
371     One entrusts to tie up one’s pack only his fellow traveler.


ADVICE of a subordinate (pos.)

372     A swimming with bottom’s support is the bad swimming.


unasked ADVICE (neg.)

373     A good teacher teaches pupil even if leading questions are lack. They don’t haul knowledge from him.


ADVICE of unlucky wretch (pos.)

374   A happy people don’t need advices. All the more they don’t need advices of unlucky person.

375     It is necessary to be clean in order to wash others.


woman’s ADVICE for a man (pos.)

376     The God created a male in the first instance in order to has no woman’s advices.


young man’s ADVICE for an old man (pos.)

377     An egg has no the right to teach a hen.



378     An advocate is like a prostitute. He keeps in mind the right of only those who paid him. And he neglects the rights of those, who did not pay him.

379     Friends of criminal are not angels. How many times his defender is worse than they?

380     Advocates have a wish to hide the truth more often than others.

381     Any advocate must either have an aversion to his work or equal wishes to defend guilty and guiltless people.



382     He who is too affable is a cadger or serve or priest or liar.


woman’s AFFAIR (pos.)

383     I know women’s affairs. Fools are better than wise men in the women’s affairs.


woman’s (male’s) AFFAIR (exist)

384     If this affair was done by woman (man) well, then the man (woman) wouldn’t meddles in it.


stand up AGAINST (pos.)

385     Don’t urinate against the wind.

386     Blowing against the wind is for nothing.

387     A bull fought against a bear. I saw its horns and tail.


stand up AGAINST (neg.)

388     Do you know that the degree of consent depends from the degree of intoxication?

389     If I would be drunk as one is I would agree with you. However it is impossible to credit the man who drunk as one is.

390     I help you to keep mind. When a man thinks that he can do everything, he has already gone of his mind.

391     An upward flight would be easier when it is against the wind.

392     If a man will be silent when a fool crossing his threshold then the fool would brings a donkey with the cord.

393     You got less rivals, when you swim against the current.

394     He, who want to quench one’s thirst open his mouth against the current.


at your AGE

395               -N was X at your age.

               -But N became Y at your age already. (Y is higher than X)

396     -I wasn’t like you at your age.

     -And I will not be like you at your age.



397     All people are aggressive, even the liberals.


AGGRESSIVE religion (lack)

398     All religions are aggressive and importunate. They are constitution which is

disestablish the church nothing for them. All people are deprived work, studies, State service and lose their income during days of religious festive occasion.


AGGRESSIVE unbeliever (neg.)

399     Any believer is more aggressive than an atheist. He trusts in the paradise. So, he has the greatest passion for proving existence of the God. So, he has sadistic enjoyment from every trouble of others because of it is the proof of God's punishment against these sins.


AGILITY for a worker (pos.) (see also act, idleness, inactivity, laziness, mobility, repose, slackness, turning)  

400     Who needs for you at this place? Is it a cook (book-keeper, …) or a monkey?



401    The person, who has less faith in the existence of the God and His capacity, pounces upon agnostics with more force and offence.

402     A man feels only such phenomenon, which differs from him. An atheist doesn’t feel the God. So, any believer differs from the God much more than atheist.

403     Believers value a death as an eternal pleasure. If somebody values a life as an eternal pleasure, then is he the bad man?



404     A person who doesn’t agree with somebody is not the liar. A liar is rather the person, who agrees with somebody.

405     A flute and gun will not have accord. They say by different languages.



406     They never spur a willing horse.


AGREEMENT beforehand (neg.)

407     Words which were not been said in the sowing time wouldn’t been said in the harvesting time.


quick AGREEMENT (neg.)

408     A woman had the same case. She said driver, “Go!” He answered, “Hundred dollars”. –“The ten is the usual cost!” –“Be left and stand”. –“Go. I’ll give the hundred”. –“And sex!” –“No!” –“Be left and stand”. –“Well, I’ll give the hundred and agree to sex”. –“Sorry, I don’t drive the prostitute”.

409     Once, a mule and donkey carry loads. The donkey got tired and said, “Take a part of my load”. The mule refused. Some times late the donkey died and all loads were loaded on the mule.


quick AGREEMENT to a work (pos.) (see also busy, dependant, unemployment,

wage, work)  

410     A cheap man will be sold first of all.


AGREEMENT for a young man (neg.)

411     A free will and selection are privileges of an old man. The young one must always be ready to give agreement.




AIM (pos.)

412     The nasty gnat has the good aim, too. It must at night to tire a lazy person, who didn’t tire at the day.


AIM (neg.)

413     A good archer is not known by his arrows, but his aim.


accessible AIM (pos.)

414     Masturbation is the case when an aim is near at hand.


AIM of the God (pos.)

415     A rise of entropy is the aim of both nature and the God. Amoral deeds of people raise en entropy much more than moral ones. People have such aim as moral. So, the God and a man have different aims.


great AIM (neg.)

416     Catch a gown of gold, and you will at least get a sleeve of gold.


high AIM (pos.)

417     Usually, they choose the high aim in order to look at it from the lying position.


AIM justifies the means (neg.)

418     A giving to use compulsion for an achievement of noble aim up is the giving the noble aim up and the giving nobleness up, too.

419     That aim is not so good if it couldn’t justifies deeds which were made for it.


AIM for a nation (neg.)

420     First of all, any disappeared nation had the loss of aim which could justify its struggle for survival.


only AIM (pos.)

421     They don’t get into the water for the only fish.


opposite AIM (lack)

422     They climb mountain for look at valleys.


What is your AIM?

423     Talking about aims may be endless. You may ask, “What is the aim of this aim?” endlessly.


ALL (pos.) (see also accumulate, addition, completeness, join, many, part, whole)

424     It is not a woman’s breast that to hold it by whole five fingers.

425     Still, there are cunning people who wish to eat butter and to reserve butter’s money for them.

426     Don’t scratch all things!

427     Do not all you can; spend not all you have; believe not all you hear; and tell not all you know.


ALL (neg.)

428     All wheels of the car must turn.

429     It is better straining liquid through a rag, which is clean on both its sides.

430     It’s another case. It’s not a case of five fingers, which can’t be pushed into oral cavity completely.

431     Do you feel even woman’s breast not by whole five fingers?


for ALL (pos.)

432     All feet tread not in one shoe.


ALL-forgiving Christian (pos.)

433     An all-forgiving Christian is the man who permits any disgraceful things for his world.



434     I see. You are an allegory-lover and you feel a pain which is “between big fingers of feet”.


ALLOW (pos.)

435     If you allow a child to sit down on your leg then he will intends to sit down on your hands.


ALLOW anything for genius (pos.)

436     Well, any thing is allowed for genius, if he is genius in this thing.


ALLOW me …

437     -Allow me to stop allow you.

     -In the same way, allow me to stop allow you to stop me.


ALMIGHTY God (exist)

438     Your God is not Almighty. He cannot wish to see you in another place with another employment during your prayer.


ALMS (neg.) (see also ask, boon, cadging, expenditure, niggardliness, pity, present, shallow, sham of asking, sponsorship, stinginess)

439     I see. It’s bad time for everybody. Some people just can make both ends meet. The others can’t even to give alms for them.



440     A shirt tears at its elbows.

441     A floating on the waves causes vomiting.

442     Constancy is the property of power.



443     Only an altering matter is nourishing.

444     A success is a series of alterations.

445     A happy is rather a floating on the waves than a holding the level.

446     A possibility to alter and to be altered assumes the name “freedom”.



447     A hot water put out a fire, too.

448     Well, it was turning round decidedly at 360 degree.

449     A river never abandons its river-bed even if it overflows.



450     Even the sea alters its place.


ALTERATION of a believer (neg.)

451     Even the God has alteration. An active person cannot keeps own immutability.


quick ALTERATION (pos.)

452     It is better to apply the brake for turning.


quick ALTERATION (neg.)

453     A clever motor ship turning quicker than a foolish sailing.


sole ALTERATION (exist)

454     A good turn of some thing may deserve the turn of another one.


ALWAYS (lack)

455     Well, N stutters not always. He stutters only when he says.


AMBITION (pos.) (see also competition, conceit, content, fate, glory, greatness, high, honor, leader, majesty, modesty, ordinary, outstanding, pride, respect, self-love, self-respect)

456     The present of ambition means the absent of candor (frankness).

457     Don’t worry! Everybody knows that you are famous because you have never to emit gas (exhaust from ass).

458     Ambition is immodesty of the mind (wit, intellect).

459     The eyes of an ambitious man see the greatest (quantity) number of chiefs. What should I (one, somebody) have such kind of eyes for? 

460     You are like a woman because you hate a man who has gain (won) the victory over his longing (last).

461     And what is the base of ambition? There is the thirst for fame, the pursuit of (to) the richness, the wish for the honor and for the pleasant place in the life, the fear of the disgrace, aspiration for hiding of the filling of the inferiority in it.



462     Usually, there is no ambition at those people who disdain the others.


AMNESTY (pos.)

463     Any offender propagates amnesty willingly.


ANCIENT book (pos.)

464     People always take many notices for descriptions of recent events, but they have much more trustfulness for descriptions of remote events.


AND (pos.)

465     Where they substitute “and … and …” for “or … or …” good conditions appear for absurdity.

466     Well, a termos keeps a cold thing as the cold one. And it keeps a warm thing as the warm one. However, don't go in with ice cream and fried popapoes.


ANGER (pos.)

467          -The worse swimmer, the more sprays.

          -The strange sprays prevent bad swimmer.

468     The anger could help you to jump into a well, but it couldn’t help you to jump out from it.

469     They hate an angry rich man. They scorn an angry poor man.


ANGER (neg.)

470     The anger is the weapon which must belong to each honest man.

471     Poverty and anger do not agree.


ANGER of a great man (pos.)

472     The anger is the sign of light-mindedness. It is for fools, because of during it one thought substitutes for all others.


ANGER of a great man (neg.)

473     After an eruption of volcano the earth get especially fertile.


ANGER against ordinary man (pos.) (see also attention, damage, enmity, excited,


474     The sun should not be angry at the fireflies.

475     This anger is not your innate sense. This is your idea about the weakness of an enemy.


ANGER of an ordinary man (pos.)

476     There is no an anger which has not a touch of ignorance and a lack of knowledge.


ANGLE fish (pos.)

477     I don’t like any preparation for standing for begging.



478     Anglo-Saxons are mercenary. Even their notion “to select” originates from the notion “to sell”.


domestic ANIMAL (pos.)

479     Man serves a domestic animal some more than it serves him.


humanize an ANIMAL (pos.)

480     Imparting of the human virtues to an animal is the same sin like the making of idol.


like ANIMAL (neg.)

481     The distinction to an animal is not the proof of correctness of something.



482     A dog will not become a sheep even if you will cut its tail.

483     A cutting of testicles is not the facilitation.

484     A donkey will not become fast horse even if you will clip its ears.

485     Pulling out weeds is bad for wheat.

486     If everyone would annihilate things which seems below the average for him then the world becomes empty.



487     Trimming increases fruitfulness.

488     A nail will grow into a flesh, if it will not be cut.

489     If an earth is cleared then there is a possibility for growing roses.


ANNIHILATION of books (neg.)

490     If a man could drive benefit from books then they taught him manage without them.

491     A wicked book is worse than a wickeder, because it never repents.


ANNIHILATION of a cause (pos.)

492     Don’t cut off your nose to spite your face.


ANNIHILATION of a dangerous thing (pos.)

493     Even if a rye field would be burnt a ploughman will not stops to use a fire.


early ANNIHILATION (pos.)

494     Let weed grow till the general harvest.

495     Stub up after grub up!


early ANNIHILATION (neg.)

496     Pull up a weed while it has a little root.

497     He, who doesn’t break a bud, will fell a bough by axe.


ANNIHILATION of a great number of something (neg.)

498     Even a great number of head’s hairs may be shaved.


ANNIHILATION of a hindrance (pos.)

499     They don’t drink water from the swimming-bath in order to take the fallen bead.


ANNIHILATION of idols (pos.)

500     Let idols will be broken in hearts. He who breaks stones and monuments is an idolater, which is under the power of dread of hostile idols.

501     People who annihilate idols are the dangerous fools. In future they could wish to annihilate sun and moon, because of some folk worship them.


misplaced ANNIHILATION (pos.)

502     What kill a mouse on the plate for?


ANNIHILATION according to the order (pos.)

503     Once, a people complained of locust to an emir. He took a gun and said, “Show me it by fingers!” They showed at the tree. The emir shot at it and killed one. The rest flied up and one of them sat down on emir’s mother. In according the order they showed at this locust, too. The emir shot and killed both the locust and mother.


ANNIHILATION of the past (neg.)

504     A nestling must pecks egg-shell in order to have a good health.


ANNIHILATION of a strange religion (pos.)

505     If you love the own house, it doesn’t mean, that you need to burn out the house of the neighbour.


ANNIHILATION of a strange thing (pos.)

506     It's necessary that existence of cell of heart, brain and rectum should be without exception.


ANNIHILATION for the sake of substitution (pos.)

507     Don’t burn out buses in order let they use taxis.


ANNIHILATION of a tempting thing (neg.)

508     It is easier to break a bottle of wine than refuse drinking.


ANNIHILATION of a whole thing (pos.)

509     What to cut off a dirty nose for?

510     What to burn out a house in order to receive nails for?

511     Don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater.

512     An axe is not the best remedy against dandruff.



513     Anniversary is not so good. In the end they use anniversaries and victories for amnesties which are the outrage upon the people.


an ANNIVERSARY for the hero of an anniversary (pos.)

514     Yes. It is very interesting to feel one’s own value as in the time of one’s own funeral.


ANNOUNCE one's own plan (pos.)

515     A chess-player never announces his own next move. And the life is more difficult game than the chess.


ANONYM (neg.)

516     We owe much more to the nameless than to the famous. To any of our ancestors we owe much more than to Arhimed, Napoleon and Einstein put together.

517     The creator who doesn’t make signed work has more likeness with the God.


ANONYMITY (neg.) (see also outward appearance, dullness, fame, glory, modesty, name) 

518     Namelessness of statements is the best recognition of their scientific importance.

519     Works of unknown painters always turn out to be originals.


ANOTHER (pos.)

520     If you will choose another direction every day, then you cannot get far away.

521     A thief is clever to move from a balcony to another one.

522     I understand you. Mouse is a good and clean animal, if it stays at another house.


ANOTHER (neg.)

523     They don’t fell tree only from its one side.


ANOTHER (lack)

524     The fool thinks that he making the road only to one direction.

525     If one end of the cord is found then another end exists.

526     An empty sack may be packed once before and may be packed later on.


ANOTHER virtues of another sex (exist)

527     I’m not such simpleton as you. I don’t think that persons of another sex doing every deed by the wrong way.


ANSWER (pos.)

528     Everyone wishes to beat the ball which jumping after each influence.

529     All great questions have not answer. This question is small-minded. Is not it?

530     He who trusts doesn’t stand in need questions. He who doesn’t trust doesn’t stand in need answers.

531     I know works of your spiritual brothers. They write answers for each other at toilet’s walls and cannot come to a stop.

532     Answering is not difficult action. It is difficult to explain, prove and acquit the answer afterwards.


ANSWER (neg.)

533     There is no the clever answer for the foolish question.

534     What is the worse stinginess than the lack of wish to give the knowledge to other man?

535     Like question, like answer.


ANSWER to an angry man (pos.)

536     To get into argument against an angry man is the folly.


brutal ANSWER (neg.)

537     He who looks a swine hears grunt.


dangerous ANSWER (pos.)

538     Sometimes, an answer about a case may be more dangerous than the case. What to do such answer for?


ANSWER of the great man (pos.) (see also frankness, open-hearted, silence)

539     Silence is the best answer to the fool.

540     One fool can ask more, than ten wise men can answer.

541     It is very difficult thing to answer the fool. Believe me. Now, I have great difficulties with my answers.

542     Clever person keeps useful and helpful information for himself.

543     If a stone was thrown into the water by the fool then ten clever men couldn’t take it from there.


ANSWER of the great man (pos., neg.)

544     An empty jug gives the best answer.


ANSWER to the great man (pos.) (see also argue, opinion)

545     I can’t believe in necessity of answer of such expert (connoisseur) as I for such great man as you.

546     Who will answer a man when he considers others as fools?


ANSWER of an interlocutor (neg.)

547     You didn’t give me your answer. So, you have the ill conscience. Bring it to its ordinary painless condition and you will be able to speak again.


male ANSWERS a male (pos.)

548     It is possible to have an agreement even with a woman or bushman by the use of silence. Sorry, now you look worse than they.


my ANSWER (pos.)

549     You wished surprise me by your question. Then I’ll surprise you by my answer. (Call down curses upon inquired person.)

550     If you take pleasure in your asking, then I’ll take pleasure in my silence.

551     I didn’t answer God so much, as I answer you. Control yourself some more!

552     I know a lot, but as well as a doctor I cannot speak about many things.

553          -Do you want to receive a clever answer?


          -In this case ask me more cleverly!

554     You’re not enough yourself. What the small person! I never tell with a small point.

555     -Would you like to get an erroneous answer?


     -I think I wouldn’t make a mistake if I’ll say nothing.

556          -I cannot explain even simple facts to you, but you ask about it!

          -What you cannot explain?

          -I cannot explain even that I’m not interested enter into conversation with you (that I’m tired, …).

557     The same question arising in my mind, too.

558          -Probably, you think that I’m the fool. However, it is stupid to interrupt a silence of the fool.

          -But you are smart.

          -It is stupid to interrupt a silence of the clever man, also.

559     -Asking this question cost one cent.

     -Take it! Answer!

     -Asking the question and receipt the answer cost one dollar.

     -Take it! Answer!

     -Go to the devil!

     -Is it the answer?

     -Asking the question and receipt the considered answer cost hundred dollars.

560     It is better for you to have the talk with a simpleton. He will tell about his deeds without fail after your question “How do you do?”


my quick ANSWER (pos.)

561     -Would you like me to find proper words?

     -Yes. (No.)

     -Then wait. (Say abracadabra.)


obvious ANSWER (pos.)

562     There is a joke. One asked, “How much is two multiplied by two?” Another man answered, “It is not your matter”. The one gave him a crack on the head, and answered again, “How much is two multiplied by two?” Another man answered, “How much you want?” The one gave him a crack on the head again and answered, “How much is two multiplied by two?” Then another man gave him a crack on the head and answered, “I don’t like a curious person”.


ANSWER by question (pos.) 

563     -Are you an echo?


     -After a question, you answer by a question.

564          -Could I consider your question as an answer for my question?

          -Yes. (No.)

          -So, it is better to talk with another person. (So, answer!)


my ANSWER by question (neg.)

565     You wish to know about something. I wish to know about something. Don’t talking, if you don’t wish to have the talk.


quick ANSWER (pos.)

566     There is turning back to look at the chair before sitting. There is a consideration before an answer.

567     If you want to receive the quick answer, press a button of door bell. It will answer immediately.

568     An unexpected guest is more prepared for meeting than a host for. (Hint: The question is the quest. An answer is the host.)

569     They never speak without consideration because of there are a few time for the consideration.

570     I understand. You don’t wish to receive an objection because any delay of answer is the search of convincing objections.


quick ANSWER of elder (pos.)

571     As for a good society, a prompt answering and talking in the first instance are the destinies of bridegroom.


quick ANSWER of a great man (pos.)

572     You think that words of a fool couldn’t put out of countenance the normal man. Is not it?

573     An answer couldn’t be quick if many parts of the brain collaborate in its working out.


quick ANSWER of a male (pos.)

574     The ready answers are in the female mind.


ANSWER by silence (neg.)

575     It is not every question that deserves an answer.


simple ANSWER (pos.)

576     There is no a simple answer even for such simple question as “What side is a boy looks when he rides on donkey’s back to front?


simple ANSWER (exist)

577     Any knotty problem always has a simple erroneous answer which is easy for understanding.


rough ANSWER (neg.)

578     If a delicate thing was pressed by a rough one, then they push off this rough thing, but not draw out the delicate one.


ANSWER to a subordinate (pos.)

579     When a captive asks, “Why you sell me?” he hearing an answer, “Because of you have curved moustache.


ANSWER to a woman (pos.)

580     Women always wish to know that things that they wouldn’t wish to find out. Therefore, a human male must prefer doesn’t answer them.



581     -The most ardent antiglobalists are sure that the earth is plane, but not globular.

     -Such primitive opinion witnesses your primitive capacity to understand antiglobalists.



582     You have “anti” some times more. You are anti-anti-Semite.

583     When a Jew has no talent he begins to accuse his enemies and says that there are many anti-Semites around him.

584     Zionists are the greatest anti-Semites. They make that folk of different countries begin to abhor all Jews on end.



585     It is easy to learn that anti-Semitism is the bad thing. It is difficult to learn its sources and causes.

586     Anti-Semitism is proportional to power of Jews. What to have the great offence because of this cause for? *


ANTISEMITISM of Russians (neg.)

587     Perhaps Russians tries to please Jews. Jews love Ukraine more than Russia. However 400 thousands Jews were murdered there in Khmelnitsky time and 70 thousands – in Petlura time.




large APARTMENT (pos.) (see also comfort, cram, freedom, large, superfluous)

588     Your “large apartment” is not more spacious than space in which my soul lives.


APOSTLE (pos.)

589     All apostles scatter away Christ at the most important moment.


unique APOSTLE (exist)

590     Do you know, why was only one apostle Paul? One is enough. Two apostles would over-shade each other. Mohammed also made himself secure very well.


outward APPEARANCE (pos.) (see also breeding, decoration, importance, luster, namelessness, notable, outstanding, show) 

591     A dog doesn’t know what is behind the door where depicted crossed bones.

592     It is impossible to know a taste of watermelon by licking its rind.

593     Scabbard never act in the battle, but only a sword.

594     They praise a gun for its decoration in the first place.

595     Appraisal in accordance with outward appearance is good only for the statue.

596     Spectacles couldn’t help an illiterate man.

597     A balding head is best under a crown.

598     Silkworm is the worm. Is not it?

599     They don’t judge tobacco by tobacco-plant’s flowers.           

600     They didn’t judge a wine by the bottle.

601     Stuffed bird never been stuffed with something valuable. 

602     Only those who can to disjoin a rind from interior matter know the banana’s taste.  

603     It is easier look dandy for that, who stopped own growing.

604     Owners of bad ware long for a beautiful packing for it most of all.

605     One would put out one’s eyes during he is combing (dressing, doing) one's eyebrow.

606     Nobody can strengthen rotten walls by the good paint.

607     He who selects a person by his rind considers him as a watermelon.

608     A great smoke of bonfire does not mean the great heat of it.

609     What throw oneself on the shell like a hen for?

610     Attention to an outward appearance deadens attention to the inward life in accordance with the law of conservation of energy.

611     If everyone is occupied with own outward appearance by hundred times more than a strange one’s then why it should be given so much consideration to an own outward appearance?

612     I don’t expect accordance between the underclothes and outdoor clothes.

613     None can guess the jewel by the casket.


outward APPEARANCE (neg.)

614     If feathers are beautiful the bird is good. 

615     Outward smoothness protects internal peace.     

616     The king’s court plays king.

617     Objective truth is nearer to pictures than to the words.

618     There are many healthy matters into a peel.

619     An outward appearance is more unique and personal thing than inward matter or separate thoughts of the man.

620     He, who laughs at the bad wineskin doesn’t know about its content.

621     Be generous! Your outward appearance is the thing which you give others.

622     He who laughs at the bad wineskin doesn’t know its content.

623               -Do you prefer to eat cabbage-stumps?

               -Eating green cabbage’s tendril is worse.


outward APPEARANCE of Anglo-Saxon (pos.)

624     I know Anglo-Saxons and their proverbs. Fair face, foul heart. Fair without, false within.


outward APPEARANCE for capitalism (pos.)

625     Unattractive masturbation and unisexual love have a good compensation by the cult of appearance.


outward APPEARANCE for interlocutor (pos.)

626     If you wish to judge according to an outward appearance, love will be a bad deed where they moan and close their eyes.


outward APPEARANCE for interlocutor (neg.)

627     I feel that an empty cigarette’s packets which lying about a pavement brought much disillusionment to you. 

628     In any case, most of people have interest to good quality of your street clothes than to your under clothes.


outward APPEARANCE for love (pos.)

629     They like to clothe beautiful high boots at the crooked legs.


outward APPEARANCE for love (neg.)

630     There are more lovers, than virtuous people are. Therefore an outward appearance is valued more.


outward APPEARANCE for a rich man (SIGHT) (pos.) (see also attractiveness, reasoning, show, title) 

631     A real rich man has lining, which is dearly his coat.


outward APPEARANCE for a scientist (pos.)

632     Nobody can tell a book by its cover.


APPLAUSE (neg.) (see also glory, gratitude, merit, praise)

633     Who is a clothes moth? Who is afraid of applause?



634     An old maid is not the body-guard yet.

635     They never rub spectacles with the shoe-polish.

636     They never sweep by hammer.

637     As your application I think you could send a worm for calling a hen.

638     Well, use operatic aria for your musical comedy. It will be ridiculous.


APPLICATION (pos., neg.)

639     Even a medicine turns into a toxic if somebody applies it erroneously.



640     An unfit stone may become the corner-stone.

641     Well, they use a stairs only for going upstairs but not downstairs.


clumsy APPLICATION (pos.)

642     It is better to go on foot from the beginning than to fall from a horse later.


APPLICATION for everybody (pos.)

643     However, I don’t remember that my father implanted a common use in our home.


APPLICATION for everything (pos.)

644     A book which fits for spiritual and corporal use is the bad one.


APPLICATION for everything (neg.)

645     A cask of salt cucumbers must keep brine too.

646     No wonder that the same cup may be used for a milk and tea.


immediate APPLICATION (pos.)

647     Well, they eat a new soup, but not the boiling one.


joint APPLICATION (pos.)

648     What to swallow meat together with bones for?


APPLICATION of rough thing (pos.)

649     What to use percussion instruments for lullaby for?


APPLY bought thing (pos.)

650     Would you swallow up a plum’s stoner because of they have been paid for?


poor man APPLY (pos.)

651     If a poor man eating a hen, it means either he is ill or the hen was ill.


rich man APPLY (neg.) (see also act, employ, prepared, use)

652     A chamber pot wouldn’t befoul a rich house.


APPOINT smth. beforehand (pos.)

653     I didn’t accustom myself to appoint the side of bread’s piece for butter beforehand.

654     I have no wish to divide a skin of living bear.


to APPOINT somebody chief (pos.)

655     If they appoint a fox chief of the forest, then it will be many feathers and few birds.


APPREHEND Jew (neg.)

656     Every the best or honest heterodox must apprehend Jews, because Talmud call to murder just the best and honest heterodox.


be an APPRENTICE (pos.)

657     There is a tale about “Simpleton, be an apprentice to hold light!” A master does love with mistress. He orders his servant to hold light one mode or another, but his wife is dissatisfies in every case. Then he exchanged places with his servant, took the light and asked mistress, “Is it good?” She answered, “It is good!” He tough, “Servant, be an apprentice to hold the light!”



658     If a man sorts out place and time first of all then he has rather inclination to coercion.



659     Why dry the trousers on the flower-bed?



660     What the lecture before the dance for?



661     They never dial a number approximately.



662     An archaeologist (historian) will has both the past and the future during his future.


ARDOUR for a believer (neg.)

663     Nobody came in the paradise without ardour.


ARGUE (pos.) (see also competition, condemn, enmity, error, opinion, scolding, superiority, talk, truth) 

664     It is impossible to out-grunt a pig. It is impossible to out-argue you.

665     An argument proves only the weakness of proofs of both sides.

666     They have a long argument if a subject of their argument is not clear for the both.

667     Don’t cry in a windy time. You would lose your voice.

668     The best rewarding for the fool is the emotional experience of “I’m right” status a time after time.

669     A clever man agrees with another clever person. A fool doesn’t agree both a clever man and a fool. You like argue with all people.

670     We become excited rather because of fervour than a truth. The truth reassures us to be calm.

671     If someone forgot that the created world is the single whole, then he takes somebody’s side.

672     You are ready to argue on account of your place near the round table.

673     Any debater is like an inveterate deceiver. When someone says him “Look up” he will look down.

674     A lily said, “If it were not torn, a rose is the good flower”. A cactus said, “If it were not torn, a rose is the bad flower”.

675     -Do you know what a man does, when he suffers from an impatient kind of ignorance?

     -What he does?

     -He arguing.

676     You are not the free-thinking person. Free-thinkers do not use the bulldog’s grip during they rush to persist in one’s opinion. They have not readiness for it.

677     Usually, debaters are like two boys who were met by Conphutzy. One of them has said the sun is nearer to the earth in the morning, because of it is larger at that time. Another one has said the sun is nearer in the afternoon because of it is hotter at that time.


ARGUE (neg.)

678     If thinking is necessary then the spirit of contradiction is better than the spirit of consent.

679     An argument gives benefit – clever men become close friends and fools become separated.

680     A man, who wishes listen new things and reasons, argues with others. It is the good man’s virtue.

681     There is no way to ascertain truth except an argument and comparison.

682     I see. You wish to live with greenhouse’s condition and you think “What to throw stones for?”

683     It is not so bad that an argument doesn’t lead to result in something. After it debaters willy-nilly begin think about the best reasoning of both sides when they could praise or condemn themselves thanks to them.

684     He who doesn't persist in one's opinion teach others treat himself with disrespect.


ARGUE with a chief (pos.)

685     Attempt to make an investigator change his mind is one of the way get oneself into hospital for mental diseases.


ARGUE against the God (neg.)

686     Are you irritated with houses? They argue against the God, too. They keep coolness in summer. And they keep warmth in winter.


ARGUE with the great man (pos.) (see also competition, condemn, enmity, error, opinion, scolding, superiority, talk, truth) 

687     I understand your wish to argue with me. One likes to argue with more clever man. I don’t wish to argue with you.

688     I don’t wish to argue with you because the others will not notice the difference between us.

689     Why I will argue with you, if one who was at the mill may argued out a man, who was at the war?

690     Arguments exist for fools. A clever man listens to cleverer one, gives advice to a weaker one and agrees with the same clever one.

691     A wish to have an argument and enmity is like the wish of lame man to break his own crutch against the head of his enemy.


ARGUE with the great man (neg.)

692     Even a bad shot has the right to the duel.

693     They never argue with the person that they have the least respect for him.

694     I have not envy for the man who attempts to reduce to silence interlocutor in order makes change his mind.


ARGUE against a husband (pos.)

695     -Are you a civilized woman?

     -Yes, I am.

     -Well. You gained a victory over me. Now, feed the captive.


loudly ARGUE (pos.)

696     I don’t think the higher priest holds censer in his hand, the more his convincingness. It seems to me that debaters have such behaviour.


ARGUE against a native people (pos.)

697     A people who stand on the block of ice don’t be priced after the game of drawing rope with a people who stand on the bank.


ARGUE with an ordinary man (pos.)

698     I understand you. It is easier to argue than to understand.


ARGUE with an ordinary man (neg.)

699     If you are a man then conquer me by argument.


ARGUE of a rich man (pos.)

700     Usually, the person who makes a living by some opinion defends it with more ardour than the man who sure of it.


ARGUE with a rich man (pos.)

701     If a dog seized the bone then it is better do not pull this bone out.


ARGUE with a woman (pos.)

702     What is benefit to argue against a woman for? If you will out-argue her, you will be a rude fellow. If she will out-argue you, you will be the fool.


ARGUMENT of corrupted persons (pos.)

703     Once, two men argued, too. One said, “It is necessary to build smoking-room for children. Another man objected him, “Let they will smoke into their drinking-hall.


logical ARGUMENT (pos.)

704     I also love logic except the case when it substitutes for facts.


ARGUMENT for an ordinary man (pos.)

705     A striving for getting into argument is the sign of juvenile immaturity.


ARISTOCRACY (neg.) (see also ambition, high birth)

706     The concept of personal honor arises during feudalism and it is better to be transferred to that nation, where there is an aristocracy.


ARISTOCRAT (pos.) (see also high birth)

707     An aristocrat is as a card-sharper. He is in the same habit of keeping calm in any situations.



708     Any man is an aristocrat among the animals. What’s wrong to be the aristocrat?

709     A slave is the man who was left without relatives' support. An aristocrat has duty always supports own relatives. Also aristocracy is the first who intercede for own nation.


ARMS (pos.) (see also weapon)

710     In the case of storm, the vessel which has guns will be capsized in the first place.

711     An armed hand is like scabby ones. It cannot be quiet.


ARMS (neg.)

712     Teeth adorn a mouth.

713     A monkey became a man when it took arms in its hand.

714     Good arms may be better than a good friend.

715     They have need in arms for numerous cases when the hope stays only for arms.

716     Swiss, Americans and Chechens armed themselves better than others. And they have freedom most of all.

717     34% of crimes into USA were frightened off by persons who have arm.

718     In Estonia the street crimes had diminution about five times after an abolition of interdiction of arms.

719     One sword keeps another in the sheath.

720     The stick is the surest peacemaker.

721     Let use juridical terms. The ban of arms means the ban of the right of self-defense.


ARMS for attack (exist)

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