty one. A truth which is likes the truth has the same petty importance.
TRUTH for a believer (pos.)
501 They didn’t crucify Christ till he began told the whole truth.
bitter TRUTH (pos.)
502 I see. He who has honest pity will say a bitter truth. But imagine the hard of the man who doesn’t wish to feel sorry from someone! And what the hard I feel with you!
conventional TRUTH (pos.)
503 It is impossible to have a long correct thinking on the base of conventional truth.
TRUTH for a fool (pos.)
504 A fool, who know a truth, is the same dangerous subject as the drunkard, who brandishes thorny branch.
TRUTH of genius (neg.) (see also argue, error, exactness, knowledge, lie, trust)
505 There are many truths. There is the truth of genius. There is the truth of ordinary man. Everyone has right to incline to any truth.
TRUTH about the interlocutor (lack)
506 A penetrating man can know again oneself even in the curved looking-glass.
old TRUTH (neg.)
507 Fools always observe an unequal battle between old truth and great number of new errors with enthusiasm.
TRUTH of an ordinary man (exist)
508 Usually, a “truth” is the tackle of fools. They would never refuse that they know it.
single TRUTH (pos.)
509 He who speaks about sole truth has the same difficulties as the man who tries to explain a movement of planets on the base of immobility of the earth.
510 You fancy the truth as if it is flat. However it looks differently from the different points of view.
511 A belief in a single right answer is one of the obstacles for a man who searches after it.
512 Don’t give your glass for everybody. Let everybody drinks clean truth from another place.
513 There is one the best bride in the country, and every betrothed thinks he has her.
single TRUTH (lack)
514 Competent people write every word by one and the same manner.
515 Every sleeping man sees the world in one’s own way.
TRUTH about the villain (neg.)
516 Everybody has a duty to say whole truth and brings fame to this good man.
TURN (pos.)
517 What to run round for? In this case the lame man will be ahead.
518 A worm turns easily.
TURN about (neg.)
519 Turn about is fair play.
TURN OUT an ordinary man from elite (neg.)
520 The crown will be disgraced if an ordinary stone fixed in it.
TURN OUT a rich man (pos.)
521 What for to turn out filled gnats, if their places will be just occupied by the hungry ones again.
TURN OUT a visitor (pos.)
522 Don’t turn out a wasp or it will attack with anger.
TURN OUT a visitor (neg.)
523 He who can say “Hi!” must can say “Good-bye!”
TURN OUT a visitor by a good will (pos.)
524 It is impossible to turn out shameless visitor by beer.
525 A killed bird falls head over heels.
526 A dog doesn’t lays till it turned three times.
527 N is not a gimlet to turn round and round.
528 A snake coils even round an empty place.
529 A thing, which turning together with a wheel, never finds oneself under it.
530 A bullet has more distant and precise flight thanks to the screw thread.
TV set (pos.)
531 A man makes self-dependent decisions more often when TV is absent. Some people have aversion for the life without TV.
532 An amateur of key holes cannot reject TV set.
533 Well, TV set is the good thing. It allows look at that rubbish, that nobody would goes out of the house for the sake of to look at it.
534 Well, TV set occupies much room in the human life. Many people have four great events - the birth, childhood, TV set and the death.