…g> (pos.)

405     You wish so much. You wish to see an open mouth at the open face.

406     Do you think that an open sea would give more safety than the closed harbour?

407     I see, you would wish to sleep into submarine and have open windows.


OVERT love (neg.)

408     If they love each other they have a free looking at the eyes of one another.


OVERT woman (exist)

409     A male is more overt. He overtly writes on his hand, “There is no happy in the life”. A woman only paints her nails in this case.


OVERTAKE (pos.) (see also achievement, follow)

410     Let waves overtake one another.

411     There is no overtaking of hare by a cart.


OWN (pos.)

412     Just the person, who stepped over his threshold, would get over a mountain.

413     Even an own axe may chops an own leg.

414     Eyes suffer from their own eyelashes but not strange ones.

415     A fool demands one’s own price instead of market’s one.

416     A donkey likes own bellow.

417     A beggar likes his own beg.

418     They don’t consider a bad road the short one. They don’t consider a bad relation the near relation.

419     Not all relations add safety.

420     A powder and fire are relations, too. However, they can’t live together.

421     A blood relationship is not the best cause for love.

422     If somebody eats a crow, he always says “I eat a guinea-fowl”.

423     A snail praises its own tail, too.

424     I am not a louse that holds its own sheepskin coat.

425     A hedgehog said, “My son has the soft hair”, too.

426     Slop considers “I am a food”, too.    

427     A value of girl who was praised by her mother has not increase because of this praising.

428     You read books in your own grammar, too. Is not it?

429     I understand you. An own child will not leave you even after your kicks. But a strange one will go away even with your shackles.

430     A peasant will to remain the peasant till he exchanged his bread for urban one.

431     It’s an ill bird that cannot fly out own nest.

432     You are like a priest. Each priest praises his own relics.

433     For the sake of own children and kin Gipsy and Afghan sell narcotics.

434     A real perfumer have not long sitting in the middle of the perfumery.

435     Stakes only on one’s own bring to ruin.

436     However, don’t begin to mark the territory like a dog in my presence.


OWN (neg.)

437     Even a priest would baptize own baby first of all.

438     -Greens grow above the own roots.

     -I see. You became green.

439     If one has a bad fate and income then, of course, he is displeased by them.

440     Is it indeed so bad to live on one’s ground and to sing one’s song?

441     It is better to have one’s own way and charge oneself with your misfortune. You see if there is a good luck then it is possible to charge somebody that your luck on one’s own way may by much more.

442     One could feels the taste of real victory only when he playing on his own.

443     If a girl is unlucky wretch then she is rivaled even in father’s home.

444     A horse is not very ill when it cannot sing as a cock but when it loses its own speed.

445     It is necessary to listen to only oneself and have no thinking about somebody else in order to have no stuttering.

446     Very often, somebody has no place if he doesn’t know his own place. 

447     A burden of one’s own choice is not felt.

448     A good floor-polisher polishes every parquet board in according its direction.

449     Even at stilts nobody can go without one’s own feet.

450     Even a mole is sharp-sighted into its own hole.

451     A hedgehog is never pricks by its own quill.

452     An axe must remains at its own axe-handle.

453     I understand you. A fool always cuts himself by his own knife.

454     Cat’s claves never frighten a kitten.

455     Mother’s twig is better than step-mother’s sweet.

456     It’s an ill bird that early falls from own nest.

457     Every tub must not give up its own bottom.

458     A penny at own pinch is worth a pound at another one.

459     The decrease “own” and increase “strange” doesn’t differ from slow suicide.

460     Let a vine will be sour. The main thing let it will be our.

461   A mind and a life have the beginning where the wish to have own path and the wish to satisfy own feelings and “I” and “own” made one’s appearance.

462     -There is no the loss of one’s own wares.

     -But there is no the great profit of it.

463     The severe system of recognition “own – strange” contribute to Jews’ success most of all.

464     A harmful person has no enough enemies from the strange people. He seeks them from the native people also.


OWN (exist)

465     Even a king has no right to consider kingdom as his own matter.

466     Only one’s own death could belong to a person exclusively.

467     Well, our dogs lapped from the same tureen.

468     A furuncle is on the ass, but it is not the relation.


OWNER (lack)

469     If a cart is near a cemetery then it is not means that its owner died.


dog’s OWNER (pos.)

470     Yes, dog’s owner can bark, too.

471     I understand a cause of your love for the dog. The dog can’t state the value of its master blaming on him.

472      I understand. Not everyone feels a respect for oneself. Some people feel a respect for oneself only in dog’s presence.

473   “Tailed friends”, devils are not my companions. 


TV’s or newspaper’s OWNER (pos.)

474   An owner of pig’s feeding-trough has more envy to the TV’s (newspaper’s) owner than me.


OWNERSHIP (exist) (see also buy, consider, presence)

475   A dog thinks that the shadow is its personal property, if it lies in the shadow’s place.





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