…e must have nails for scratching.

И чтобы почесаться, ногти нужны.


bear ARMS (neg.)

723     A man always must to bear arm in order it would save him one day.


a male bears ARM (neg.)

724     Could he have his penis? It is the arm of violator. Is not it?


fire-ARMS (neg.)

725     This protest is only against an edge without the handle. The handle is money. Protest against them, because the man may be killed even by knitting needle, clothes-line or iron.

726     He who fears an equality of a weak and strong men to ban fire-arms.


iron ARMS (pos.)

727     An iron is hot in both ends.


modern expensive ARMS (neg.)

728     Buy a gun or you will creep up to.


nuclear ARMS (neg.)

729     There are hundreds times more people who were killed by usual arms since the time of using nuclear arms.


ARMS for an ordinary man (pos.)

730     More often a weapon is necessary for the fool who cannot use weak points of his enemies.


ARMS for an ordinary man (neg.)

731     Robbers are clever and adroit only in places where robbed people are foolish and naпve.

732     I’m not a gangster or political figure that prefers unarmed people.

733     When a government is in need of defense then it entrust weapons to you in the Army. When you are in need of defense it distrusts you.

734     The government entrusts people to drive cars. Let it entrusts them to carry arms, because more people lost life because of cars, but not arms.


ARMS for a poor man (neg.)

735     A beast of prey always fights against a horns and hoofs.

736     A thief discovers oneself if somebody’s stick is raised up.


powerful ARMS against enemy (neg.)

737     He, who has better arms, meets with enemies more rare.


powerful ARMS for an ordinary man (pos.)

738     He, who has less courage, has more dangerous arms.

739     He who cannot to hit takes a big cudgel.


ARMS for revolutionary (neg.) (see also cruelty, extremes of revolution, punishment, rapacity, terror)

740     Well. It is easy to understand that an armed counter – revolution is natural fact and it is for welfare, but an armed revolutionary is unnatural fact and it is for evil.


ARMS for a subordinate (pos.)

741     Don’t give horns to the donkey. It will butt the rider.


ARMS for a subordinate (neg.)

742     He who rejects the right of bearing arms for his subordinates shows his own cowardice and distrust.


ARMS for X (neg.)

743     Ships which were built by Athenes against Egine help them during their struggle against Persians.


ART (pos.)

744     If the life is the shit then a man-made shit is the art which is so praised by you.

745     All things which create illusions are the narcotic.

746     An art needs victims. A foolish people need an art.

747     Well, an art is a good substitute for the life. It is a good thing for that man who has unhappy life.

748     An art is the same unstable and dependent thing as a woman. For the sake of attractiveness it imitates so much rules and fashions of own time.

749     Art carry away people from real deeds, from edge of the life. It is pity lot to serve work of art. It is like as to dust statue.


ART (neg.)

750     Neglect is always mutual, including the neglect to art.

751     A knack of pumping full an organ has four times cheaper fee than the skill to bet the air out of it.


ART critic (pos.)

752     If a power would belongs to art critics then they would castrate many people.


ARTIST (pos.) (see also actor)

753     An artist let only to the prostitute in order to please the people.

754     What is an artist? This is a man who says the words of others by strange voice.

755     There is a correlation between a frequency of transformations and a level of destruction of personality.

756     An artist has two kinds of love: the love to the people and the love to the license of his authorship. Usually, an artist prefers the second.


ARTISTIC abilities (pos.)

757     Who know where is the end of artistic abilities, which is the beginning of deception?

758     The substitution of naturalness by artistic abilities is more need for an old man than young one.

759     What is the difference of an innate artistic ability from a pathological falsity?


ARTISTIC abilities (neg.)

760     With age, it is better to have artistic abilities than to be natural.


ASIDE (neg.)

761     Put aside is not to throw out.


ASK (pos.) (see also cadging, request, shame of asking) 

762     In the wise East they respect rather those who see than those who ask.

763     I advise you to find the better place and time for receiving right answers.

764     It seems to me that it will be more decently to ask oneself such questions.

765     What is the benefit to ask, if every answer raises ten new questions?

766     If somebody would wish speaks about something to you, he spoke it. But if he doesn’t wish speaks it, then you will put yourself in idiotic situation by your question.

767     You know about it yourself.

768     Abandon your occupation. Become an interrogator. Then you will make more success.

769     Do you consider yourself as the conqueror? It is known, he has the right to ask any question.


ASK (neg.) (see also cadging, request, shame of asking)

770     Don’t fear to ask for a necessary thing. He who was asked is always afraid of your hatred in the case of his refusal.

771     If somebody looks for a right way, he asks an advice.

772     More often they open the door before that man who knocks at the door than stands near it.

773          -Do you know why Jews are so clever?


          -Because of they even answer by questions.

774     Answering man may have a mistake. A man has no mistake while he asking.

775     A man who asks could get across mountainous country. A man who doesn’t ask will get lost even on the plain.

776     The man who was brought up by prison doesn’t like questions.

777     A conqueror asks any question. He who was conquered may ask only permission.

778     He, that cannot ask, cannot live in society.

779     Better to ask the way than go astray.


ASK about age (pos.)

780     -I am twenty years old.

     -It is impossible.

     -However, I convince all people about this my age more than ten years.


ASK with angry (pos.)

781     You became angry before asking. So, compose yourself without asking.


believer ASKS (pos.) 

782     -Are you a believer?

     -Yes, I am.

     -To accept one’s fate with God’s will is better than another pleasure.


ASK dilettante about the difference (pos.)

783     They never ask fireman a difference between a violin and violoncello. He will answer that the violoncello burns longer.


ASK friend (pos.)

784     I am out of sympathy with a man who doesn’t afraid to lose friendship because of his friend’s refuse.


ASK the God (pos.)

785     You are fine still. A lazy person and a fool trouble the God some more.

786     Do you wish that the life would be like a collection of alms?

787     I can not sprawl for my petitions. Sorry, another way is not so deserving in front of the God.


ASK about an inclination of subordinate (pos.) 

788     When an officer asks soldiers “Who love music?” he looks for men to carry piano upon the second floor.


ASK an indecent thing (pos.)

789     -Would you are so kind as to repeat your question?


     -Are you the kind man if you asked such question?


I ASK for the last time, X?

790     It is all right! You will not ask me this foolish question some more.


ASK me (pos.)

791          -Am I stingy?


          -Then you are the fool. All people know the miser can promise during the time, when he is drunk.

792     I’ll answer for this question later in order we don’t make foolish our talk now.

793          -Allow me to put out of my answer all swear-words.


          -In this case I have not words for saying.

794     -Are you ready to understand whole truth?

     -Yes, I am.

     -And are you ready to take it in your heart?


     -In this case go to devil!

795     I have not the wish to talk with an insensible man. You don’t sense what you pester me.

796     -What is the cost of this knowledge?

     -It costs nothing. (It costs X dollars.)

     -Then don’t seek this knowledge. (Sorry, this knowledge costs some more than you supposed.)

797     Think by yourself. You may like it.

798     You are the clever man. Think of something by yourself.

799     -Is it very interesting for you?

     -Yes. (No.)

     -Then you are on duty to ask about it earlier. (Then ask about it later.)

800     And what do you think about it by yourself?

801    Everyone has the right to defense. I’ll ask my attorney about the answer for this question.

802     Are you so fool that think that somebody can answers in this affirmative (negatively) for this question?

803     -I ask X .

     -{The silence.}

     -Why you keep silent?

     -In this case I treated you by the most polite line of action.

804     I was not assigned to give analysis.

805     I always was paid for such explanation. Nobody will give such explanation without pay.

806     The presence of large knowledge means that the death will come soon.

807     I’ll give my answer to you but my answer depends from your purposes. Tell me about them.

808     I see, you wish listen the truth. But, as for you, a truth depends on the answer which we prefer to listen from. So, what you prefer to listen?

809     If somebody wants to know my truth, he must tell me his own truth firstly. Then I, as answering man, could compare two truths and say the sole one that you strive for. Begin to make all your observations about this subject.

810     If you wish to ask somebody a question it means you suppose that some questions will be given for you, too. So, it will be good if you will demonstrate examples of own work with somebody’s question. {Ask some questions to your interlocutor.}


ASK permission (pos.)

811     To bring somebody’s attention to the happened fact means to win the time and to value the life.


surprised man ASK (pos.)

812     I have another question. Is this thing which is stretched now so long was called “the face”?


ASK a victim (pos.) 

813     Don’t ask “How the knife hit stomach?” Ask “How I could help you?”


ASK well-known thing (pos.)

814     -You are like the fool or sadist, who asks well-known things.

     -I teach you.

     -The good teacher knows that such method of training is nasty.



815     A salt never sticks to the dry finger.


ASPIRATION to the God (neg.)

816     The best way to travel is towards heaven.


ASPIRATION to a great thing (neg.) (see also achievement, attain, dream, glory, inflexibility, purposefulness, reach, striving)  

817     Usually, only some part of a dream may be fulfilled. Even in that case, it is better to have a great dream.


big ASS (neg.)

818     A wide fore-part and a narrow back-part belong to a swine.

819     I understand your ideal. It is the mouse’s ass.


ASSAULT (neg.) (see also attack)  

820     He reveals his Cesarhood by Rubicon.


ASSIMILATE migrant (neg.)

821     Who want to have enemies in the own land?

822     If a man is fairly by accepting country, he assimilates with there.



823     He who associates with other people would corrects an error quicker.


to be ASTONISHED (pos.) 

824     The knowledge subdues great man, astonishes ordinary one and gives haughtiness for a nonentity.

825     You have astonishment that two holes of cat’s skin were cut just in places of cat’s eyes.

826     Your astonishment resembles a case when one very old woman showed at an elephant and said, “What the monster! What the wonder! It tears a cabbage by its tail! What it shoves the cabbage at …”

827     You think that turned a pot over is the pot which has holey bottom and no mouth.


to be ASTONISHED (neg.)

828     An astonishment is the capacity for praise something else except oneself.

829     I feel sorry for people who have no ability for love. The love begins from the astonishment.


to be ASTONISHED once again (pos.)

830     The repeated astonishment for one and the same thing is the mental masturbation.

831          -Do you meet with it for the first time in your life?

          -Yes. (No.)

          -You are like a child still. (A clever man astonishes one time.)


to be ASTONISHED at the great man (pos.) (see also ability, crank, oddity, originality) 

832     The fools will always be astonished with clever men.


ASTRAL (pos.)

833     Are you astralopetekus?



834     A fortune talking with the stars is an aspiration for increase of own significance.

835     Astrologers always demand pay in advance. They have a sole exact knowledge that they never receive money in time.



836     What to regard person as canned food in according with the date of making for?

837     A God’s was not under the influence of heavenly movement. If a heavenly movement has an influence upon you then I am rather the God’s creature than you.



838     He who criticizes astrology is not trustworthy. Astrology is impartial. So, he is partial.


ATHEISM (neg.)

839     I understand you. You have no interest to atheism because any devilry is free to have worshippers.


ATHEIST (pos.)

840     An atheist is one point beyond the devil. The devil believes in God.


ATHEIST (neg.)

841     Any atheist knows Christ’s feelings better than believers. Christ sensed the God left him. Any atheist has the same sense.

842     An atheist is the man who is ready ask the God essential questions. A believer is the man who worry the God by own small-minded problems.


ATHEIST (exist)

843     Well, I see a great number of atheists in fair weather.


ATTACK (neg.) (see also assault)

844     He who only scratches himself would never rid out of louses.

845     I have not such highest levels of idleness, weakness.

846     They take up a fortress by attack or starving siege. I am not a fascist under Leningrad.


ATTACK by the first (pos.)

847     Both are bad for the jug, the stone fell on the jug or the jug fell on the stone.


ATTACK by the first (neg.)

848     He who shot first laughed lauder than another one.


initiator of ATTACK (neg.)

849     Don’t row! Even a venomous snake never attacks if there is not trouble for it.


ATTAIN (pos.) (see also achievement, reach)

850     It seems that you can do anything until you start doing it.

851     Fulfillment is the business of serfs. And I am a respectable gentleman.

852     Even the best pear-tree can’t fruit by even the sour apple.

853               -I’ll do it, if I have X (electric spade, …).

               -Where do you see X?

               -So you. Where do you see that Jew doing it without X?


ATTAIN (neg.)

854     A head wind will hold back only bad sailors.

855     A good shot is not the one who shoots only, but the one who hits the mark.

856     Aspiration for the unreachable gives strength to the reaching of the necessary.

857     Augean stables create Herculeses.

858     It is not the Gods who made pottery.

859     Who is agrees to love an ugly person?


ATTAIN smth. quickly (pos.) (see also achievement, striving)

860     A shovel is lighter in some one else’s hands.

861     Only weeds grow quickly.

862     I can tell that with speed like yours, you can leave all other thieves behind.

863               -You’d better roll balls at home.


               -To satisfy your desire for quick of the desired.

864     Only pancakes may be baked quickly.

865     The tale is easily told quickly. A deed is not so easily done quickly.

866     Nanny goat, don’t hurry into the forest. Every wolf will be yours.

867     What is lost in time is compensated in increase of power.

868     Venice wasn’t built at once.

869     I have not February’s brain.


ATTAIN smth. quickly (neg.)

870     Dust doesn’t settle on the one that is quick.

871     He that is slow feeds mosquitoes.

872     The greater the speed the less potholes there are on the road.

873     Delay of easy affair will make it difficult, delay of difficult affair – impossible.

874     An excited old lady going for the first time by train fears less if the train goes slower.

875     Alas! You have no knowledge about the speed hidden in the immobility of the stars.


ATTEMPT (pos.)

876     Well, you may saw in two this shell. If it will burst, you could take another one.

877     Have you a clear idea of trial to read in Chinese?

878     It is good rather for a person who goes to write memoirs.


ATTEMPT (neg.)

879     Every positive result began with an attempt.

880          -Do you know who agree with you? Who have no wish to do attempts, tests and reiterations?

          -Who are they?

          -They are persons who preparing for suicide.

881     Oft aim, whiles hit.


my ATTEMPT (pos.)

882     Thanks. I have a good imagination.

883     I may attempt to spit at your face. I may do it with the pleasure.


ATTENTION to the great man (pos.) (see also dream, nearness, popularity)

884     Not every rose is flattered when someone tries to smell it.

885     Watching of the forest grow won’t help anybody to grow up oneself.

886     Just ignoring the forest won’t make it go away.

887    The less attention, the less envy. He, who has less envy, has more happiness.


ATTENTION to the great man (neg.)

888     N is not the sun. Everybody has a health for looking at him.

889     Just looking at water won’t make it dirty.

890     Even a cat has the right to look at a king.


ATTENTION to the great man (exist)

891    Nobody aims telescopes at N. They drink from bottle’s neck.


ATTENTION to the ordinary man (neg.) (see also ordinary)

892     Everyone has right disdain foolishness, but he must take it into his consideration as an enemy, which has numerical superiority.


rapt ATTENTION (pos.)

893     The monkey, which going on the branch, has the most rapt attention. There is no everyone wishes to have such view.


ATTRACTIVENESS of smth. (pos.) (see also advantage, appearance, quality, thing, value)

894     A dog rushes even to the fly.

895     Greater quantity of bees were drowned in honey, than in vinegar.

896     A donkey’s stamping smell as the shashlik. (There is shashlik’s smell from the place where they stamping donkey.)

897     Attractiveness is the property of lie.

898     Usually, snake’s burrow is surrounded by undergrowth of mint.

899     Cheap brushwood is the best lighthouse.

900     Butterflies like to fly to the fire.

901     A bee hasn’t knowledge, that it will stick itself into the lily’s flower.

902     Many bees to hover about the stinking elephant’s temples.

903     It attracts a man alike the trough attracts a pig. 

904     A fish see the bait, but not the hook.

905     A bird takes notice of its prey by a mile, but it can’t see the net by the step.

906     A pipe attracts a bird by its sweet voice till the bird will be entrapped. 

907     This sheep’s scent comes from the wolf’s den.

908     This fur-coat is sewed on the wolf.

909     Nobody can take me at this suit.


ATTRACTIVENESS of smth. (neg.)

910     A good cake can’t entice a man only from his grave.


ATTRACTIVENESS of smth. (lack)

911     Well, it is repulsive as ten dollars for a beggar.


AUTHORITATIVE man (pos.) (see also ambition, cult, high, leader, past, pawnman, superiority, superman)

912     A cult of authority and cult of slavery are the two parties of the same medal.



913     It is necessary to humiliate the authoritative people in order to the violence and money to operate society. Many persons want it.


AVAILABILITY (pos.) (see also achievement, attain, difficulty, distant, do, hindrance, purposefulness, reach)  

914     The poorer quality is, the better availability of goods is.

915     There have not been poppy-seeds for seven years, but there have been no the hunger.

916     You may value even the emptiness between walls that we call a room.

917     A thing, which is not hidden, hardly has a great value.

918     Even birds never sit on the “available” dry tree.



919     A door without a handle gets only kicks.



920     Yes, a man can do anything. He is especially good at making it looks like he can do anything.

921     Well, a waistcoat has sleeves.



922     There are no towers without stairs.

923     If a sailor knows which way to sail any wind will be fair.

924     One can’t climb up to the sky, but he can fly up there.

925     The more difficulties there are in the inner life of a man, the more complicated his outer life.

926     Nose is not seen between eyes, too.

927     Sparks are not seen in flint, too.

928     I agree with you. It’s better to deny. It’s not necessary to adduce a proof, when you deny.

929     I think there is rain that you don’t consider to be rain.



930     The rejected painters look for authenticity. It is they who place the dirty swaddling clothes into frames and name these pictures “After an egg”, “After a milk” and “After an apple puree”.


AUTHENTICITY of “Zion’s protocols” (lack)

931     What has more value? Is it signatures or deeds of many years which carried into life these protocols?



932     Se la vi! There is a mortal duel where somebody else’s influence kills a freedom of research or the freedom of research kills somebody else’s influence.



933     That society was operated by violence and money, it is necessary to humiliate the authoritative people. Many persons wish it.


my AVERSION (neg.)

934     I didn’t swallowed a frog yet in order I have not an aversion for any another dish.


AVIDITY (neg.)

935     An avid thoughts and deeds of alchemists developed chemistry and pharmacology.


AVOID (pos.)

936     That who wishes to die tired is running from a sniper.

937     You wish to take grandfather’s legacy without father’s sharing.

938     Running away from own husband who strikes with force is running to another one who beats frequently.


AVOID (neg.)

939     I know. A prostitute has not ability to avoid the grave consequences.


AVOID (exist)

940     You wish to wash your face without washing your hands.

941     Nobody rounds weeds during watering.

942     Nobody can to goes between rain’s drops.

943     There is no ford through the fire.

944     Someone thinks if he would made one more window then the sun wouldn’t set. Another one thinks if he would brick up a window then the sun wouldn’t rise.


run AWAY from a battle (neg.)

945     He, who fights and run away, may live to fight another day.


AXIOM (exist)

946     The doubt as to an axiom result in discovery of the theory of relativity.



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