…e words are about childless persons.

373     Do you wish to see smiles with small white teeth more seldom?

374     All pass away. Beauty, youth and force pass away. Lovers and mistress will pass to younger persons. Only parent’s love never passes away.

375     Well, a child must not give birth to the child.


early CHILD-BEARING (neg.)

376     Late children, early orphans.


CHILD-BEARING for great man (pos.)

377     A nightingale singing until it’s nestling are not appear.

378     Powerful and clever animals propagate themselves with difficulty among the animal kingdom.  


CHILD-BEARING for great man (neg.)

379     Only parent of many children may say to the own son: “Be hero!” Another ones may say only: “Be living by any cost!”


CHILD-BEARING for ordinary man (pos.)

380     There are many seeds into low quality watermelon.

381     Let it be that a camel has ten cubs. Nobody would lighten its load.

382     He who feels that his children will be slaves doesn’t wish to give birth to nobody.


CHILD-BEARING for ordinary man (neg.)

383     Do you fear to repeat yourself by your children? 


CHILD-BEARING for a poor man (pos.) (see also fruitfulness)

384     It is a sin to have children and have not a guarantee that they will be happy.


CHILD-BEARING with a prostitute (exist)

385     Grass grows not upon the highway.


CHILD-BEARING for a rich man (pos.)

386     Who said there is necessity at many lions?

387     I understand you. A presence of own children is the best convenient explanation of refusal for giving help to other people.


CHILD-BEARING for a rich man (neg.)

388     Yes. The love to the child has a good substitute – the love to the richness.

389     Children help own parents to get rid of an inflammation of their udder.


CHILD-BEARING for a white man (neg.)

390     A black room is not my dream. The face’s light must be white.


CHILD-BEARING for a woman (neg.)

391     I regard a woman as the queen. Who will esteem a barren queen?


CHILD for a father (pos.)

392     There are many services, which a child does his father. The first of them is to make him foolish. The last is to make him mad.


CHILD belongs to his father (neg.)

393     When I throw a coin into cigarette’s slot-machine, a pack of cigarettes leaps out from it. It already belong me but not the slot-machine. Is not it?


natural CHILD (neg.)

394     As to woman, it would be better to have a natural child, than to become the old maid.


single CHILD (pos.)

395     A sole child is more pitiless than an enemy.

396     A sole child is as a sole shirt.

397     He who has the only child is foolish or cruel or unhappy. In the old age his child will be forced to take care of him without rest-days.

398     You can brush a single tooth from all sides. But it couldn’t help you to eat well.

399     Even two grown man groan with great strain during upbringing of a single child they seem to be under-developed.


CHILDISHNESS (neg.) (see also natural behavior, simplicity)

400     Probably, your children give many problems for you because of the word “child” became so negative for you.

401     Everyone can learn three useful things thanks to the child. The child can have fun without the reason for fun. He is always engaged in a certain activity. If he requires something, he has boldness to require it.

402     Well, N is as a child. Children like to be glad to many things, and you lost your good spirits and became a pessimist already.

403     Do you like to pay great money for sense of joy?

404     The superior animal have longer childhood.



405     Many are childless because children are superfluous for them. Such childless persons are their own children.



406     Usually, a man loves rather an investment of own time and efforts than just a children. Therefore, nobody twitches when he get knowledge about thousands dying African children.


CHILDREN of an enemy (pos.)

407     A burs’ place will produce burs.


many CHILDREN (pos.)

408     Only a refuse pit could keep chickens.


many CHILDREN (neg.)

409     Many children are not only ten stomach, but twenty hands and also heads, eyes, ears, feet in addition.


own CHILDREN (pos.)

410     An ordinary fool prices oneself. A perfect fool prices one’s children.


CHOICE (pos.)

411     Some persons always begin to do a choice in order to have not doing anything.

412     Do you suppose that the fool could learn more information from sixteen TV channel than the clever man could learn from one channel?

413     Well, the freedom of choose is the good opportunity to play a scurvy trick on oneself.

414     They demand “either … or” when they wish somebody will beat one’s own mug by one’s own fists little times later his choose.

415     Any vine is good in the joy. Only unhappy man who wants to console oneself will chooses the better one.

416     If a man pines for a drink then he wouldn’t has the trouble about bottles’ outlines. But it is bad for him to drink without thirst.

417     Choose is the poignant test of self-restriction. It is necessary to choose only one thing and refuse everything else.

418     If somebody demands select “I or the beer?” then I always wish to ask, “How much beer?”

419     Any port in a storm.

420     There is but one way to enter this life, but the gates of death are without number.


CHOICE (neg.)

421     I don’t serve as fireman, who has no the right to choose the fire in according with own taste.

422     Yes. A choosing is more agonizing line of business for many people than the receiving finished choice.

423     A choosing is not liked by those who cannot compare.


CHOICE (exist)

424     If they offer many remedy against a disease then it means that this disease is incurable.

425     No choice amongst a cart of stinking fish.


CHOICE (lack)

426     I see. If some people will say that Mr. Smith died and others will say that Mr. Smith is live then you will not side with both.


CHOICE during capitalism (pos.)

427     If capitalists give people a choice of one opportunity from two, then in first year they give a half money foe one variant and pocket another half. And in second year in order “improvement” they give half money for another variant and pocket the rest of half. In each case a half of people will be satisfied and another half of people will accuse oneself of own bad choice.


free CHOICE (pos.)

428     When they offer to choose one thing among something very bad, bad, good or very good, it really means that they try to impose the non best choice on somebody.


CHOICE of a great man (neg.) (see also opinion)

429     An eagle doesn’t find the place for its touchdown at once.


large CHOICE (lack)

430     What to become as foolish lover who cannot see the numerous choice for?


CHOICE of a poor man (exist) (see also availability, fastidiousness, freedom)

431     Mother-in-law always leaves some choice for her son-in-law, “To be naked or to be without the shirt”.

432     Well, all a poor man’s life is the permanent choice between slave labour and crime.


CHOICE for a subordinate (pos.)

433     If a maiden doesn’t choose the master, she chooses the robber.


CHOOSE of a chief (neg.)

434     If it is not matter who is helmsman then the ship goes to the bottom.


to CHOP the bough of your sitting place (neg.)

435     N knows better us that this bough is the pale for impaling him.


CHRIST (pos.)

436     Christ promised own return contemporaries. I have a suspicion that the God doesn’t let off him in the world because of his heresy.

437     Well, Christ made a great revolution. Now kings of dark act openly by any lighting, but kings of light prefer act unostentatiously.

438     The teacher who ended his life badly is worse than the teacher who had a good end.

439     I think if somebody is not from this world then don’t go in a strange cloister with one’s own regulations.

440     If people had condemned hypnotism then they would have condemned both advertisement and many preachers. In this case Christ may be condemned, too.

441     Bible said that the world has the same order as the heaven. So, the heaven has the same problem between God-Farther and God-son.

442     The teaching of Christ is more widespread now than during his life. Where is the superiority of his divine force over the natural law of spreading of information?



443     He teaches ill, who teaches all by the same words.


CHRIST (pos., neg.)

444     If Antichrist is like Christ then Christ is like Antichrist.


CHRIST (neg.)

445     Everyone who has no need the model of good person has no need Christ.


CHRIST loves people (pos.)

446     When people see incorrigibility of somebody they “forgive” him never argue with him never condemn and punish him. Christ didn’t loved people. He saw their incorrigibility. He advised “forgive”.

447     The God loves foul creatures. He promises a paradise to any offender who would believe Him. Such love insults honest people. In this respect Koran is not better than Christian God.


CHRIST for an old man (pos.)

448     Christ cannot have absolute authority over a man who is elder 33 years.


CHRIST revived!

449     a) –Thanks.

     b) –I know.

     c) –They warned me already.

     d) –Really? Are tradesmen driven out Christian temples?


CHRIST as Our Saviour (pos.)

450     Is he the true saviour? 14 thousand of babies were killed after his birth right away.



451     Wolfs steal even a christened sheep.

452     I had christening, too. However, I fell because of my hang-over.

453     There is no that everyone who had christening entered paradise.


CHRISTENING for a baby (pos.)

454     Well, If a man has no trust the God, then he regards baby the depraved person and thinks it is necessary to christen him urgently.

455     To christen baby means to consider the God has unequal regard to creatures who are equally sinless.


CHRISTIAN (pos.) (see also Mussulman)

456     Christians sin with a great calm. They know that their judge and advocate are one and the same figure.

457     A soul of every Christian has an inquisitor who kindles fire on the head’s top of his enemy.

458     There are not true Christians. All present Christians are fool and intractable. They have two Christmas.

459     Words “The God loves you” recruit rather outcasts.  



460     Christianity propagated the compassion and suffering became the benefit occupation. And the world becomes to fill with beggars and cripples.

461     The system of humbleness to sins and the system of accommodation to sins resemble Christianity.

462     Christianity spoils people. It demands to have a force sooner for suffering than for bold deeds which would remove this suffering.

463     Christianity is not for good men. It finds more satisfaction in one repented sinner than in 99 just men who have no need repentance (Luka 15:7).

464     I don’t wish to be together with killers, prostitutes and other sinners at one and the same place – God’s feet.

465     This conception couldn’t be so good because twelve traitors were the first people who approved and propagated it.

466     I know this Jesus’ worshippers. They assume the name Jesuits.

467     Well, Christian church is the good friend. It helps both ruins oneself and to be glad for this result.

468     Christian religion is more far from a verisimilitude because it supposes an obligatory and complacent God’s love to the all His unsuccessful creatures.

469     The Christian church has no a great trouble about morals of its priests. It acquits this practice by the words “You may take one’s penicillin from a bad doctor, too.”

470     Admirers of offenders are like Christians. Creation of Drakula’s museum had the same way as creations of Christian sacred things.

471     All kinds of anti-hero, such as hippy, pank and emo are outcome of Christian culture.

472     Christian care of each other is only the half of care for each other. Another half is the Moslem (or Stalin’s) fight against antagonists who don’t wish to have care of each other.


CHRISTIANITY for a blunder head (pos.)

473     -Is N a blunder head?

     -Yes, he is.

     -Then Christianity is dangerous for him. His finger may to hit his eye during crossing.


CHRISTIANITY for a creator (neg.)

474     Christian commandments fulfilled only by creative person. Only creator can abandon his father and mother and follow God the same as he follow own vocation. 


old-fashioned CHRISTIANITY (pos., lack)

475     Everyone who wishes a new Christ’s coming must considers his “New behest” as  old-fashioned ones.


CHRISTIANITY for an old man (pos.)

476     An old age is the second childhood. It needs kindergarten which has toys and an image of Father and Mother instead of dead ones.


CHRISTIANITY for an ordinary man (pos.)

477     All wolves and all jackals like lamb-like man.


CHRISTIANITY for a poor man (pos.) (see also cruelty, enmity, kill, kindness, malice, obedience) 

478     A poor man hasn’t a base for love to himself. So, he couldn’t have a good love to his neighbour, because, in according with the Bible, the love to them must be the same as his love to himself.


CHRISTIANITY for a priest (pos.)

479     Do you think nobody sees your tavern? The most profitable tavern is near the God’s grave.


CHRISTIANITY for a son of Jew (neg.)

480     Even the God couldn’t help you with your misfortune. He has the same.



481     The next hope for the good future ruins with every coming of the next Christmas.


CHURCH (pos.)

482     Well, Christian martyrs must stand their perishable bodies, ailments, hard work, imperfect orders. So, they must stand the unfit church, too.


CHURCH (neg.)

483     Only long living organization has ability to become a keeper of long living values such as knowledge and moral.


Christian CHURCH (pos.)

484     A church is more unjust than a State. Putin’s income tax that is 13% for all is in favour of the rich, because it enriches them first and foremost. A church sale candles for the poor and the rich with the same cost. So, it impoverishes poor men first and foremost.


CINEMA (pos.)

485     Well, criminals consider cinema as the most loved kind of art.


CIRCUMSTANTIAL evidence (neg.)

486     If the wash-tub is that then the bath-house is that, too.


CIRCUS (pos.)

487     Many people like the place where animals conduct themselves as persons and persons conduct themselves as monkeys.



488     Well, a citation is the good brake for thinking.

489     Strange words corroborate rather strange ideas.

490     With the gospel, one becomes a heretic.

491     Quotations are dangerous things because they may conceal and justify bad things.


CITE (pos.)

492     Could you invent something at this place without traveling in X?

493     A man who proves something with the help of the cite uses rather a memory than a mind.

494     Pleading bad deeds of others is like washing by the slush.



495     Civilization increases evil. A civilized world is worst of all adapted to the fight with evil.

496     However, a portion of lawyers has increase. The development of civilization involves the growth of offences. Isn’t it?


CIVILIZATION for a great man (pos.)

497     Poor lion! How many years he lost into the wilderness, but not into zoological gardens!


CIVILIZATION in Russia (neg.)

498     Well, as for civilization, Russia is behind England and Holland, which waged war against each other six years because of nutmegs.



499     Even clairvoyants ask about “Who is there?”

500     The clairvoyance is strange. Nobody can take a clear view of the telephone number of my promised husband (bride).

501     Why there is no unbeliever, who could point bones of Christ? Is it really that all clairvoyant are Christians?

502     The serpent wheedled people out of paradise by the words “Your eyes will be opened”.

503     If “clairvoyants” would be clairvoyants indeed then their hearts were breaking because of people’s sufferings.

504     I understand you. Many persons wish to learn to clairvoyance in order to read somebody else’s hearts and touch their covers.



505     A male who has not ability to love has notability to understand the clairvoyance, too.


CLANGING of bell (neg.)

506     I understand you. Money’s clanging is more pleasant.



507     An itch may be brought even from a bath.

508     They don’t wash ears down to the waist.

509     When a cat has no pursuit, it licks own ass.

510     Any washing wouldn’t make the eye of anal hole.

511     The clean rain makes dirty boots.

512     A man, who climbs out dirt, values cleanness more than anybody else.

513     Do you clear bread away from its crust?

514     I don’t understand you. According to my observations, the odour of clean table-cloth savour of taverns. And the odour of clean bed-clothes savour of train or hotel.

515     Usually, a man is clean if he is out of use.

516     Is X (slop-pail, shoes, …) your intimate friend that you strive for its cleanness?

517     A short-sighted man sees only foam and dirt but not beauty and power of spring stream.

518     You will dirty another thing when you will clean something. It is the nonsense for person who treats with respect the nature.

519     A clean manger was made by a hungry horse.

520     He who like cleanness is squeamish. And the squeamish man always feels that he lives in dirty world.



521     Let a pack of tea would tear into the clean beg.

522     There are such organisms that the filth is the nutrient medium for them.

523     I don’t hide my jewelry amidst dirt.


CLEANNESS for male (pos.)

524     You like cleanness in order to have no kissing woman’s hands.


CLEANNESS for a place (pos.)

525     Well, it is not the place where anybody may defecate. However, it is not the place where they drink tea.


CLEANNESS for a working place (pos.)

526     Of course, the cleanest place belongs to you. When you have closed your mouth, your working place immediately becomes clear.


CLEANNESS for a working place (neg.)

527     The deck must be pure for a battle.



528     A good book has no clearness till the last page.

529     It is impossible to freeze to the death in the smoky place.

530     There is no sense in cleaning of pot’s side if a dirty permanent falling out from the pot.



531     Any lie needs a vague expression.

532     If a chin is clean-shaven then it has clear outline.



533     Vagueness appears when there is the vagueness of interest of judge. Let’s clear up them.


CLERGY (pos.)

534     The weaker a man, the more force of God is observed by him. People’s sickness is interest for church-goers.

535     If rulers have the brazenness to assume power over souls also, then they assume the name clergy.

536     Philosophers said many bad words about clergy. A clergy said many bad words about philosophers. But philosophers never murdered priests. On contrary a clergy murdered many philosophers.


CLERK (pos.)

537     A man is great when he is against a background of heaven but not an office table.


CLEVER (pos.)

538     Don’t over praise clever men. The most gloating laughter is intelligent one.

539     While a clever man decides to merry somebody, the fool marries off his son.


CLEVER (exist)

540     Yes, N is clever. He understood early that learning couldn’t be tardy for any age.


CLING (pos.)

541     Weeds cling to something best of all.

542     N is not the best. He cannot cling to anything.


CLIP for a great man (pos.)

543     An eagle can’t fly with clipped wings.


presence of CLOCK (pos.)

544     What is good in clocks? A smart man and a lazy-bone lose their temper equally looking at them.


CLOSE (neg.)

545     A good grape is clung close.


CLOTHES (pos.) (see also appearance, dress, garment, nakedness, show)

546     He who can’t distinguish oneself by one’s glory, distinguish himself by one’s dress.

547     I see. You offer yourself with great endeavor. Will anybody be tempted with you without your endeavor?

548     It is better to be gold into a pot, than to be silk pillow, which filled with a straw.

549     It is easier to suppose that Carden’s suit is dressed on Antichrist than on Christ. Who can’t understand it?

550     A fox’s skin is a cause of its mishaps.

551     Clothes are the most ancient falsehood, which was invented by old men for the sake of preservation their dignity.

552     Rich clothes are a variety of game of chance with a bluff.

553     A charm of horse is not its saddle. A charm of man is not his dress.

554     A charm of person is his heart. A charm of snake is its skin.

555     Is it a bad busy to teach men to distinguish a shell from the kernel of the nut and to make someone’s intellect greater?

556     The more clothes, the less freedom.


CLOTHES (neg.) 

557     A person may be estimated by his clothes, just as a tree by its fruits.

558     Everyone could receive a hungry guest, but not the naked one.

559     Cloth is more important thing, than you are. I can go anywhere without you, but not without my clothes.

560     Even the skin of a tiger is a burden for a donkey.

561     They say, “He can” about a person, who wear good clothes. They say, “He can not” about a person, who wears a bad one’s.

562     I know. A blind man has the same interest to clothes as a satisfied man to the food.                    

563     A tree is beautiful by its foliage, and a person – by his clothes.

564     Nobody beat a drum, which is covered with carpet.


dirty CLOTHES (neg.)

565     Why one must be dressed into only clean and new clothes, as a deceased?


fashionable CLOTHES (pos.) (see also stylish clothes)

566     If insignificant person has need in something, which has a high cost, then it is rather some fashionable thing.

567     All people want to live either spiritual life or to live like Bill Geitz. In both cases they wish to spit upon fashionable clothes.


good CLOTHES for a poor man (pos.) (see also rich clothes)

568     A poor man who has more good clothes among poor ones is more double-faced.


good CLOTHES for a young man (pos.)

569     Beautiful dress is necessary for an old man. But a young man must be beautiful by himself.

570     I agree with you. Every decent young man must to take a great interest in collection of socks as the worst.


holey CLOTHES (neg.)

571     There are many holes into the rich pie.

572     A cheese has holes, too.


irrelevant CLOTHES (pos.)

573     Nobody dresses even a beautiful chain mail for the wedding-day.


multi-coloured CLOTHES (neg.)

574     The one who tracks down nobody is not afraid to dress multi-coloured clothes.


my CLOTHES (neg.)

575          -My dress is better, than your ones.


          -Because it’s my one’s.


new CLOTHES (pos.)

576     Are you agitated in a spring thanks to your new galosh?

577     However a half of Paris would know nothing about your new shawl.


new CLOTHES for me (neg.)

578     A bitch becomes emaciated and becomes fat at the same skin. But I am not a bitch.


rich CLOTHES (pos.) (see also good clothes)

579     Rich clothes is the favorite dress of motley.

580     Rich clothes improve spirits. I can suppose what a bore you are in yourself.

581     A beautiful stuffed bird is stuffed with nothing valuable.


rich CLOTHES (neg.)

582     They recognize the honorable temple thanks to its gates.


rich CLOTHES for a woman (pos.)

583     It’s surprising, how much one has to pay to look like a cheap whore.


stylish CLOTHES (pos.) (see also fashionable clothes)

584     Dress yourself in accordance with your taste. And you will have more happiness. You will be attractive just for those who have the same taste.


stylish CLOTHES for a woman (neg.)

585     Let’s be learning of subordination for a woman even by new stylish clothes.


night CLUB (pos.)

586     I see, prostitutes and narcotic dealers want to have legal places for their activities. They arrange grants “for development of night life”.


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